Our Hearthstone meta tier list ranks the top decks for The Great Dark Beyond expansion (with Heroes of StarCraft mini-set). We always try to include one of the best deck lists for each archetype. However, if you’re looking for an alternative, we also link archetype pages so you can check out different versions.
If you win 5 games on the Hearthstone ladder, this is the card back you will receive this month (Season 131):

Meta Tier List Rankings
If you are curious what the absolute best decks are right now, here’s a list of them below. This list of deck rankings is based on various sources including Vicious Syndicate, HSreplay, as well as our own ladder experience. The provided decks are sample lists and aren’t always the only option when building for that particular archetype (for a full list of decks, click the link below description).
Tier 1 Decks
Tier 2 Decks
- 1Catch of the Day2
- 1Cup o’ Muscle2
- 2Birdwatching2
- 3Food Fight1
- 3Punch Card1
- 3Reserved Spot2
- 4Char2
- 5Warsong Grunt2
Tier 3 Decks
- 1Deafen2
- 1Glacial Shard2
- 2Photon Cannon2
- 2Quick Pick2
- 3Swarthy Swordshiner2
- 3Void Ray2
- 4Chrono Boost2
- 4Cover Artist1
- 7Artanis1
- 1Deafen2
- 1Miracle Salesman1
- 2Birdwatching2
- 2Gold Panner2
- 2Photon Cannon2
- 3Void Ray2
- 4Chrono Boost2
- 7Artanis1
Hey! I have just returned to Hearthstone and I have a question about the free decks.
What happens if I do have some legendary cards from the free deck I choose? They will give me a second copy or I would lose it? If this last one is the case, I would have to disenchant the cards before picking the deck to get all of them. How does it work? Thanks!
Reno warrior is not that good rn ://
Reno decks this past week have pretty much all fallen off the top tier list(s) or at the very least, then pushed way back on the totem pole, I feel like blizzard made made some adjustments for that to intentionally happen a couple days ago Reno Priest and Reno Druid were both up on top tier list, over the weekend the Meta shifted significantly and a lot of the Reno recipes were countered by
Other archetype at least weakened, right now I do a twitch stream yesterday actually, I did an all ranked play all Reno decks. I did priest Druid and a warlock and a mage. And they struggled if I wouldn’t have done that I’d be cleared of diamond in legendary. I’ll say this I haven’t come across a lot of warrior Renos and whenever there’s a an unpopular archetype, those can be super Meta busters because they’re like a sleeper. No one’s expecting them. I made a warlock Reno because it’s not really been done this season and surprisingly out of all the Renos. I ran yesterday that one actually was the best. I’m actually gonna post it on my page so if you want a good Reno that no one’s using my good. If the reason you’re looking for info on Reno Warrior is your debating on crafting it and dusting a bunch of cards and or putting money in. If it’s gonna cost you a lot personally I would skip it if you have like a majority of the cards and it’s no big deal go for it but if it’s a financial thing I feel like there’s other decks you could craft they’re gonna be way more efficient way more valuable best bang for your butt kind of thing
(March 3rd, 2024)
You need to put bounce azerite scorpion on here. It’s broken.
Ok I understand that this is supposed to represent the win rate of these decks and not their actual power level… But honestly this one is criminally misleading. No matter its win rate in bronze to gold, you can’t put an arguably tier 0 deck in tier 2. Druid ramp is the most dominant deck we’ve seen in… almost 2 years? Even without Tony.
Or at least add some explanations in that type of scenarios.
Thanks for the decklist. I’m playing actually the Demo control Thaddius and i got a lot of fun and a 7-1 run winrate with it 🙂
I’ve got brilliant 1previous season on pure paladin. Just didn’t have enough persistence to beat last 2 wins.
And now I’m trying to play same pure paladin, same archetype but a bit different cards, however I can’t get out of gold, continue loosing in strike like 10 times, w/o any chances to various very different very fun decks
I mean: how this rating is related to reality?
Yeah It looks very inconsistent for me. Perhaps these numbers are more true in high Legend. I see myself losing over and over to Warlock Control no matter how I play, even considering auto-loss most of the times…
I’m glad Spell DH is still playable (:
No Mage nor Warlock in T1 nor T2? ????
And by cheaper decks, I mean just a few, depending on which random legendaries you’ve been fortunate enough to receive/open.
Some of these meta decks are so expensive to make. I’m glad there’s plenty of cheaper ones to balance it out.
why is the miracle rogue decklist a naga priest decklist
because the deck runs maestra
Anybody else playing against friends and they say they can see your cards you have in your deck??
