Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide for Standard

The crafting of legendary cards becomes a hot topic in Hearthstone when a new expansion like Whispers of the Old Gods is launched. In addition to the expansion, we’ve also had the release of Standard along with the nerfs to some high profile cards in the game. Both of these things combined have left players with questions on which legendary cards they should craft. It is my hope that the following guide will help make those decisions easier!

Thank you so much to Daimbert who wrote this super in-depth guide and allowed me to re-host it here. Thanks also goes to the CompetitiveHS Subreddit who helped contribute to the guide!

Legendary Crafting Guide

In the interests of providing the best quality information to players attempting to use their dust most effectively I have assembled a list below that ranks cards on the basis of (1) inclusion in top tier ladder or competitive tournament decks and (2) an assessment of whether the card is core to that archetype or more of a flex decision.

Deck viability is judged based on the Tempo Storm Meta Snapshot, reports of high-ranking legend lists from/r/CompetitiveHS, and decks represented at the European and Americas Spring Prelims at a greater than 1% play-rate.

The following decks were considered that currently require or run legendaries

(Evident: I added the links to these decks, they might not be the exact ones Daimbert was referencing in this post.)


Strong lists

Viable Lists

I have built a preference for cards of the classic set into the tier ranking as they are evergreen. While this list is most sensitive to the present meta I have tried to take some account of a card’s usability over its lifetime which may give a sense of its longevity as the game changes.

In the first three tiers I tried to critically scrutinize cards’ relative strength on the assumption that most of these will acquired through crafting and players are trying to decide how to spend their dust. For less clearly viable or commonly used cards in Tier 4 and below the ranking is slightly less important and I preferred instead to highlight the places a card could be used should you have it. The assumption here is that you may have opened one of these cards and either want to find a place to play it or weigh the opportunity cost of dusting it.

Without further ado:

S Tier

None. There are no cards in the current format that are essentially an auto-include in every class in every deck type. In other words, no legendary is currently Dr. Boom tier, whom every player was recommended to craft first without hesitation. As always you should decide which lists you are most interested in and develop a crafting plan from there.

Tier 1 Neutrals

These cards all must appear in multiple meta-defining or top tier decks among different classes either as core to the archetype or in several favored builds.

Ragnaros the Firelord

Fewer tokens and Big Game Hunter means that Ragnaros has gotten much stronger and sees play in a wide variety of mid-range and control decks that are looking to put out a big immediate threat. This includes most versions of N’Zoth Paladin, Tempo Warrior, Control Warrior, Ramp Druid, Beast Druid, Renolock, Reno Mage, and likely other decks. His ubiquity in currently strong lists in addition to historically high value make him one of the best Tier 1 neutral crafts.

Sylvanas Windrunner

At least as ubiquitous as Ragnaros, Sylvanas applies less immediate board pressure and her play profile accordingly entails more control-oriented lists. These include N’Zoth Paladin, Renolock, Control / C’Thun Warrior, C’Thun Druid, and basically every Priest list ever created. Also historically high value and often core to decks that play her, Sylvanas is a solid craft vital to unlock control archetypes.

Leeroy Jenkins

He is the most common finisher in Miracle Rogue (75%), also commonly used in Zoo, part of the Renolock Combo, in current Pirate Warrior builds and some Aggro Pally lists. While every deck that currently runs Leeroy could be built without him (subbing Malygos / Doomguard / Skycap'n Kragg / or not using a charge finisher at all, etc.) his appearance in the preferred builds of multiple meta-defining and strong decks in addition to historically being a staple of aggressive decks makes him Tier 1.

Harrison Jones

His position in this tier is heavily meta dependent. As it stands the strongest classes (Shaman, Rogue, Warrior, also Paladin) are all weapon using and so Harrison will find a target in very high percentage of games. Thus he is a valuable addition and a tech decision for essentially every non-aggro deck. Harrison currently sees play in some builds of Miracle, Mid-Shaman, Tempo Warrior, Ramp Druid, N’Zoth Pally, and almost all versions of Control Warrior and Priest. He was even brought to American Prelims in a Freeze Mage (!?!). Despite very common usage, bear in mind Harrison is not core to any list and could be replaced with an Acidic Swamp Ooze.

Bloodmage Thalnos

He is top tier solely based on the strength of Miracle and Freeze as he is indispensable to making both decks. While vital to only two lists they are both extremely strong—Miracle is currently meta-defining and Freeze was among the top 5 played lists in both European and American Prelims and strongly represented among top 8 finishers (despite being less common on ladder). To play either deck you simply have to craft him. Should other cycle dependent spell-heavy archetypes emerge in the future Thalnos will also assuredly be an auto-include. (Also in OTK Priest, other more niche builds.)

