Best Kobolds and Catacombs Decks – The Top Deck Lists for the Kobolds Expansion (KAC)

Looking for the Best Kobolds and Catacombs Decks from the latest expansion of Hearthstone? Well, you’ve come to the right place! This is where I will be keeping track of the top performing deck lists from KAC. I’ll be sorting them by class, as we hopefully get a chance to experience new archetypes and powerful new synergies from the new set.

If you haven’t been follow along with all of the Kobolds and Catacombs news and are just getting into it, the set has two big themes: Legendary Weapons and the Recruit mechanic. Each class got a Legendary Weapon, even classes that have never had a weapon before like Druid, Mage, Priest, and Warlock. The Recruit mechanic pulls a minion out of your deck and puts it onto the battlefield (much like Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound). Many of the Recruit cards are high cost with low stats, so it remains to be seen if decks that run the mechanic are going to be viable.

Update (12/22/2017 7:00am PST)

This is looking like it could be the final update for a while, but I’ve added new lists and removed some of the not so strong ones. I’ve also included more of our deck guides as we start to finish off all of the current meta lists.

If you like this site and want to see more great content, consider buying your Kobolds packs through our Amazon Coins link (it helps support the site)!

Remember to use Amazon Coins for your Kobolds and Catacombs Packs!

Best Kobolds and Catacombs Decks

Obviously this post is a bit early, but we’re going to be including some theorycraft decks in the mean time! Be sure to check back frequently, we’ll be keeping this post up-to-date as quickly as possible.

Best Kobolds and Catacombs Druid Decks

Druid has been one of the best classes overall for the last couple of expansions. In Kobolds it got cards that aren’t really centralized on any particular theme, but seem generally good overall. True to form for Druid it got a couple of mana acceleration cards like Greedy Sprite and Twig of the World Tree. I would expect to see more Jade and Big Druid continuing to see play in the future.

Deck Guides

Best Kobolds and Catacombs Hunter Decks

While Druid has been killing it for a while now, Hunter has been one of the odd classes out. Midrange Hunter has been a great budget deck for starting players, but it has remained mid-tier at best. The new expansion has brought it a seemingly powerful Legendary with Kathrena Winterwisp, but the majority of the synergy looks to be involving a deck that runs ONLY spells. Rhok'delar and To My Side! heavily attempt to promote this strategy while Lesser Emerald Spellstone and Flanking Strike help support it. It seems like a long shot early on, but here’s hoping it’s a lot better than it seems!

Deck Guides

Best Kobolds and Catacombs Mage Decks

Mage got some interesting spells like Deck of Wonders and Shifting Scroll. It also got things that could make for a Big Spell Mage style of deck, like Dragoncaller Alanna and Dragon's Fury. Mage also seems to be steered towards a more Control based Elemental list with the Arcane Artificer and Leyline Manipulator. Control Mage did start to see play late in the Knights of the Frozen Throne meta, but it remains to be seen if Elementals are the way the deck will head in the future.

Deck Guides

Best Kobolds and Catacombs Paladin Decks

Kobolds and Catacombs is bringing Paladin back to its roots with some synergy with Silver Hand Recruit. It got Crystal Lion, Drygulch Jailor, and Level Up! as cards that can be thrown in a Silver Hand Recruit deck. Even the Unidentified Maul has a bonus effect that summons two of these dudes (Champion's Maul)! Paladin also appears to have gotten a pretty solid Recruit card that is not of the Silver Hand variety. Call to Arms can be a powerful tool in both aggressive and control decks!

Deck Guides

Best Kobolds and Catacombs Priest Decks

If you are a Priest main you must have been delighted to see all of the cards revealed for your class! Duskbreaker immediately stuck out as one of the most powerful cards in the set. The class also got Psychic Scream which is extremely strong AOE board removal, and Twilight Acolyte which can pair very well with Cabal Shadow Priest. It looks like the once laughed about Priest will now continue reigning at the height of its powers!

