Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks – Forged in the Barrens Week 3 – April 2021

Balance update was released this Tuesday and… I’m honestly not sure what happened. Nerfs targeted Paladin, Mage and Rogue… but it looks like Paladin, Mage and Rogue are still good. Secret / Libram Paladin are still some of the best decks (and players are experimenting with other builds, like non-Secret Aggro or even Murloc Paladin). No Minion / Spell Mage just (mostly) cut the Deck of Lunacy. No more high-rolls, but gues what? The deck didn’t really NEED them in the first place. It’s still okay without them. Its power level clearly went down, but it’s still very much playable. And Rogue? New “Miracle” Rogue variants are popping left and right (Secret being the most popular one). They even run a nerfed Pen Flinger, because its synergy with Field Contact is just so good.

But we’re also seeing some interesting shifts. Face Hunter became the most popular deck out of nowhere and Rush Warrior is now slowly taking over Legend (and maybe rest of the ladder soon). The latter is probably more interesting, given how Warrior looked REALLY bad early into the expansion. People were memeing about the class getting handbuffs, which historically didn’t work that well… but it turns out that if you combine them with tons of Rush minions to win back the tempo, they’re pretty good.

Meta is in a pretty interesting spot right now. I still wouldn’t call it balanced, but it’s much better than 3-4 meta decks we’ve seen over and over before nerfs. Blizzard should give it some time to settle and them toss another balance update (possibly in 20.2, which should come late April / early May), shaking things up again. Then, unless there will still be some really problematic decks, I don’t expect any changes all the way until mini-set (late May – early June?)

Below, you will find a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.

If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!

If you’re looking for the best Wild Format decks, check out our Wild Meta Tier List!

Hearthstone Standard Legend Decks of the Week

Hearthstone Wild Legend Decks of the Week

Posted in Uncategorized


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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  1. Njuns
    April 20, 2021 at 11:51 am

    I’m just happy the nerfs brought Rush Warrior to the top meta, such a nice and refreshing deck to play. Before the nerfs I didn’t really enjoy any deck tbh.

  2. Advocaat
    April 18, 2021 at 5:19 pm

    Paladin is still busted. Nerf did basically nothing to it.

  3. Hawmoon
    April 18, 2021 at 1:51 pm

    Last ten matches I’ve played was all Warlock.
    All the same deck.
    The only variant is : Cthun yes or not