I meant hand not deck
Imo, Mech Mage should be a tier 1 deck. It’s absolutely ridiculous when you have 2 Mecha Sharks and you bust out a Gaia. OTK Potential.
The questline decks have barely changed at all…
You mean like QL Mage? QL Rogue? QL Warlock? Newsflash: these decks don’t exist anymore.
Check the date lol
Is it only me or hasn’t there been any comment on standard’s top decks for the last 6 months!?
Why are you only posting the lists? There were descriptions and small analysis or thoughts on the decks before. It was interesting to read.
I’ll post descriptions when the meta stabilizes a bit. It takes quite a while to do a write-up about every single deck and it’s kind of a wasted effort if they e.g. announce a balance update tomorrow and whole meta changes.
I’m focusing on more important stuff like budget decks for now and then I’ll look into deck descriptions when I update it in 1-2 weeks 🙂
You did great job!)
This site isn’t top site about hearthstone BUT I like fresh clean look and always check decks here)
To many advertisement that the copy deck code don’t work
This has to be the most miserable meta in sometime. So many decks that feel horrible to play against. Bring on the mini-set.
Deck of lunacy still one of the deck card in spell mage and easy to play.. ppl just bored seeing maybe not include but i disagree
I love how Mankrik started off as a meme and now it has become one of if not the most played card in the current meta
“Help me find my wife!”
I am having fun playing with five classes now after the much appreciated nerfs. I still keep losing to Paladins. So annoying. Wish there was some counter. I just do not see the point of secrets. For Example: Not knowing counterspell is not fun. Checking for all the secrets every turn is so annoying. Oh my yog, rat trap1 makes the game un fun. There is actually no strategy involved in playing secrets. Secrets are very unfun mechanic.
U what m8/grl? Secrets are one of the more fun mechanics in the game (IMAO at least). This is because it introduces a higher level of thinking to the game, punishing the other side for sticking to a default (and often brainless) strategy. However, if the opposing player can adapt and play around the secrets, it becomes an advantage, because the mana spent could have mainly gone into higher board pre-scene.
Also, if your having trouble against secret paladin, the answer on how to beat them is simple… play around the secrets and most importantly, git gud.
I love the list but I’m surprised that midrange demon hunter doesn’t even make an appearance. DH is pretty much all that I play and midrange definitely feels very solid and that its up there with deathrattle. Did it not make the cut?
I’ve been playing the game for long, but I’ve never been and I’ll never be a Pro.
So said, I love Mage, but I can’t even reach Gold 5 at the moment.
Fun fact, I’ve lost most of the matches in which I got Lunacy, as I’ve been unlucky enough to get bad spells.
I haven’t find Shaman, nor Hunter.
Only once a Druid, and, after that,
Warlock a lot
Mage very close
Demon Hunter and Paladin
Priests a few
At gold 5 it doesn’t really matter which deck you play, trust me. It’s all about your gameplay.
No warrior, feels sad man.
Warrior went from one of the best classes to worst class in the current meta. I’m sure that things will change, but right now the class is doing very poorly.
I actually miss priest right now. I know people hate it but non rez priest is actually ok.
In the section of the Libram Paladin, it says that Taelan Fordring draws Libram of Hope, but Taelan doesn’t draw spells, does it?
read that wrong, nevermind
You read right, they have change and fixed very fast 😀
You were right 🙂 It’s just that someone pointed it out to me on Discord and I fixed it soon after posting, but then it might take some time to update.
Hmmm…. I am considering crafting deck of lunacy. That sounds fun, but a weird meta…
The deck is very, very fun to play, but I’m like 99% sure it will get nerfed and not sure if Lunacy will be the one targeted (there are other ways to nerf it – Incanter’s Flow, Refreshing Spring Water), so do it at your own risk.
I’m not that expert, but a nerf should be fine because how strong is a deck, rather than how popular?
It’s not that strong, and I may have been very unlucky, but it’s not the one I’ve played against the most
Standard tier list updated today. What a lucky time to check the site. 🙂
Pure paladin, no Yrel??
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And I understand, I also use adblock on many websites. The issue is that with so many people using adblock, ads needed to get more intrusive to keep the website’s revenue. I’m really sorry about that, but sadly that’s not up to me 🙁 But I’ll try to talk about it with the marketing department at the company again.
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Thank you. Just like most of the websites, we’re making money solely through the ads if that’s what you’re asking about.