
Enchanter Card

Enchanter is a 3 Mana Cost Epic Neutral Minion card from the March of the Lich King set!

Card Text

Enemy minions take double damage during your turn.

Flavor Text

"I know Scourgebane! Your materials and tips appreciated!"

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One Comment

  1. Cursore1610
    November 29, 2022 at 4:10 am

    I think that people shouldn’t underestimate the power of this card. This makes enemy boards far easier to remove, similarly to how the 2 mana 2/4 which doubled the damage of your spells worked. However, if I remember correctly, that card was nerfed to 3 mana and stopped seeing play, which is not the best sign when it comes to this card’s power. I don’t expect this to see play: it’s not as cheap as the 2/4 was and its upsides (the fact that it doesn’t damage your minions and that it works with all kinds of damage) aren’t worth the trouble of playing it in the decks which need help with their board removals.