Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks – Showdown in the Badlands (Week 3) – December 2023

It’s been nearly a week since the last balance update and honestly I have to say… the game feels pretty good right now. And sure, I think that some decks could use a small nudge, maybe Reno is a bit too strong, but nothing really stands out the way it did before the update. I didn’t think that such small changes will make such a big difference, but here we are.

Changing Blindeye Sharpshooter‘s health from 5 to 3 didn’t change the combo turn itself, but it made a big difference when it comes to clearing the board. Previously you often had to choose between clearing Sharpshooter (single target 5+ damage removal) or clearing the rest of the board (usually 3 damage AoE). Now 3 damage AoE clears everything including the card you actually have to clear or you die next turn, so that’s a great progress. Can you still get combo’d around Turn 4-5? Yes, and that sucks. Frankly I wish the card just didn’t exist at all. But at least the deck is easier to beat AND way less popular now.

Order in the Court not drawing a card anymore also mattered more than one might imagine. Since the card is now “2 mana do nothing immediately”, most of the lists have cut it. And since they cut it, the combo turn (be it Showdown! + Prismatic Beam or 2x The Garden's Grace is now much less consistent. They also no longer have The Countess every single game on the curve. And if they decide to run Order after all, then they end up with one less card in their hand and no immediate Sea Giant/Garden’s Grace possibility (depending on the build). The deck is still good – but it no longer feels so broken.

So overall, the patch was a success. Right now it’s hard to say which decks are the strongest – Reno Shaman, Dragon Druid, Enrage Warrior, Rainbow Mage, Aggro Paladin… they’re all great. Other decks like Plague and Blood Death Knight, Reno Druid, Mech Rogue, Control Warrior etc.- they’re a bit behind but still viable. I feel like we don’t really need nerfs right now, what we could use instead are buffs. I could see them buffing Priest (I know, I know, everyone hates Priest, but the class really has no good options right now), Demon Hunter (but something else than Naga), Warlock (it was looking good during the first days but the Snake nerf really hit it hard) and maybe Rogue (Mech is okay, but it’s literally the same list from last expansion, all of the new archetypes have flopped)

As for when exactly, it’s hard to say. Patch 28.2 drops on Tuesday, but it’s focused on Battlegrounds. X.2 patches rarely have any Constructed changes. So normally I would guess the week after, but… World Championship 2023 starts on December 15 and they most likely won’t want to change anything shortly before it. Remember that players have to submit decks a couple of days ahead so they would have absolutely no time to prepare if. So I see two options – either they don’t touch anything until after Worlds (that would line up nicely before Christmas break), or they release balance changes this upcoming week (either in 28.2 or another patch).

Below is a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.

If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!

Hearthstone Standard Legend Decks of the Week

Hearthstone Wild Legend Decks of the Week


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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