Coppertail Snoop

Coppertail Snoop Card

Coppertail Snoop is a 3 Mana Cost Common Rogue Minion Beast card from the TITANS set!

Card Text

Magnetic Whenever this attacks, get a Coin.

Flavor Text

Scavenges both nuts and bolts for the winter.

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One Comment

  1. Vifzor
    July 16, 2023 at 3:01 pm

    This card is hard to judge. a 4/3 body for 3 mana isn’t good at all. If you can consistently have a mech to magnetize it and get the coin, this become much stronger.

    But it suffer from the conditional issue to have a minion on board ready to attack.

    The upside of this card, is that it has the snowball potential by making a huge unanswered mech early on that allows you to keep gaining coins and fly to victory.

    It does remind of this 2 mana 2/2 card from early expansion that would generate a coin everytime it attacked. That card was below average but kind of playable. I searched and it’s cutpurse and it also required to attack enemy hero. So this card is much better considering it can magnetize and can also gain coin by attacking enemy minion.

    Overall considering mech package, I would say this card is decent and will see play in mech rogue.

    3 stars.