Day 1 Rush Bomb Control

Class: Warrior - Format: raven - Type: control - Season: season-60 - Style: ladder

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Hello everyone, I’m just an average Hearthstone player who loves playing Midrange/Control decks and for the most part of Witchwood I played a lot of Rush Warrior Variants. I decided to give the class some love this expansion and got together a build. This is the build I’ll most likely be trying out on launch. I’m betting on the rush variant being slightly better and consistent on day 1, since historically the first decks to be built are usually aggro and midrange. As the meta shapes, full mech control or a dragon variant may prove better than this. Let’s run through some of my thoughts.

There are two initial plans to survive up until turn 7: the rush minions and the early removal. 

Shield Slam is very likely to be killing something in the first couple of turns, espetially if we have shield block to go with it. 

 Town Crier is a must keep for two reasons: gives us a small body on the board early and draws a minion to help stabilize on turn 4/5.

Once the meta gets more shape, Warpath could also be a keep if you believe you’re likely against an aggro deck.

Shield Block is also a nice keep, as well as Clockwork Goblin, since this might be the first turn you’ll actually play something.

As for some of my personal choices:

I’ll be testing Captain Greenskin for the first few games to see if it’s necessary with Wrenchcalibur

As for the board clears, Dyn-o-matic and Brawl will be evaluated through the first few games to see which one performs better. This slot will depend a lot on how the meta shapes.

The single copy of Supercollider might prove unsufficient. If that’s the case, I’ll likely remove Captain Greenskin for the second one.

The Battle Rage are here for the obvious interaction with the rush minions; simple minion clear and possible 2 mana draw 2 cards. 

Some cards that could also be included:

Augmented Elekk and Seaforium Bomber are pretty obvious. The main reason I’m not trying them is because I don’t have them and I’d rather save my dust and let other people tinker with this build. I also think it might be a bit too slow, even with the tendency of the meta to slow down. 

Eternium Rover just a good early mech that pretty much guarantees you with 2 extra armor. Can be useful for killing beefier minions early on with Shield Slam.

I’ve also thought about adding Mojomaster Zihi, but I’ll also wait for the meta to shape before putting in this tech card, since it also hurts us a little bit if we haven’t played our Win Cons yet.

General game plan:

Survive until we hit Dr. Boom, Mad Genius or Blastmaster Boom and get as much chip damage as we can if our minions survive. Always prioritize trading before face, unless the trade is worse for you.

I’ll try to update the Description and the decklist as the release week progresses. Any tips are appreciated.

If you’re trying out this deck, let me know what you’re thinking”

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  1. OldManSanns
    April 1, 2019 at 5:46 pm

    Looks good to me, man. The first time I saw it I thought of Elekk and Upgrade, but realistically I think those would be win-more cards in this deck and you’re better with the additional control tools that you currently have.

    Good luck!