Deck Guides

Best Kobolds and Catacombs Rogue Decks

Rogue got some interesting additions to the class. First of all, it got Secrets which are a pretty cool and flavorful addition. It also finally got what is likely a very powerful weapon in Kingsbane. The class already has one of the best decks in the meta already (Tempo Rogue), so it will be fun to watch whether or not Rogue will see new decks crop up out of these cards.

Deck Guides

Best Kobolds and Catacombs Shaman Decks

Shaman has come limping into the new expansion and shares a spot with Hunter at the bottom of the class tier. Evolve Shaman, while a decent deck, has seen hard times recently but has gotten a bit of support with Unstable Evolution. The class seems to be being steered in the direction of Totem synergy with the additions of Kobold Hermit, Primal Talismans, and Windshear Stormcaller. This might finally be the payback for the class after the days of the Shamanstone meta.

Deck Guides

Best Kobolds and Catacombs Warlock Decks

Warlock had hit hard times in the Journey to Un’Goro meta. The once powerful class had no really good options once a bunch of their powerful cards rotated out of Standard. Knights of the Frozen Throne rejuvenated Warlock Zoo which now sits in the top tier of the current meta. Looking at the cards Kobolds and Catacombs is bringing to the table for the class likely means the class is about to see even more play. Kobold Librarian is a super strong early game minion, and combined with Vulgar Homunculus makes Zoo look especially potent. These cards also have the potential to fit into a Control list, so Warlock is primed to continue its tour in the top of the meta.

Deck Guides

Best Kobolds and Catacombs Warrior Decks

Warrior has also been one of the struggling classes since the nerf to Fiery War Axe. No longer the king of aggro or control the class has been searching for a solid new list. The new set does bring some hope for control players with Reckless Flurry adding a much needed way to clear boards. Drywhisker Armorer has also been added to the class which will hopefully shore up Warrior’s early game and combine well with Shield Slam and the aforementioned Reckless Flurry!

Deck Guides

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  1. RagingMurloc
    February 22, 2018 at 2:38 am

    I wonder if a meme priest involving Archbishop Benedictus and King Togwaggle could exist? Hmmm……

  2. Guy
    December 15, 2017 at 2:51 pm

    Why does the main hunter list not use Tundra Rhino in conjunction with Corridor Creeper?!?!?!?!?!?

  3. Mosab
    December 15, 2017 at 3:47 am

    How is elemental jade shaman right now? is the deck working with the new support it got, or has no one experimented with the deck yet, or is the deck simply too slow to deal with aggro?

  4. john
    December 14, 2017 at 6:14 pm

    Why has no one tried the new priest weapon in a miracle build? With Lyra and some kind of burst and/or giants? I was waiting for someone else to break the ice with it before I craft anything.

    • Nex81
      December 14, 2017 at 6:20 pm

      they did, there was a spell priest listed a few days ago.

    • John's Desciple
      December 16, 2017 at 7:53 pm


    • CD001
      December 18, 2017 at 6:15 am

      I packed the Priest weapon and experimented with Lyra and the spellstones.

      … it didn’t really work.

      Dragon Priest _without_ the weapon is actually a lot stronger.

  5. Pikasalt
    December 11, 2017 at 10:08 am

    I have all class runs, i made warrior with the Quest, a lot of taunts, backpacks and al above 5 cost 5. It was pretty easy. Sulfuras destroyes every oponent.

  6. Jack
    December 11, 2017 at 9:58 am

    The warrior with the treasure that lets any cards above 5 mana become 5 mana is very effective, I beat the final boss with it in 5 turns. I picked high-costing cards that did lots of damage and recruiters.

  7. Jacklsw
    December 8, 2017 at 10:36 am

    I guess we can hardly find any f2p deck during the few days of new expansion release. Oh well.

    • Maevine
      December 9, 2017 at 7:48 pm

      yeah it’s hard for now, I have made budget decks for my friends that revolves around certain legendary cards. I’m sure all f2p players will get at least 2 legendaries this expansion. 1 from logging in and other guaranteed in first 10 packs.

