Peaceful Piper

Peaceful Piper Card

Peaceful Piper is a 1 Mana Cost Common Druid Minion card from the Festival of Legends set!

Card Text

Choose One - Draw a Beast; or Discover one.

Flavor Text

"Is there anything worth more than peace and love on the planet Azeroth?"

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  1. Sidus
    March 14, 2023 at 3:46 pm

    This card is as good as its tutors which we will have to see what that looks like. If there are worthwhile beasts it sees play, but this could easily end up like the Hunter 1 mana spell tutor.

    The manathirst 11 spider IS a beast iirc so if that somehow is consistent with whatever Guff replacement I could see a weird combo deck working as 4 copies of a key card is usually pretty good.