Congratulations on your newly acquired Legendary! We created this page to help you find a deck for your new card, or maybe help you decide if you should recycle it for dust to create something better.
Keep in mind that before you dust a card, there is always a chance it may be useful in the future. A card like Al'Akir the Windlord was considered a low tier Legendary until players found a place for him. However, there are Legendaries like Gruul and The Beast that have never seen real play in competitive decks and are usually considered arcane dust fodder.
This database only uses decks from this particular site. There are a lot more decks out there, and in general this database is pooled from top players and does not contain lower tier decks unless they were in an experimental state. If you don’t find a recent deck on this site, consider looking to other websites or trying your hand at crafting your own deck before dusting.
What Deck Does My Legendary Fit In?
Choose Your Legendary... A. F. Kay Ace Hunter Kreen Acidmaw Activate the Obelisk Aegwynn, the Guardian Aggramar, the Avenger Akali, the Rhino Akama Al’Akir the Windlord Al’Akir, the Winds of Time Al’ar Alexandros Mograine Alexstrasza Alexstrasza the Life-Binder Algalon the Observer Altruis the Outcast Aluneth Aman’Thul Ambassador Faelin Amitus, the Peacekeeper Anachronos Ancharrr Anetheron Anka, the Buried Anomalus Anub’Rekhan Anub’arak Apothecary Helbrim Ara’lon Aranna, Thrill Seeker Arch-Villain Rafaam Archbishop Benedictus Archdruid Naralex Archivist Elysiana Archmage Antonidas Archmage Arugal Archmage Vargoth Archspore Msshi’fn Archwitch Willow Arfus Argus, the Emerald Star Armagedillo Artificer Xy’mox Astalor Bloodsworn Astromancer Solarian Asvedon, the Grandshield Auctioneer Jaxon Auctionmaster Beardo Avenge the Fallen Aviana Awaken the Makers Aya Blackpaw Azalina Soulthief Baku the Mooneater Balinda Stonehearth Bandersmosh Barak Kodobane Barista Lynchen Baron Geddon Baroness Vashj Bazaar Burglary Bearon Gla’shear Beastmaster Leoroxx Beaststalker Tavish Blackhowl Gunspire Blackrock ‘n’ Roll Blackwater Behemoth Blademaster Okani Blademaster Samuro Blastmaster Boom Blightfang Blingtron 3000 Blood Matriarch Liadrin Blood-Queen Lana’thel Bloodmage Thalnos Bloodreaver Gul’dan Bolf Ramshield Bolner Hammerbeak Bolvar Fordragon Bolvar, Fireblood Bonelord Frostwhisper Boomboss Tho’grun Boommaster Flark Botface Bounce Around (ft. Garona) Brightwing Bru’kan Bru’kan of the Elements Bulwark of Azzinoth Buttons Bwonsamdi, the Dead C’Thun C’thun, the Shattered Cage Head Cairne Bloodhoof Cannonmaster Smythe Captain Galvangar Captain Greenskin Captain Hooktusk Carefree Cookie Caria Felsoul Cariel Roame Carress, Cabaret Star Catrina Muerte Cenarius Cera’thine Fleetrunner Chameleos Chef Nomi Chenvaala Chillin’ Vol’jin Chillmaw Cho’Gall Cho’gall, Twilight Chieftain Chromie, Timehopper Ci’Cigi Climactic Necrotic Explosion Close the Portal Clutchmother Zavas Colaque Colifero the Artist Colossus of the Moon Command the Elements Commander Rhyssa Commander Sivara Commander Ulthok