      • Onlyajedi
        December 12, 2017 at 3:19 pm

        Yeah, but unless they’re Patches + Leeroy, you’re not playing anything.

    • WildRage
      December 17, 2017 at 7:46 am

      I would recommend a Secret Hunter build. I’ve been running one for the past few days with no epics and just Deathstalker Rexxar and it shows a lot of potential. It’s aggressive, but not cancerous.

  8. MattH
    December 6, 2017 at 5:11 pm

    It seems like most of the newly released pally cards will be way stronger in wild mode where they actually use silver hand recruit synergy well. They don’t look very good for standard though.

  9. Henceforth
    December 6, 2017 at 4:09 pm

    Great decks info, could you tell what of the commons minions are goods for the news decks?.
    Like a lot of new commons are useful and the epics too.

    On the other hand the legendary minions and weapons, don’t look like a must have it (except for rogue ones). D:

    • Evident - Author
      December 7, 2017 at 7:16 am

      I was just looking through the commons, and man there isn’t anything that great in Neutral. Dire Mole is going to likely be good in Hunter, but I don’t really see a Bonemare in these cards. Warlock got two of the best common minions though with Kobld Librarian and Vulgar Homunculus.

      • Henceforth
        December 7, 2017 at 11:16 am

        Mmmm, still think there useable minions there , not like Bonemare or the dragon… but doing good in much of the meta decks or arena.

        Rummaging Kobold – this for rogue or warriors
        Carnivorous Cube – this in a lot of decks if they try it to fit
        Arcane Tyrant – elemental and mages decks
        Hungry Ettin – in a very especific deck
        Sleepy Dragon – to do the big combo
        Shimmering Courser – to counter mages and priest likely (is the first card with this condition i know)
        Fungalmancer or Sneaky Devil – in a token deck like aggro druid o tempo rogue :/
        Ebon Dragonsmith – with a weapon deck like warrior or rogue reduces weapon cost
        Plated Beetle – has potential in druid o hunter decks
        Dire Mole – hunter deck
        Dragonslayer – anti-dragon (anti – Cobalt Scalebane)
        Corrosive Sludge – because all heroes have legendary weapons
        Wax Elemental – elemental decks and mage decks

        Scorp-o-matic – my favorite lol

  10. Ch0pP33rhs
    December 6, 2017 at 12:43 pm

    Hey Evident, good writeup! But I think there could be a good Chance a fast hunter deck is playable, it got a New 1/3 Beast 1 drop and the New Bow could allow the deck to run the pirate package via southsea deckhands.

    • Immolate
      December 6, 2017 at 1:07 pm

      No, we are not allowed to play aggro decks for the first two weeks after the launch. Control only. Blizzard wants us Hunter mains to experiment with new archetypes.

      Oh, wait. We Hunters can’t play control because we didn’t anything good other than Flanking Strike.

      Alrighty then, aggro it is.

      • Immolate
        December 6, 2017 at 1:08 pm

        I swear that this started out as a helpful, constructive post.

        • AgentMango
          December 6, 2017 at 3:30 pm

          As much as this comment is somewhat true, there are better websites to post your salt on.

          • Immolate
            December 6, 2017 at 4:17 pm

            Wow. Did you just offend Hunter mains AND this awesome site in ONE post?

            Here, I will spell it out for you. That post was a J-O-K-E. I have nothing against aggro or other classes. I just want everyone to be on a level playing field, not with three classes on top of the mountain and the rest of them scattered up and down the mountain and then Hunter lurking in the lowest, darkest cave, crying.

            There was no reason to make an unhelpful, argumentative post that promotes other websites.

            That was also a J-O-K-E.

          • Matt
            December 7, 2017 at 4:04 am

            He seems stable.

    • Evident - Author
      December 6, 2017 at 2:54 pm

      That’s true. There could be a return of the Face Hunter!

    • WildRage
      December 17, 2017 at 7:42 am

      Hunter mains be angry! Hunter mains go face!