Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks – March of the Lich King Week 9 – February 2023

Finally! Balance update went live last week and it was big. While many people didn’t think that it’s going to be enough, it actually made the meta quite more enjoyable. Rogue and Demon Hunter no longer completely dominated higher ranks, while a lot of previously unpopular decks (especially variations of Unholy Death Knight) have popped up all around the ladder.

Sadly, other than Death Knights (which probably would be good even without the patch as the meta shifted), the buff part of the patch didn’t make a major impact. Control Warrior and Undead Priest were the biggest buff targets and both of them are still kind of bad. Undead Priest is at least playable (but barely), Warrior on the other hand… not so much. Yes, some high Legend folks are having success, but high Legend is still a pocket meta – even though not as bad as it was before.

The worst part is that decks like Imp Warlock, Big Spell Mage and Beast Hunter are some of the more popular and best performing builds. Of course, I don’t have anything against those decks in particular, but the “problem” here is that they didn’t change much (or at all) since previous expansion. After playing against basically the same builds for months already, things can get a bit boring. Of course, with no new card releases, a patch can only do so much. Luckily, the mini-set should be just around the corner.

Last year, it was announced on February 10 and released on February 15. If we follow the same schedule, it would be February 9 (Thursday) announcement and February 14 (Tuesday) release. I think it makes sense – they don’t want to push the patch too far away, because they don’t want to release the mini-set (25.4) and announce a new expansion (25.6) right after. There are also a lot of other stuff to announce like next year’s roadmap (if they give us any) and of course new Standard year. We might also need a room for another balance update. In other words, it’s going to get busy in March, so getting out that mini-set now would make most sense. The only other possibility I see is something like Feb 16/21, but again, that might be a bit too late.

And by the way – since we’re in the middle of Heroic Tavern Brawl, I’ve decided to throw in some 12 wins decks too. I already compiled them in our Brawl post, but just in case you’re looking for something – there they are. And to be fair, you can just play them on the ladder too since Brawl is also in Standard format. And if you’re still wondering whether you should play Brawl or not – I don’t recommend it unless you really want to get those 3 wins for the Death Knight skin. On average, you’re going to lose a lot of gold. Going above 3 wins is really challenging even if you’re a decent player. And I know that first-hand. I played the Brawl twice (hoped to repeat my 11 wins from the last time Heroic Brawl was around) and went 8-3 and 4-3 despite being a relatively high Legend player myself. It’s just tough and a streak of bad luck can end your run in a blink of an eye.

Below, you will find a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.

If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!

If you’re looking for the best Wild Format decks, check out our Wild Meta Tier List!

Hearthstone Standard Legend Decks of the Week

Hearthstone Brawliseum Decks of the Week

Hearthstone Wild Legend Decks of the Week


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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  1. Sbud78
    February 6, 2023 at 3:22 am

    can confirm, Levik’s Murloc Shaman looks like bait, but is a stupid off meta fun way to reach legend