Complete the Ritual Confessor Paletress Cookie the Cook Cornelius Roame Corrupt the Waters Countess Ashmore Crabatoa Create a Distraction Cruise Captain Lora Crystal Core Crystalsmith Kangor DJ Manastorm Da Undatakah Dar’Khan Drathir Darius Crowley Dark Inquisitor Xanesh Dark Pharaoh Tekahn Darkbishop Benedictus Death Speaker Blackthorn Deathbringer Saurfang Deathstalker Rexxar Deathwing Deathwing the Destroyer Deathwing, Dragonlord Deathwing, Mad Aspect Decimator Olgra Deck of Chaos Deck of Lunacy Deepminer Brann Defend the Dwarven District Defend the Squirrels Defense Attorney Nathanos Devourer of Souls Dinotamer Brann Disciplinarian Gandling Discover the Void Shard Doctor Holli’dae Doctor Krastinov Dollmaster Dorian Don Han’Cho Dr. Boom Dr. Boom, Mad Genius Dr. Morrigan Dr. Stitchensew Dragon Soul Dragonbane Dragoncaller Alanna Dragonqueen Alexstrasza Dragonrider Talritha Dreadlich Tamsin Dreadscale Dreamplanner Zephrys Drek’Thar Drilly the Kid Duskfallen Aviana E.T.C., Band Manager E.T.C., God of Metal Eadric the Pure Edwin VanCleef Edwin, Defias Kingpin Elder Nadox Electra Stormsurge Elise the Enlightened Elise the Trailblazer Elise, Badlands Savior Elite Tauren Champion Elite Tauren Chieftain Eliza Goreblade Emeriss Emperor Thaurissan Envoy Rustwix Eonar, the Life-Binder Establish the Link Evocation Eydis Darkbane Face Collector Fandral Staghelm Fanottem, Lord of the Opera Fel Lord Betrug Felerin, the Forgotten Feral Friendsy Final Showdown Find the Imposter Finja, the Flying Star Fire Plume’s Heart Firemancer Flurgl Fjola Lightbane Flame Behemoth Flame Leviathan Flark’s Boom-Zooka Flightmaster Dungar Flik Skyshiv Flint Firearm Flobbidinous Floop Floop’s Glorious Gloop Foe Reaper 4000 Forest Warden Omu Freya, Keeper of Nature Frizz Kindleroost Frost Lich Jaina Frost Queen Sindragosa Frostmourne Fye, the Setting Sun G’huun the Blood God Gahz’rilla Gaia, the Techtonic Gain Momentum Galakrond, Azeroth’s End (Priest) Galakrond, Azeroth’s End (Rogue) Galakrond, Azeroth’s End (Shaman) Galakrond, Azeroth’s End (Warlock) Galakrond, Azeroth’s End (Warrior) Galakrond, the Apocalypse (Priest) Galakrond, the Apocalypse (Rogue) Galakrond, the Apocalypse (Shaman) Galakrond, the Apocalypse (Warlock) Galakrond, the Apocalypse (Warrior) Galakrond, the Nightmare Galakrond, the Tempest Galakrond, the Unbreakable Galakrond, the Unspeakable Galakrond, the Wretched Game Master Nemsy Gazlowe Gelbin Mekkatorque General Vezax Genn Greymane Genzo, the Shark Geosculptor Yip Gigafin Glinda Crowskin Glugg the Gulper Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot Going Down Swinging Golganneth, the Thunderer Goliath, Sneed’s Masterpiece Gonk, the Raptor Gorgonzormu Gormok the Impaler Goru the Mightree Gral, the Shark Grand Empress Shek’zara Grand Magister Rommath Grand Magus Antonidas Grand Totem Eys’or Greybough Griftah Griftah, Trusted Vendor Grommash Hellscream Grumble, Worldshaker Gruul Guff Runetotem Gunslinger Kurtrus Hack the System Hadronox Hagatha the Fabled Hagatha the Witch Hakkar, the Soulflayer Halazzi, the Lynx Halduron