Top Finishing Standard Legend Decks from Season 37 (April 2017)

The first Season of Year of the Mammoth and with the Journey to Un’Goro expansion has finished! Paladin just flat out seems like the best overall class by having about three or four decks that are capable of finishing in the high Legends. Other than Warlock, most classes have at least one or two decks that are high legend viable right now. The meta is incredibly diverse, and I must say that Journey to Un’Goro is shaping up to be one of Hearthstone’s best expansions.

The ranks listed were provided by the players and aren’t official until Blizzard releases them.

Top Legend Decks from Season 37

Keep in mind this isn’t an exhaustive list. I tried to stick to one deck per archetype, but if I missed some other unique decks let me know in the comments.

Quest Rogue might not have a great win-rate with overall stats, but it seems to be a top tier deck among high legend players.

Likely Rank Achieved: #1 Legend (Asia) [Source]

The Mage class appeared to be nearly dead once people realized that Open the Waygate was a bust. Players did not give up on the class, however, which led to the creation of a new Freeze Mage deck that still played well despite losing Ice Lance to Wild. This eventually led to Burn Mage and then to this list that uses Medivh, the Guardian and discover cards that can win a more value oriented game.

Likely Rank Achieved: #2 Legend (Asia) [Source]

While Discover Burn Mage has gotten quite popular, that doesn’t mean you should give up on Freeze Mage! Laughing, one of the best known Freeze Mage players, piloted this to a top 5 legend finish.

Likely Rank Achieved: Top 5 Legend [Source]

Aggro Token Druid is without a doubt one of the top decks in the game right now.

Likely Rank Achieved: Top 10 Legend (NA) [Source]

Hunter is still going strong in this meta, it’s actually a bit of a surprise that it’s not more popular due to how cheap the deck can be.

Likely Rank Achieved: Top 25 Legend [Source]

I’m not exactly sure where Kolento finished, but he was #1 Legend on both NA and EU servers on April 29th with this Quest Taunt Warrior. He likely finished at least Top 10 in one of the servers but it’s hard to know for sure.

Likely Rank Achieved: Top 10 Legend

wiRer is one of my favorite players due to his ability to get legend rank with a wide array of different and unique decks. This month he got a top-50 Legend finish with a potentially underrated deck in N’Zoth Shaman.

Likely Rank Achieved: Top 50 Legend [Source]

Tholwmenos is one of the big reasons for the burst in popularity of Paladin. The list below that he used to finish top 100 Legend is exactly the same as the one he used to get #1 Legend a couple of weeks ago.

Likely Rank Achieved: Top 100 Legend (EU) [Source]

Gcttirth created the early Dragon Priest that continues to be popular today. The deck has gone through a few changes, but largely remains the same and got him a Top 100 finish on the ladder.

Likely Rank Achieved: Top 100 Legend [Source]

Paladin has to be the most diverse class on the ladder right now. Paladin has Aggro, Midrange, and two different Control decks that can place high on the ladder. N’Zoth Paladin, an older archetype, is new to this list but should be a deck to watch out for in the coming days.

Likely Rank Achieved: Top 100 Legend (NA) [Source]



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  1. Jeff
    May 3, 2017 at 8:00 am

    Discover Mage is Wild. I’m confused.

    • Evident - Author
      May 3, 2017 at 8:20 am

      Which card is from Wild? I don’t see any.

    • Joe
      May 3, 2017 at 11:20 pm

      Why would it be Wild? Discover Mage in Wild would have Mad Scientist.

  2. Darkbru
    May 2, 2017 at 4:49 pm

    It makes me sad to see that Warlock is essentially dead in this current meta. I have tried just about every Warlock deck type that there is and cannot get it to perform well. Their quest is a joke, zoo is too easily overrun, and handlock suffers against a lot of different decks. As someone who’s favorite class has been warlock since beta I am a little unhappy. I don’t need Warlock to be #1 legend ranked, but to be able to at least contend on the ladder would be nice.

    • Dirgander
      May 4, 2017 at 10:15 pm

      I have thought about trying a new Zoolock variation that uses Bloodbloom + DOOM! to essentially refresh and restart the board when the opponent starts building up a defense. It would be a very aggressive play, but in theory DOOM! would refresh your hand with cheap minions that you can instantly populate the board with again. I don’t have DOOM! unfortunately, but if you do you should try it out and tell me how it works!

    • Kay
      June 11, 2017 at 5:25 pm

      Lock and Pali quest are a complete joke. But haven’t seen anyone in top 100 actually get it by using a quest deck either. If someone did I haven’t seen it.

      • Kay
        June 11, 2017 at 5:26 pm

        My bad rogues. I just don’t recognize them. lol

  3. Raemahn
    May 2, 2017 at 6:59 am

    It’s refreshing to see that with the new set we are still seeing several different lists and not just three and some of the previous leaders (pirate warrior, jade druid, etc.) are still largely valid. I’ve even seen some pretty good C’Thun decks on ladder recently. Even paladin has made a come back! So far, the meta is shaping up nicely.

  4. Play2Zero
    May 1, 2017 at 2:46 pm

    I don’t know why Quest Rogue is getting so much attention. 8/10 I come across it (rank 11) I shut it down right before it’s climax. My Miracle Rogue destroys this deck.

    • CD001
      May 2, 2017 at 4:27 am

      In which case they’re not playing it right (or they’re getting a lot of bad draws) – Quest Rogue *should* have you (all but) dead by turn 7 with a decent draw; normally I’d say Quest vs Miracle favours Quest.

      I could be totally off-whack though; I main Rogue but I’ve been in Wild far more than Standard lately for the Mill Rogue or Malygos Miracle antics.

      • Flameberga
        May 2, 2017 at 12:29 pm

        Quest rogue has no removal for early Edwin, actually all aggro deck has no removal for big Edwin, so they usually lose after 3 turns. I won against multiple quest rogues/hunters/pirate warriors on turn 5

        • CD001
          May 3, 2017 at 4:34 am

          True – but I’d say getting Edwin in your hand early enough, with enough cheap spells, to be a game winner is probably going to happen at most about 1 game in 4 and without it the match-up definitely favours Quest Rogue or aggro decks; especially that aggro water druid that seems to have been popping up lately.

          I’m not saying it’s not going to happen – I just find an 80% win rate of Miracle vs Quest Rogue unlikely unless the Quest Rogues are very unlucky or not playing well.

  5. Gunter
    May 1, 2017 at 11:22 am

    I made legend last season with the druid deck at 70% winrate (EU). There is a slightly different and better murloc deck out there though.

    • josephtr
      May 1, 2017 at 2:14 pm

      can u share somehow to me ?