Cairne Bloodhoof

This card is on the border and an argument could be made either way for his inclusion in the highest tier. The argument in favor is that he is used in basically all builds of N’Zoth Paladin and Tempo Warrior, two meta-defining decks and he also sees play in Ramp Druid, N’Zoth style Renolock and some Control Warrior. With the exception of N’Zoth builds Cairne is arguably a somewhat easier card to substitute but is currently a high priority craft given the range of decks and classes that use him. One further caveat (besides just being a somewhat boring stat bundle) is that Cairne’s strength is meta-dependant and has thus been historically variable. He was significantly weaker before Loatheb and Sludge Belcher rotated out given how poorly his stats lined up against them and the introduction of N’Zoth has made him significantly more desirable.

View the rest of the tiers after the jump! 

Tier 1 Class Cards

Criteria for inclusion here are cut and dry—is the card classic and core to a meta-defining list?

Edwin VanCleef

Indispensable to all variants of Miracle (Leeroy Jenkins, Malygos, no finisher), which is not only a dominant feature of the tournament environment but also very well represented on ladder. Other more niche rogue builds that include various combinations of Reno, N’Zoth and C’Thun are less standardized and so evidence of playability is a bit harder to come by but at least anecdotally Edwin is also well utilized in these archetypes. The diminished presence of silence and Big Game Hunter has improved his strength.

Grommash Hellscream

Played in every single viable Warrior build but Pirates, namely Tempo, Control, C’Thun, Patron (though the latter lives on as but a shadow of its former glory), and also some Dragon Warrior though the latter entity is still in flux. If you want to play the class in any of its non-aggressive variants Gromm is a must-craft and has always been a class staple.

Tirion Fordring

Core to N’Zoth Paladin and a candidate for the strongest card in the list. Historically Tirion was also a staple of Secret Paladin, a very aggressive deck, and this evidence of inclusion in decks across a range of play-styles augurs well for his longevity. So while it is a relatively safe bet that he will also be used in any future Paladin lists, it is likely advisable to only craft him now if you can commit to the full N’Zoth Pally package.

Tier 1.5

Essentially a ›must-craft‹ for one strong list that likely also sees play elsewhere—i.e. creates a specific guaranteed strong reward with additional variable potential upside.

N'Zoth, The Corruptor

The core reason to craft is to be able to play N’Zoth Paladin. Due to the nature of the card, N’Zoth along with other deathrattles can be dumped into a list and experimental builds using him have appeared in essentially every class (Hunter, Shaman, Rogue, etc.). The most reasonable potential upside is found in N’Zoth Renolock lists which Crane used to advance in European Prelims and may be an increasingly popular build. It also enables N’Zoth Priest, which may be the most viable Priest list but that’s not saying all that much.

Twin Emperor Vek'lor

The core reason to craft is to be able to play C’Thun Warrior which may actually be a better build than the classic version largely based on the strength of the Ancient Shieldbearer. Variable potential upside includes also enabling C’Thun Druid which is viable but perhaps not as strong, and C’Thun Renolock. Significant doubt about the viability of C'Thun builds at high level play likely persists, but AKAWonder advancing in the top 8 EU Spring Prelims with these 3 C’Thun decks shows they are strong enough to bring results.

Justicar Trueheart

The core reason to craft is to be able to play Control/C’Thun Warrior. She is essential to any Control Warrior build and defines games in which the winning play is to repeatedly hero power pass. The additional potential upside is perhaps a bit less certain than either Twin Emperor Vek'lor or N'Zoth, The Corruptor. Justicar can be included in N’Zoth Pally lists and will improve the match-up against other control decks but is not essential (run by ~50% of N’Zoth Paladins at NA and EU prelims). She is commonly seen in Control Priest builds, but Priest as a whole is not presently very strong. A no-brainer to craft for dedicated control players, but never seen outside the archetype.

Tier 2

Must crafts if you wish to play a single particular deck though not key to unlocking an entire archetype or class (minus Fandral).

Fandral Staghelm

Auto-include and core in every existing Druid list — Beast, Ramp, and C’Thun — that comprise around 3% of recent tournament decks. If you want to play any variety of Druid from aggro to control-ish in Standard you essentially have to craft Fandral. The biggest thing that prevents him from being higher tier is that while several Druid lists are viable they are not meta-defining nor widely seen as particularly strong (note the low play percentage). Fandral’s inclusion in every type of Druid list underscores his flexibility and power which suggests he will remain relevant in future expansions.


