Hearthstone Neutral Card Crafting Guide (Wild) – Saviors of Uldum Post-Nerf Meta

The Wild format gives players the chance to explore everything Hearthstone has to offer. While Standard uses the most recent sets of cards (in addition to the Classic and Basic sets), Wild is played with the entire card pool available. “The format where anything can happen”, Wild-exclusive synergies allow players to employ the most powerful strategies in the game and have their favorite cards and decks available forever without any concern of rotation.

Although Wild does have a significant up-front cost, it is cheaper than Standard in the long-term. The Wild meta doesn’t change as drastically over time, due to no rotation and each set making up a smaller percentage of the total card pool. Once the most important cards have been crafted, keeping up in Wild is a much easier task compared to keeping up in Standard year-after-year.

This part only covers Neutral cards. You can find Class cards here!

Whether you are a new player, someone looking to try out Wild, or simply returning to the world of Hearthstone, we are here to help. Our Wild Neutral Card Crafting Guide will give an overview of the best neutral cards worth crafting. Emphasis will be on cards that have shown long-term viability, with some exceptions made for cards that are crucial to the absolute best decks in the format today.

Note: Cards on the images are only some examples of the best Wild cards you can craft – read the entire post for a full overview! 

Be sure to check out our other crafting guides:

Best Wild Neutral Cards to Craft

Wild Best Neutral Legendaries to Craft

  • Emperor Thaurissan – Emperor Thaurissan is able to open up new archetypes and combos all by himself. Decks such as Exodia Mage and Mecha’Thun Warlock are quite dependent on the mass mana reduction Thaurissan provides. Additionally, he can also be used without a specific combo in mind, simply acting as a tempo tool in slower lists. One of the most noteworthy and important cards in Hearthstone’s history.
  • Loatheb – Loatheb has seen constant play in a variety of archetypes, ranging from aggro to control to combo lists. Loatheb is one of the few cards in the game that can meaningfully interact with an opponent’s turn, and potentially cut off various lines of play. A 5 mana 5/5 with this effect attached can make it quite a threat, too.
  • Reno Jackson – A one-card win condition in many situations, Reno Jackson is incredibly powerful and needed to play any highlander archetype.
  • Zilliax – The most played card in both Standard and Wild, Zilliax is about as safe of a craft that you will find. Highly ubiquitous and flexible, Zilliax provides healing, removal, and even mech synergy. A jack-of-all trades.
  • Zephrys the Great – Zephrys is perhaps the perfect card for you to craft. One of the strongest cards ever, this genie is a must-include for all Reno decks and has even seen play in non-highlander versions of SN1P-SN4P Warlock and Mecha’Thun Warlock. 
  • SN1P-SN4P – The centerpiece of the dominant SN1P-SN4P Warlock, this legendary is also used in all mech decks. Highly flexible and well-statted. The card was given out for free a while ago, but not everyone got it.
  • Brann Bronzebeard – A huge value generator, Brann has seen long-term use in plenty of control decks (Reno lists in particular).
  • Zola the Gorgon – Much like Brann Bronzebeard, Zola’s main purpose is as a value generator in control lists. There are plenty of individual minions that provide huge power spikes (such as Reno Jackson or Zephrys the Great ) and getting a second copy in the hand can be very useful.
  • Kazakus – Kazakus is another direct-support card for the Highlander archetype. And although Kazakus arguably isn’t quite as strong as some of these other support cards, make no mistake – it is very good card in the overall scope. Can be used to look for a cheap, high-impact response or for the exact opposite, perhaps a slower, high-value 10-mana potion that can grind out many opponents. A necessity if you want to play Reno Mage, Warlock, or Priest.
  • N'Zoth, The Corruptor – N’Zoth is one of the best late-game threats in Wild. Used in various control lists, N’Zoth is able to often summon a full board of threats, demanding an answer or else.
