Hearthstone Deck Builder
Welcome to our Hearthstone Deck Builder! You can build decks for every class for Ladder, Tavern Brawl, and Adventure Mode! You don’t need to be registered to build a deck (you can also send the link to a friend), but you do need to be logged in to save the deck. If you haven’t registered yet, you can do so here.
Tired of having to publish a deck just to get a deck code? Our Deck Builder now outputs a deck code right when you input your 30th card!
Choose Your Class

Card Type
Minion Type
Deck Title
The title of your deck is the most important way to gain your deck exposure. A good title would include the season, deck type, and what might be unique about it. Here's an example: "Reno Control Warrior (Season ##)".
Deck Description
Decks with at least a short description are far more likely to be upvoted and featured in our weekly community decks post!
Deck Type
Deck Style
Deck Visibility
- {{mechanic.name}}: {{mechanic.value}}