Brightwing Haleh, Matron Protectorate Halkias Hallazeal the Ascended Halveria Darkraven Hamm, the Hungry Harbinger Celestia Harrison Jones Harth Stonebrew Headmaster Kel’Thuzad Heartbreaker Hedanis Hedra the Heretic Heistbaron Togwaggle Helya Hemet Nesingwary Hemet, Foam Marksman Hemet, Jungle Hunter Herald Volazj Hex Lord Malacrass High Abbess Alura High Cultist Basaleph High Exarch Yrel High Inquisitor Whitemane High Priest Amet High Priest Thekal High Priestess Jeklik Highlord Fordragon Hir’eek, the Bat Hobart Grapplehammer Hodir, Father of Giants Hogger Hogger, Doom of Elwynn Hope of Quel’Thalas Houndmaster Shaw Huntsman Altimor Hydralodon Icehowl Ignis, the Eternal Flame Il’gynoth Illuminate the Void Imp King Rafaam Inara Stormcrash Incindius Infiltrator Lilian Infinitize the Maxitude Ini Stormcoil Inkmaster Solia Instructor Fireheart Inventor Boom Invincible Inzah Iron Juggernaut Ivus, the Forest Lord Ixlid, Fungal Lord JIVE, INSECT! Jace Darkweaver Jan’alai, the Dragonhawk Jandice Barov Jepetto Joybuzz Jotun, the Eternal Joymancer Jepetto Jungle Giants Justicar Trueheart Kael’thas Sinstrider Kael’thas Sunstrider Kalecgos Kalimos, Primal Lord Kangor’s Endless Army Kangor, Dancing King Kanrethad Ebonlocke Kargal Battlescar Kargath Bladefist Kathrena Winterwisp Kayn Sunfury Kazakus Kazakus, Golem Shaper Kazakusan Keeper Stalladris Kel’Thuzad, the Inevitable Keli’dan the Breaker Keymaster Alabaster Keywarden Ivory Khadgar Khaz’goroth King Krush King Mosh King Mukla King Phaoris King Plush King Tide King Togwaggle Kingpin Pud Kingsbane Kiri, Chosen of Elune Knock ‘Em Down Knuckles Kologarn Kor’vas Bloodthorn Korrak the Bloodrager Kotori Lightblade Krag’wa, the Frog Kresh, Lord of Turtling Kronx Dragonhoof Krul the Unshackled Kryxis the Voracious Kun the Forgotten King Kurtrus Ashfallen Kurtrus, Demon-Render Lady Anacondra Lady Ashvane Lady Darkvein Lady Deathwhisper Lady Liadrin Lady Naz’jar Lady Prestor Lady S’theno Lady Vashj Lady in White Lakkari Sacrifice Learn the Truth Leeroy Jenkins Li’Na, Shop Manager Lightforged Cariel Lilian Voss Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron Lokholar the Ice Lord Lor’themar Theron Lord Barov Lord Godfrey Lord Jaraxxus Lord Marrowgar Lorekeeper Polkelt Lorewalker Cho Lost in the Park Lothar Lothraxion the Redeemed Love Everlasting Lucentbark Luna’s Pocket Galaxy Lynessa Sunsorrow Lyra the Sunshard MC Blingtron Madam Goya Madame Lazul Maestra of the Masquerade Maestra, Mask Merchant Magatha, Bane of Music Magister Dawngrasp Magtheridon Magtheridon, Unreleased Maiev Shadowsong Making Mummies Mal’Ganis Malfurion the Pestilent Malkorok Malorne Malygos Malygos the Spellweaver Malygos, Aspect of Magic Mankrik Marin the Fox Marin the Manager Marked a Traitor Maruut Stonebinder Master Oakheart Maw and Paw Maxima Blastenheimer Mayor Noggenfogger Mecha’thun Mekgineer Thermaplugg Mes’Adune the Fractured Metamorphosis Mi’da, Pure Light Millhouse Manastorm Mimiron’s Head Mimiron, the Mastermind Mindflayer Kaahrj Mindrender Illucia Mistah Vistah Mister Mukla Mogor the Ogre