Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks – Whizbang’s Workshop (Week 10) – May 2024

A balance update was released on Thursday. Normally when we get a balance patch this late in the week I skip the weekly Legend decks post because there are not enough post-patch decks to fill it. But in this case, I don’t think it’s necessary. The patch was mostly minor touch-ups and all of the decks that got nerfed are still playable in unchanged form. Just keep in mind that Pain Warlock and Aggro Paladin have dropped from Tier 1 to Tier 2. Zarimi Priest is still more or less where it was before the patch (Tier 2, but almost no one plays it).

The patch didn’t completely change the meta, but it was actually quite successful at its stated goal – slowing down the early game. It’s now harder to pull of Turn 3-4 Molten Giants and big Showdown! + Prismatic Beam/Zilliax swing turns. Those decks have dropped in win rate and play rate which gave other decks some room to shine.

It looks like the best deck post-patch is Handbuff Paladin, at least for now. We kind of went full circle from the early Whizbang’s Workshop meta, when it was dominating for the first week or so before getting nerfed. Remember when Shroomscavate gave the minion Windfury? Yeah… Right now, a few variants of the deck are playable, but the biggest choice is whether you want to run the Charge package with Southsea Deckhands or the Excavate package. Technically you might be able to fit both, but it would be hard. It’s too early to tell which one will be better in the end, but I think that Charge might have a slight advantage.

Hunter is also doing really well – Small Beast (Token) version, Secret version and Reno version are all very strong all the way until high Legend (Hunter is often underperforming in high Legend so it’s nothing unusual). Out of the three archetypes, I think that Reno with Secret package might be the most interesting one so far. It has the classic Midrange Hunter qualities of enough punch and value to stay in longer matches and keep pressure against slower decks, but also enough tempo and reactive cards to not get destroyed by Aggro. It’s a pretty well-rounded deck and if you’re a fan of slower Hunter decks, it should be perfect for you.

But the most surprising winner of the patch has to be Reno Priest. The deck got some nice new tools in the mini-set, especially Puppet Theatre, but Funhouse Mirror also isn’t bad. Mini-set has boosted its win rate, but it was still held back by all the early game aggression. While the deck has some insane late-game plays and nearly infinite value, it just couldn’t keep up with some of the early-game power swings. 29.4.2 has changed it. Reno Priest also works pretty well against Reno Warrior, which might seem counter-intuitive at first, but the Brann + Boomboss combo is much harder to pull off when it can be disrupted by Dirty Rat / Benevolent Banker or even copied with Theatre and played back at Warrior. The deck was sitting around 45% win rate just a couple of weeks ago, and now it’s around 51% in Diamond-Legend. It’s still not Tier 1 deck material, but its play rate might suggest otherwise – it’s the third-most-popular deck overall and even second at some ranks.

Other than that, the meta is quite similar to what it was pre-patch at the time I’m writing this. The nerfed decks have massively dropped in play rate, but I expect it to slowly climb up again once people realize that they’re still viable. At least that’s how it usually works.

The meta is still developing, and you will probably have to get used to it because I don’t expect any big balance updates soon. Unless they slot something a week or two from now, the next patch is probably 29.6. That would be the next expansion announcement in probably around 2-3 weeks. But those patches usually don’t have Constructed changes. Of course, the usual schedules can change, so it’s impossible to say for sure, but we might have to wait until 29.6.2 in ~4 weeks for a major balance update. We’ll see.

Below is a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.

If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!

Hearthstone Standard Legend Decks of the Week

Hearthstone Wild Legend Decks of the Week


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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