  • Bloodmage Thalnos – Thalnos doesn’t look like much on paper, but it continues to see play in lists here-and-there. Cheap spell damage and cycle are both fairly strong effects by themselves, and Thalnos can find a use in a variety of situations. The best place for Thalnos right now is in the cycle-heavy SN1P-SN4P Warlock, where it also synergizes with Defile and Mortal Coil .
  • Archmage Vargoth – There are certain moments and interactions that allow Vargoth to almost break the game. Oaken Summons, Shadow Essence, and Time Warp provide such moments and create powerful game-winning swings. The card was given out for free a while ago, but not everyone got it.
  • Leeroy Jenkins“LEEROOOOOOOOOOOOY JENKIIIIIIIIIIIIINS!” Leeroy is one of the most iconic aggro cards in Hearthstone, and continues to perform incredibly well in decks such as Odd Paladin, Odd Rogue, and Pirate Warrior.
  • Mecha'thun – One of the few guaranteed win conditions in the game, Mecha’Thun is demanding in its requirements but is able to dominate certain opponents. Mecha’Thun Warlock is built around the card and it has also become a very popular tech inclusion for SN1P-SN4P Warlock.
  • Patches the Pirate – Patches can be easy to underestimate. However, the tempo Patches generates in early turns is critical in both fighting board and pressuring the opponent. Just try not to draw him!
  • The Lich King – A late-game bomb, Lich King has a very strong statline, an on-going effect making it a continuous threat, and taunt means the opponent cannot simply ignore the body.
  • Ragnaros the Firelord – Ragnaros has greats stats and has an immediate impact on the board. The RNG of Ragnaros can be rage inducing (for both players), but Ragnaros cannot be ignored. Also has the ability to immediately push face damage, which makes it a strong closer in many midrange lists.
  • Sylvanas Windrunner – Sylvanas causes the opponent to make awkward plays they wouldn’t ever otherwise consider. Sylvanas isn’t quite as widely seen as it has been previously, but it remains a strong option for Cube Warlock and Reno decks, synergizing particularly well with N'Zoth, The Corruptor.
  • Baku the Mooneater and Genn Greymane – Two of unusual cards in the game, these two legendaries place restrictions on your deckbuilding for improved hero powers. Odd Paladin and Odd Rogue continue to perform very well for Baku, while Odd Warrior is still one of the best answers to aggressive decks. For Genn, Even Shaman is also one of the better decks in Wild right now, and Even Warlock has had long stretches of dominance in the past. These two cards open up numerous archetypes themselves and it is strongly recommended that players prioritize these if they are entering the Wild format.
  • Aya Blackpaw – Fits very well into any Jade deck, Aya is a decent threat that greatly improves every other Jade card surrounding her.
  • Sir Finley Mrrgglton – Sir Finley is best in aggressive lists that don’t have a hero power suited to that game plan. Pirate Warrior, Aggro Druid, and Murloc Shaman are all such examples. You are often looking for the Hunter or Warlock hero powers.
  • Old Murk-Eye – A strong finisher for Murloc-themed decks, with huge damage potential relative to mana cost.

Wild Best Neutral Epics to Craft

  • Dirty Rat – Dirty Rat is one of very few disruption effects in Wild. Its primary use is in control archetypes, such as Reno decks, as a tech against other control or combo lists.
  • Doomsayer– Doomsayer is a defensive card that attempts to retake tempo. It works very well with freeze effects or when hidden behind taunts.
  • Skulking Geist – Skulking Geist targets a specific sub-set of cards, most notably Jade Idol. Jade Idol can be a killer against control decks that are attempting to fatigue the opponent, and Skulking Geist takes away this issue. Its value is dependent on which decks and specific 1-cost cards are popular, but it’s always an option.
  • Corridor Creeper– Despite the nerfing of Corridor Creeper it still a very strong tempo tool, especially in aggressive mirrors. Often entering play for just 0 mana, Corridor Creeper can be game-winning in something like an Odd Paladin or Odd Rogue mirror.
  • Murloc Warleader and Southsea Captain – These two cards are essential in their respective tribal archetypes. They both case boards to snowball further, and push further damage.