An essential part of Tempo Warrior and played in every version of the list used by players who made top 16 at the EU Prelims. Malkorok’s Tier placement is based on the established Tempo list, which is probably the strongest deck in the meta, though it’s worth noting that he is also included in experimental Dragon Warrior builds (see lists by Th3Rat, Fr0zen, Tides at American Prelims). According to Sjow, a warrior specialist and expert on the deck, Malkorok is a crafting priority above Varian and perhaps the strongest 7-drop in the game.

Varian Wrynn

Not quite must-craft for Tempo Warrior. In original pre-OG builds of the deck he was the defining card of the archetype. Players on ladder have lately been running a modified version that replaces Varian with Arch-Thief Rafaam following a build Sjow used to reach #1 Legend as the substitution improves the match-up against control decks. Among tournament builds Varian remains an almost omnipresent feature of the deck, used just ever so slightly less than Malkorok–in 7/8 of the EU top 16 and in 4/5 published lists from NA prelims. Warrants inclusion in Tier 2 as though he could be substituted for Arch-Thief Rafaam current play patterns still use him far more than other flex cards. Craft after Malkorok.

Ragnaros, Lightlord

Must craft for N’Zoth Pally. Although this is a strong list and Good Rag is indispensable to making it work, he is Tier 2 because it really only makes sense to craft him after Tirion Fordring and only if you are willing to invest in all the other legendaries for a deck that requires at least 12k dust. Enthusiasm for the list may be waning and it remains to be seen whether the Lightlord will see play outside of a heavy control style deck.


Must craft for Freeze Mage and a key part of the deck’s winning game plan in many match-ups. While Alexstrasza does have potential uses elsewhere presently they are not well defined enough to warrant inclusion in a higher tier. Most notably she also appears in some Renolock lists, and a limited number of Control Warrior and Reno Mage builds. She is not all that common in Dragon decks which usually prefer to anchor their curve with Ysera, but has seen some play there.

Archmage Antonidas

Must Craft for Tempo / Reno Mage. While Tempo Mage is not a particularly common in tournament play (~1.25%), the deck is fairly well represented on ladder (4-6%). Antonidas does appear in some variants of Freeze although the general consensus is that he is too slow and is not part of the core build. He has historically been included in pre-Torch Freeze and Mech Mage builds representing a spectrum of deck archetype from control/combo to very aggro that bodes well for his potential longevity and versatility.

Tier 3

Specialized / Flex Picks Commonly Seen in Strong Decks (These cards are still very good!)

Baron Geddon

Strongly consider crafting for classic Control Warrior. Essentially everything that was said about Ragnaros, Lightlord also applies to Geddon, where the list in question is Control Warrior instead. While Geddon is a common inclusion he is probably the most replaceable part of the CW package. A majority of recent tournament lists include him in CW (~75%), but this has not always been the case, i.e. when the build was mostly Elise + removal. Furthermore, if C’Thun Warriors supplant classic Control archetypes it may be worth crafting Twin Emperor Vek'lor instead as the C'Thun flavor does not run Geddon. He does see limited uses elsewhere.

Lord Jaraxxus

Historically Jaraxxus has been a defining card of Control Warlock builds, and currently Renolock is an undeniably strong list and has only seen increasingly more play from European to American Prelims. The only reason Jaraxxus is not a Tier 2 ›must craft‹ is that he has actually been cut by a significant fraction of Renolock decks. Of American Prelim lists published on Hearthpwn 50% (5/10) do not include Jaraxxus as the availability of other strong late-game threats has rendered the sometimes difficult to use card less necessary. Given that Reno builds require around a Legendary worth of epics (Doomsayer, Twisting Nether, Big Game Hunter, Faceless Manipulator, +/- Mountain Giant) it may be prudent to invest in these first and play non-Jaraxxus builds before making a decision about whether to add Jaraxxus.

Xaril, Poisoned Mind

Ah the debate over Xaril rages on! Xaril probably sees more play than most of the cards in Tier 2, just given how common Miracle is. If the card’s ultimate strength is still undecided what is decisively clear is that he is not essential. He was included in around half of the Miracle lists from notable players in the American Prelims (more commonly in Malygos than Leeroy Jenkins variants), and swapping him with Violet Teacher or some other configuration of Shiv / Deadly Poison / Conceal / Journey Below is not necessarily a sub-par substitution but may be a more optimized list. If you’re a Rogue specialist he may certainly be worth crafting before any Tier 2 cards to have flexible build options. At the same time it’s possible to play miracle at the highest levels without him.

