
Khaz’goroth Card

Khaz’goroth is a 6 Mana Cost Legendary Warrior Minion card from the TITANS set!

Card Text

Titan After this uses an ability, gain Immune this turn and attack a random enemy minon.

Flavor Text

Creator of the titan-forged races, Khaz'goroth intended them to safeguard the world of Azeroth from corruption and discord.

Khaz’goroth Additional Information

Titan Abilities:


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  1. Masterpotato21xd
    July 7, 2023 at 5:34 pm

    this card is not good, 1 star. 6 mana to kill a random minion and draw a card. how are people thinking that this is any good is beyond me, gotta be some bronze hardstuck players. this card is beyond trash.

  2. Mimeoplasm
    July 4, 2023 at 1:17 pm

    Excellent Titan.
    6CC you get a 6/6 Rush/Immune + weapon draw.
    Excellent value there.
    The other two abilities make your hero tankier and more aggressive. I do not see a Warrior deck that this doesn’t go into.

    I promise everyone you will always be satisfied playing this card on then 6. Always.

    • CASA
      July 4, 2023 at 1:33 pm

      Yes it is a useable card, but for a titan and in comparison what the others do, like druid or priest it is pretty underwhelming and dissapointing

      these titans are so strong like the questlines that they will be used the next 1,5 years in standard in a really powerful and high tempo meta and this one is just mediocre and you need a specific weapon deck that this titan works which isthe biggest downside.

  3. CASA
    July 4, 2023 at 12:51 pm

    A Typical warrior card in this age of devs which hate warrior as class.

    holy moly. A Titan with

    6/6 draw a weapon
    9/4 gain 5 attack
    4/9 gain 5 armor

    It will be powerful if this titan can snowball his effect, but you will activate his ability just one time in 90 percent of cases.

    Also the ability is not really good, you need to have a weapon equiped or use the worst abilitys of all 3.

    This is like the riffs, the first target for a buff if warriors overall winrate is bad.

    worst titan in the set. 2/5

    • Mimeoplasm
      July 4, 2023 at 1:19 pm

      If you ignore the immediate immune attack, sure this card isn’t that great. But you don’t seem to mention its strongest ability, no wonder you don’t like the card.

      And devs hate the warrior class? They literally have one of the top three decks in the format at the moment…. How’s that hate?

      • CASA
        July 4, 2023 at 1:32 pm

        Yes now warrior is good at the moment, but was literally one year at 42 – 45 percent winrate the worst class. they buffed around 26 cards in last year.

        Yes it is a useable card, but for a titan and in comparison what the others do, like druid or priest it is pretty underwhelming and dissapointing

        these titans are so strong like the questlines that they will be used the next 1,5 years in standard in a really powerful and high tempo meta and this one is just mediocre and you need a specific weapon deck that this titan works which isthe biggest downside.

  4. DeadlyBlinke
    July 4, 2023 at 11:17 am

    Very disappointing and weak. Boring and un-interactive. For 1 less mana it would have been fine. 2 stars.