Wild Best Neutral Rares to Craft

  • Deathlord – Deathlord is a strong defensive option against aggro and also a combo disruptor. Most often played in Reno decks or similar control archetypes.
  • Galvanizer – Galvanizer has a few uses. For one, it has an obvious place in aggressive mech decks such as Mech Paladin and Mech Hunter, allowing you to flood the board in the early turns, cheating mana and attempting to end the game quickly. It’s also a useful combo piece with Mecha'thun, banking a 1-mana discount.
  • Khartut Defender – A card from the most set, this taunt has shown plenty of promise so far. It’s sticky and awkward for the opponent to punch through and the healing it offers as a neutral card is quite useful. It also works incredibly well with N'Zoth, The Corruptor as both the first and reborn copy enter the death pool and can be re-summoned.
  • Coldlight Oracle – Coldlight Oracle is premium draw as a neutral, 3 mana for 2 cards drawn… however it comes with a downside. Giving the opponent additional resources can be detrimental, but more many decks that play a ‘solitaire’ style of game, these extra cards aren’t that big of a deal. Can also be used as a mill or fatigue tool.

Wild Best Neutral Commons to Craft

  • Mad Scientist – Mad Scientist – Very strong 2-drop, gives you a lot of tempo on Deathrattle and a staple in any deck running multiple Secrets.
  • Mechwarper – Mechwarper is a central card in aggressive mech decks, and can generate ridiculous amounts of tempo. it also a core combo piece of the dominant SN1P-SN4P Warlock and is used in numerous flexible combos, but most notoriously with Summoning Portal to generate 0-mana SN1P-SN4Ps.
  • Antique Healbot – Strong neutral healing is always a good commodity, Healbot sees play in various control lists.
  • Mistress of Mixtures – A solid body for a –drop, Mistress also has utility in the mid-game as a source of healing. The downside of healing the opponent isn’t a big deal for a deck that primarily wants to play as the control. Works very well in Warlock in particular.
  • Southsea Deckhand – An aggressive pirate, often paired with Patches the Pirate. Deckhand is an early game threat and can also be used as spot-removal or reach in the mid-game.
  • Fungalmancer – Fungalmancer is very strong when it is able to consistently land its buff effect. Immediately pushes damage and develop multiple threats. Played mostly in the aggressive Odd lists.
  • Loot Hoarder – The body is able to contest board in the early game, and the cycle is critical for a variety of combo lists. one of the best neutral-cycle cards available.
  • Ironbeak Owl – Owl’s effectiveness is very dependent on the meta, but given the propensity Wild decks have for cheating out minions, Owl will often find a target (such as Voidlord). Used most often in the Odd lists, but will pop-up elsewhere.
  • Fire Fly – A flexible early game minion, Fire Fly can be used to fill out the early game, be a combo activator in Rogue, or develop multiple bodies for buff-effects (such as in Aggro Druid).
  • Hench-Clan Thug – One of the best cards in Odd Rogue. Hench-Clan Thug is able to consistently snowball and wins games by itself if not removed from the board. Particularly strong when the Rogue player is going first.
  • Acolyte of Pain – More neutral card draw, Acolyte of Pain is often able to draw 1 to 2 cards while eating removal or making some impact on the board.
  • Ship's Cannon – Ship’s Cannon creates truly explosive openers, and is one of the best cards in any pirate deck. Works incredibly well with Patches the Pirate, and together they fight for board control well or simply deal plenty of damage to the opponent’s face.


James Corbett has been hopelessly addicted to Hearthstone since 2015. His focus now is on the Wild format, keeping a competitive and creative approach to the mode. Twitch: twitch.tv/corbettgames

Check out Corbettgames on Twitter!

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  1. JoyDivision
    October 14, 2019 at 12:53 am

    I wonder what’s with Azalina Soulthief and King Togwaggle? I see them in lists every now and then – which sets them on a par with cards like Ragnaros, The Lich King or Aya imho.

    Besides that, very invormative articles. Thanks for that.

  2. LorKxx
    October 13, 2019 at 5:20 pm

    Dude,these latest posts were really informative. Your arguments are very solid and jokes around it made it more funnier to read. Thanks and keep it going.