Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks – Showdown in the Badlands (Week 5) – December 2023

We’re in the middle of the second (and final) day of World Championship 2023. The first day was WILD, let me tell you. If you haven’t seen it, watch the final game between uikyou and CJKaka. That was peak Hearthstone, I literally didn’t know what was happening. You either love it or you hate it.

As for the Standard ladder, well, not much has changed. The patch happened the week before and while not a big one it nerfed two decks that happened to have good matchups vs Paladin. As a result, Paladins now completely dominate. They have a few % higher win rate then the rest of the pack. The class was brought by all 8 players to the Worlds (very similar Pure Buff decks) and it has a really high ban rate so far. They’re also incredibly popular – in high Diamond different Paladin builds make up over 40% of the matches. Given that “different” in case of Paladin is usually a few cards different (the biggest difference is running vs not running Earthen package and going for Pure vs Impure version, but the rest of the deck stays the same), so the meta feels incredibly boring. Other than Paladins, it’s mostly Rainbow Mages (because the deck is still okay vs Paladin even after the nerfs, although +1 cost on the Mech hurts), Plague DK and Dragon Druid. Those three combined with Paladin are like 70% of the meta in high Diamond (of course the low ranks are always more diverse, but they’re still very popular in there). Other than that, we have some Blood DKs, Reno Shamans, Reno Druids and maybe an occasional Control Warrior or two. Rogue, Priest, Demon Hunter, Hunter and Warlock are nearly non-existent. Yeah, it’s not a great meta if you ask me.

Luckily we won’t have to wait long for something to happen. There’s a patch scheduled for next week. I’m honestly glad that they moved it before Christmas break – remember how last year we ended up with a miserable meta and had to wait until after the New Year for it to get fixed? I remember. Let’s just hope that the patch won’t make things worse, because I honestly have to say that the last one did. If I had to guess, they will probably want to push it out as quickly as possible (maybe Tuesday?) so if it breaks anything they still have time to work on it before Christmas (break as in game-breaking bugs, not balance-wise).

Below is a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.

If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!

Hearthstone Standard Legend Decks of the Week

Hearthstone Wild Legend Decks of the Week


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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