Mojomaster Zihi Moonfang Moorabi Mordresh Fire Eye Mozaki, Master Duelist Mr. Smite Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale Murgur Murgurgle Murloc Holmes Murozond the Infinite Murozond, Thief of Time Mutanus the Devourer Myra Rotspring Myra’s Unstable Element N’Zoth, God of the Deep N’Zoth, The Corruptor Najak Hexxen Narain Soothfancy Nat Pagle Nat, the Darkfisher Natalie Seline Necrolord Draka Neeru Fireblade Nellie, the Great Thresher Neptulon Neptulon the Tidehunter Nethrandamus Nexus-Champion Saraad Nithogg Norgannon Nozari Nozdormu Nozdormu the Eternal Nozdormu the Timeless Oblivitron Octosari Odyn, Prime Designate Old Murk-Eye Onyxia Onyxia the Broodmother Oondasta Open the Waygate Orion, Mansion Manager Overlord Drakuru Overlord Runthak Overlord Saurfang Overseer Frigidara Owlonius Ozruk Ozumat Party Planner Vona Patches the Pilot Patches the Pirate Patchwerk Pave the Way Pelagos Photographer Fizzle Pip the Potent Pipsi Painthoof Pirate Admiral Hooktusk Plaguemaw the Rotting Pop’gar the Putrid Portalmancer Skyla Potionmaster Putricide Pozzik, Audio Engineer Priestess Valishj Prince Keleseth Prince Liam Prince Renathal Prince Taldaram Prince Valanar Princess Huhuran Princess Talanji Prison of Yogg-Saron Product 9 Professor Putricide Professor Slate Prophet Velen Prosecutor Mel’tranix Puppetmaster Dorian Puzzlemaster Khadgar Pyros Queen Azshara Quest Accepted! Ra-den Radiance of Azshara Ragnaros the Firelord Ragnaros, Lightlord Raid Boss Onyxia Raid the Docks Raid the Sky Temple Raj Naz’jan Ranger Gilly Ras Frostwhisper Rattlegore Raylla, Sand Sculptor Raza the Chained Raza the Resealed Reach the Portal Room Reliquary of Souls Remornia, Living Blade Reno the Relicologist Reno, Lone Ranger Reska, the Pit Boss Rheastrasza Rhok’delar Rhonin Rhythm and Roots Rhythmdancer Risa Rin, Orchestrator of Doom Rin, the First Disciple Ringmaster Whatley Rinling’s Rifle Rise to the Occasion Rivendare, Warrider Rock Master Voone Rokara Rokara, the Valorous Rotface Rotgill Runi, Time Explorer SN1P-SN4P Saidan the Scarlet Sanc’Azel Sargeras, the Destroyer Sasquawk Sathrovarr Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon Scabbs Cutterbutter Scargil Scourgelord Garrosh Secure the Supplies Seek Guidance Serena Bloodfeather Sergeant Sally Sesselie of the Fae Court Shadow Hunter Vol’jin Shadow of Demise Shadowcrafter Scabbs Shadowjeweler Hanar Shadowreaper Anduin Shaku, the Collector Shan’do Wildclaw Sheldras Moontree Sherazin, Corpse Flower Sheriff Barrelbrim Shifter Zerus Shirvallah, the Tiger Shoplifter Goldbeard Shu’ma Shudderblock Shudderwock Siamat Sif Silas Darkmoon Sindragosa Sir Finley of the Sands Sir Finley, Sea Guide Sir Finley, the Intrepid Sire Denathrius Sister Svalna Skarr, the Catastrophe Skull of the Man’ari Sky Mother Aviana Skycap’n Kragg Slagmaw the Slumbering Snake Eyes Sneed’s Old Shredder Soggoth the Slitherer Sonya Shadowdancer Sonya Waterdancer Sorcerer’s Gambit Soridormi Soul Mirror Soulburner Varia Soulciologist Malicia Souleater’s Scythe Speaker Gidra Sphere of Sapience Spirit of the