Before I start, I want to say that issues with deck codes are sadly still present. Any deck with Zilliax Deluxe 3000 (and let’s be real, that’s a lot of decks) won’t have its code working. The issue turned out to be more difficult to solve and the dev bandwidth I have access to is very limited. Believe me when I say it that I try to solve it as quickly as possible but it might take some more time. As a workaround, I always try to post a working deck code whenever I can. This post will be no different – for every deck running Zilliax, I will paste a working deck code BELOW the deck itself. Use it instead of the usual deck code box. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.
First of all, website news – we’re finally trying to implement Zilliax fix tomorrow, so wish us luck. Last time we tried we broke the entire website and had to roll back the changes, so I hope that it goes better this time, haha. The update should also fix some other minor stuff but deck codes working with sideboard cards (E.T.C., Zilliax) is the biggest deal.
When it comes to Standard meta, Protoss have mostly disappeared. Or rather, some people still play them because they enjoy them (or want to complete the Event quests, lol) but their popularity has dropped to maybe 6-7% of the meta overall and they are clearly Tier 3-4. Well, to be fair, parts of the Protoss package have seen play in successful decks (like Aggro/Zarimi Priest or Hero Power Druid) On the other hand, both Terran and Zerg are doing very well. Terran Shaman is by far the most popular and one of the strongest decks in the game right now. Terran Warrior is also solid, but the Zerg DK matchup is keeping it down in Tier 2-3. Terran Paladin is nowhere to be seen. As for the Zerg, Death Knight is clearly the strongest one as it was from the beginning, but both Warlock (Location-based) and Hunter (usually together with Discover package) are doing quite fine. Only Demon Hunter frankly sucks, there’s really no reason to run it over other Zerg decks.
I’ve already mentioned Hero Power Druid, but I need to talk more about it. I didn’t include it last week because at the time I was wrapping up the roundup, it was only taking off. It became a smash hit overnight – around Monday/Tuesday it became the third most popular deck and stayed there (with about 10-15% play rate depending on the rank). Stats also put it in Tier 1, so it’s not just popular, but also strong. The idea is that Artanis Hero Power double-dips from Groovy Cat Hero Power buffs. Additionally, Protoss Chargers (Zealots) fit this type of strategy very well. The deck doesn’t run any of the Druid Protoss payoff cards, and instead… kills the opponent. 5 damage Hero Power suddenly deals 10 damage with Artanis, as long as you have a minion to buff. Then if you play Sing-Along Buddy, it deals 20. Add some chip damage from early minions and Hero Powers, Swipes, damage from the Charge minions, and you can easily win against most decks.
If we look purely at the shake-up, the mini-set was a MASSIVE success. The meta looks nothing like it did just a few weeks ago. About 2/3 (and even up to 3/4 at certain ranks) of the decks play new cards. It’s insane that a mini-set has a bigger impact. Whether that impact is positive or negative really depends on whether you enjoy the decks it introduced. I have to say that I like the meta overall, but it has some issues. I think that a few nerfs to top decks like Terran Shaman and Zerg DK + a few buffs to underperforming Protoss decks might make things even better.
Given the previous release cadence, a balance patch is usually dropping around 2 weeks after launch, so we might hear more about it soon. The usual timing would be a teaser on Tuesday and a release on Thursday. On top of that, we should be getting the next expansion announcement soon-ish (probably in 2-3 weeks). Well, technically we already know that it’s going to be “Into the Emerald Dream” since all 2025 expansions were already teased during Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct, but a proper announcement will show new cards, mechanics, and so on. Thematically it’s another expansion I’m quite excited about, which is refreshing after back-to-back Whizbang’s Workshop and Perils in Paradise, neither of which I particularly liked.
Below is a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.
If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!
Hearthstone Standard Legend Decks of the Week
- 1Catch of the Day2
- 1Cup o’ Muscle2
- 2Birdwatching2
- 3Food Fight1
- 3Punch Card1
- 3Reserved Spot2
- 4Char2
- 5Warsong Grunt2
- 1SCV2
- 2Gold Panner1
- 2Needlerock Totem2
- 2Starport2
- 3Lift Off2
- 3Photographer Fizzle1
- 4Arkonite Defense Crystal2
- 4Ghost1
- 6Incindius1
- 7Jim Raynor1
- 100The Ceaseless Expanse1
- 1Crimson Clergy2
- 1Fan Club2
- 1Hallucination1
- 2Dreamboat2
- 2Orbital Halo2
- 3Anchorite2
- 3Chillin’ Vol’jin1
- 7Aman’Thul1
- 2Rewind2
- 2Shield Battery2
- 3Resonance Coil2
- 4Volume Up2
- 5Sleet Skater2
- 6Puzzlemaster Khadgar1
- 12Colossus2
Hearthstone Wild Legend Decks of the Week
- 1Crystology1
- 1Knight of Anointment1
- 2Hi Ho Silverwing1
- 2Order in the Court1
- 2Seafloor Savior1
- 3Enter the Coliseum1
- 3Holy Cowboy1
- 3Runi, Time Explorer1
- 3Spirit of the Badlands1
- 3Time Out!1
- 4Nozdormu the Timeless1
- 5Holy Wrath1
- 5Sunsapper Lynessa1
- 6Lumia1
- 7Amitus, the Peacekeeper1
- 7The Leviathan1
- 8Lightforged Cariel1
- 8Prismatic Beam1
- 25Shirvallah, the Tiger1
- 1Sir Finley, Sea Guide1
- 2Cold Feet1
- 2Dirty Rat1
- 2Oh, Manager!1
- 2Tuskarrrr Trawler1
- 2Zephrys the Great1
- 3Lord Barov1
- 3Metal Detector1
- 3Overplanner1
- 3Prince Renathal1
- 3Reflecto Engineer1
- 3Timeline Accelerator1
- 4E.T.C., Band Manager1
- 4Lorekeeper Polkelt1
- 4Vacation Planning1
- 5Soul Seeker1
- 6Bob the Bartender1
- 6Reno Jackson1
- 6Theotar, the Mad Duke1
- 10Reno, Lone Ranger1
- 100The Ceaseless Expanse1
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Just a heads up, Artanis doesn’t need a minion to activate. I’ve read it a few times on this site.
If you have no minions, you just hit the button and it gives him +1 attack and divine shield.
Nobody ever implied Artanis needed a minion to activate, slick. What he said was “ 5 damage Hero Power suddenly deals 10 damage with Artanis, as long as you have a minion to buff”. Its simply not double dipping if you dont also have a minion going face.I get it though, words are hard. XD
No need for passive aggresive communication with “words are hard” before looking in the mirror.
He didn’t say it was mentioned in this very article, but on this site, which is true. I have read it as well a few times on this site.
Merely trying to match the energy of the original post there Freud.