Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks – Fractured in Alterac Valley Week 6 – January 2022

Sadly, my patch predictions were incorrect. Even more so than I would like them to be. I expected the patch to drop this Tuesday (January 11), but it will happen… on January 25. Yes, that’s still quite a long time away. Luckily, we’ll earn the full contents of the patch on January 20. I wonder why they had to delay it so far away – normally X.2 patch would be released roughly a month after the expansion, so I would imagine that they had to experience some technical difficulties. Either way, it basically means that we’re stuck in the same meta for almost 10 more days. If you’re playing at lower ranks – you might be complaining about Questline Warrior, because it’s very common down there. If you’re in higher ranks – then Roguestone is your main concern.

The meta hasn’t really changed much compared to the last week. Poison Rogue is even more popular now, and I actually think that it might take over Thief Rogue. In high Diamond, the decks are already head to head, within a margin of error. That’s mostly because someone (I think it was Meati) thought that combining two degenerate strategies – infinite weapon with 0 mana Gnolls – will be a good idea. And yeah, sadly it turned out to be a good idea after all. Those version pushed out the non-Maestra ones nearly completely, and just today I faced Rogue with 2x 4/5 and a Swinetusk Shank up on Turn 3. I had so much fun that I conceded on the spot.

In “better” news, Ramp Druid is also quite popular and looks to be actually pretty playable. Yes, it loses to board-based Aggro decks (Aggro Druid, Face Hunter), but it’s actually decent against both Rogue variants. And frankly, pretty fun to play – it’s probably the only reason why I keep playing Standard right now. Face Hunter, Questline Warlock and Libram Paladin are also pretty strong. And – of course – Questline Warrior, but mostly before you hit Legend – Legend meta is not very friendly to the build. Rest of the decks appear here and there, but they have like 2-3% popularity at most, so you don’t face them that often.

I really don’t think that the meta will change much from this point. It’s mostly solved and I don’t expect any hidden meta breaker to appear, but I would like to be wrong about that. At least I think that Rogue have reached the peak of popularity – if they get even more popular, the rest of the ladder will play decks specifically made to counter them as well as possible without any other good matchups. For example, Control Warrior with the right techs works quite well against both Rogue variants, so if you face only Rogue, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to pick it. But it loses miserably to many other decks on the ladder, so your overall win rate is still in the dumpster.

Anyway, let’s wait for the patch notes on Thusday and then we can guess which direction the meta will go.

Below, you will find a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.

If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!

If you’re looking for the best Wild Format decks, check out our Wild Meta Tier List!

Hearthstone Standard Legend Decks of the Week

Hearthstone Wild Legend Decks of the Week


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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  1. Foom
    January 16, 2022 at 7:28 PM

    The Wild Meta article linked here hasn’t been updated in over a year.

  2. Mayatola
    January 16, 2022 at 10:36 AM

    I managed to hit legend last night with Questline Priest. I think I’m a masochist, I dunno, but yeah, it is almost auto loss to poison rogues. I managed to win a few games against them due to their misplays (going all in without lethal which let me heal up afterward, or misplay by overriding their own weapon during Secret Passage – F that card). Somehow those few wins against rogue let me put together a win streak which I extended against a few druids (aggro and ramp) to get me to legend. Also, thief rogues aren’t as bad though they are far less popular (at least in my climb).

    I think it’s only because I played Questline Priest from the very beginning of the season, so I knew which cards to discover (there is a lot of variation there) or which ones would help me improvise in a pinch. In any case, roguestone sucks, and I wouldn’t recommend anyone else suffer through the climb the way that I did (unless you really love priest).

    I just want to say thanks for these articles. As someone who quit Hearthstone a couple of years ago and only came back a few months ago, you helped me get up to speed quickly and not without some insight as well. Thank you!