Badlands Spiritsinger Umbra Splendiferous Whizbang Splintergraft Spurfang Stall for Time Star Student Stelina Stargazer Luna Starlight Groove Stewart the Steward Stir the Stones Stranglethorn Heart Subject 9 Summoner Darkmarrow Sunkeeper Tarim Sunsapper Lynessa Supreme Archaeology Swamp King Dred Swampqueen Hagatha Sylvanas Windrunner Sylvanas, the Accused Symphony of Sins Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher Taelan Fordring Tak Nozwhisker Take the High Ground Tame the Flames Tamsin Roame Tamsin’s Phylactery Tavish Stormpike Temporus Tenwu of the Red Smoke Teron Gorefiend Tess Greymane Thaddius, Monstrosity Thassarian The Azerite Dragon (Legendary Excavate Treasure) The Azerite Hawk (Legendary Excavate Treasure) The Azerite Murloc (Legendary Excavate Treasure) The Azerite Ox (Legendary Excavate Treasure) The Azerite Rat (Legendary Excavate Treasure) The Azerite Scorpion (Legendary Excavate Treasure) The Azerite Snake (Legendary Excavate Treasure) The Badlands Bandits The Beast The Black Knight The Boogeymonster The Boom Reaver The Boomship The Caverns Below The Countess The Darkness The Demon Seed The Galactic Projection Orb The Glass Knight The Harvester of Envy The Headless Horseman The Jailer The Last Kaleidosaur The Leviathan The Lich King The Lurker Below The Marsh Queen The Mistcaller The Nameless One The One-Amalgam Band The Primus The Purator The Rat King The Replicator-inator The Runespear The Ryecleaver The Scarab Lord The Scourge The Skeleton Knight The Soularium The Stonewright The Storm Bringer The Sunwell The Voraxx Theldurin the Lost Theotar, the Mad Duke Therazane Thori’belore Thorim, Stormlord Thrall, Deathseer Thunderbringer Tickatus Timewinder Zarimi Tinkmaster Overspark Tirion Fordring Toki, Time-Tinker Tony, King of Piracy Topior the Shrubbagazzor Toshley Toy Captain Tarim Toyrantus Trade Prince Gallywix Tram Conductor Gerry Travelmaster Dungar Treasure Hunter Eudora Troggzor the Earthinator Turalyon, the Tenured Turbulus Twig of the World Tree Twin Emperor Vek’lor Tyr Tyrantus Unite the Murlocs Unseal the Vault Untapped Potential Uther of the Ebon Blade V-07-TR-0N Prime Val’anyr Valdris Felgorge Valeera the Hollow Valstann Staghelm Vanessa VanCleef Vanndar Stormpike Varden Dawngrasp Varian Wrynn Varian, King of Stormwind Vectus Velarok Windblade Veranus Vereesa Windrunner Vessina Vexallus Vol’jin War Master Voone Wardruid Loti Waxadred Wheel of DEATH!!! White Eyes Whizbang the Wonderful Wickerflame Burnbristle Wildheart Guff Wilfred Fizzlebang Wing Commander Ichman Wing Commander Mulverick Woecleaver Wrathion Xaril, Poisoned Mind Xavius Xhilag of the Abyss Xyrella Xyrella, the Devout Y’Shaarj, Rage Unbound Y’Shaarj, The Defiler Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate Yogg-Saron, Unleashed Ysera Ysera the Dreamer Ysera, Unleashed Ysiel Windsinger Za’qul Zai, the Incredible Zayle, Shadow Cloak Zentimo Zephrys the Great Zerek’s Cloning Gallery Zerek, Master Cloner Zilliax Zilliax Deluxe 3000 Zixor, Apex Predator Zok Fogsnout Zola the Gorgon Zul’jin Zzeraku the Warped