Silverleaf Poison

Silverleaf Poison Card

Silverleaf Poison is a 1 Mana Cost Common Rogue Spell card from the Forged in the Barrens set!

Card Text

Give your weapon "After your hero attacks, draw a card."

Flavor Text

Kazakus has taken to a more direct approach in recent times.

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  1. EksSkellybur
    March 23, 2021 at 4:35 am

    This Card seems to be fine, Granted that this is amazing as a generated card, but I think this is overall pretty fine. Yeah, sure. 4 Stars.

  2. ISeeWhatYouDidHere
    March 22, 2021 at 11:55 am

    Turn you weapon into fringy Ancharr!

  3. Trapdoorspy
    March 22, 2021 at 11:52 am

    Seems neat. 3/5 stars because kingsbane doesn’t want it. That’s because in the late game the extra card(s) will often edge into overdrawing, putting the game at risk. Might speed the deck up enough that it doesn’t matter, but I’m hesitant about it.