V-07-TR-0N Prime

V-07-TR-0N Prime Card

V-07-TR-0N Prime is a 6 Mana Cost Legendary Rogue Minion Mech card from the TITANS set!

Card Text

T1T4N This minion's abilities repeat on another random friendly minion.

Flavor Text

Long after the titans' departure, Mimiron dreamed of creating something with an approximation of their power. He may have actually succeeded!

V-07-TR-0N Prime Additional Information

Titan Abilities:


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  1. Spliff Master Herb
    July 10, 2023 at 11:51 am

    I feel like people are comparing this to other Titians and not other 6-drop minions.
    6 mana 5/6 that buffs another minion and removes two things is very powerful!?!
    Not to mention you can pick the others and potentially use more than one ability if it lives.

    It baffles me how such an over tuned minion can be described as trash. 6-mana pyroblast isn’t very unlikely here!
    This will kill the druids before they can play their titian, and if you don’t respect it, it’ll probably kill you too!!

  2. Masterpotato21xd
    July 7, 2023 at 6:02 pm

    even with me seeing only a small portion of the new cards i know this card is busted. it does 8 dmg and you can bring it back and you can give it windfury to draw more cards and do another 8. this card makes a whole rogue deck by itself. 5 stars. only problem the theme of this card makes no sense to be a rogue card

  3. DeadlyBlinke
    July 7, 2023 at 11:30 am

    WOW what a trash Titan. 1 star

  4. Chi.Spurger
    July 7, 2023 at 11:05 am

    The laughing stock among Titans?