Gormok the Impaler

Despite being a neutral legendary, Gormok is for all intents and purposes a Warlock class card as he is only seen in Zoo. Even then, he seems to have fallen out of most Zoo lists. He was only in 33% of the Hearthpwn sample of American Prelim lists and some of the very best Zoo players chose not to bring him. Though this may be due to players running heavily tech-ed lists even during peak usage, Gormok was never core to any Zoo build. He is easily replaced by a Dark Iron Dwarf, which is a more consistent card even though it provides less potential upside. Gormok remains powerful and Zoo is the list in which his battlecry is most likely to proc and so he is the definition of a flex pick, i.e. Tier 3.


Druid remains the rule-breaker. Of all the cards in this group Cenarius may be the only one that is a part of the vital core of a viable deck, in this case Ramp Druid. But again, owing to the general weakness of the class as a whole it nevertheless seemed more appropriate to put him here as opposed to the Tier above.

Yogg-Saron, Hope's End

Perhaps initially dismissed as a joke card, the fact that he is being brought in a variety of tournament lists argues for taking him more seriously. While RNG does not lead to deterministic outcomes simulation runs and play experience suggest that on average he has net positive effect when played on appropriate board states as he tends to clear board and draw cards. He is currently in at least five different player’s decks at American Prelims in Shaman, Druid, and Mage and has been in a reasonably popular/successful ladder deck (Lock and Yogg Hunter). However, with the exception of the Hunter it remains unclear whether he is core / build-around in any of these lists as Ramp Druids and Tempo Mages have all been built without him.


If Malygos Rogue and Malygos Reno Freeze are taken as independent archetypes then Malygos is obviously a must-craft for these lists. However, it’s possible to play both Miracle and Freeze without him, so while he changes the playstyle of both decks significantly it seems most appropriate to consider him a flex inclusion. While he enables these two significant variants, it would seem crafting him does not take priority over Bloodmage Thalnos, Edwin VanCleef, or Alexstrasza. It may be worth noting that Malygos has also historically been a ›build around‹ card using GvG Ancestor's Call and Malygos continues to appear in somewhat more niche Dragon lists.

Eadric the Pure

A substantial fraction (perhaps 50-66%) of N’Zoth pally builds use him, but he is certainly not in every list. Far less important to the deck than either Tirion Fordring or Ragnaros, Lightlord.

Al'Akir the Windlord

Not used by the vast majority of mid-range Shaman builds, though a non-negligible number of players do choose to play him.

The Black Knight

Appears in some Renolock lists but only very rarely in any other decks. Obviously a tech decision based on the prevalence of large taunts in the meta-game. This has not been nearly as common as anticipated prior to the launch of OG.


Traditionally most commonly seen as a part of Dragon Priest. In Standard he may be one the more useful dragons after Alexstrasza and Malygos as being both a deathrattle and taunt makes him quite strong on N’Zoth boards. Accordingly he currently sees tournament play in somewhat experimental N’Zoth builds in Druid and Shaman sometimes without a full dragon package. It is worth noting that these builds have yet to achieve mainstream traction.


She is a rather difficult to get a hold on in the current meta. Ysera is usually integral to most dragon lists and while players have proven it is possible to climb to legend with Dragon Priest the overall strength of these lists remains significantly in doubt. Nevertheless given how difficult it is to remove her and the value she can generate if left unattended Ysera also continues to see play outside a dragon shell as a flex pick in some Control Warrior and Ramp Druid builds.

Tier 4

Playable but only used in a specialized list or by a single player. Worth experimenting with if you opened them, but are likely not worth crafting unless you want to play a specific list. Presented on a descending scale of proven to speculative use. Longevity is not assured and some of these cards may not be better on abstract value scales than cards in Tier 5.

  • Prophet Velen – Core to Priest OTK.
  • Hallazeal the Ascended – Used in Windfury Leeroy Shaman OTK and Tide’s wacky American Prelim Control Shaman.
  • Soggoth the Slitherer – Used to notably poor effect in Jasm’s Control Warrior at Dreamhack Austin, in a Reno Druid at American Prelims, and Stonekeep’s high legend ladder Ramp Druid.
  • Deathwing – Used by Neobility in his American Prelim Ramp Druid and Adidas5482 in a Dragon Priest.
  • Deathwing, Dragonlord – Used by XXXX in a Dragon Druid at American Prelims, and on ladder by Snower in a N’Zoth Dragon Priest.
  • Onyxia – Used by Fr0zen in a Dragon Warrior at American Prelims; more speculative ladder play in Onyxia-Evolve Shaman.
  • Nexus-Champion Saraad – Used in Fr0zen’s Tempo Yogg Mage at Prelims.
  • Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound – Used by Dog in a Ramp Druid list at American Prelims.
  • Tinkmaster Overspark – Used by Payton in his American Prelim Control Warrior as a supplemental removal option.
  • Hogger – Used by Stancifka in a Yogg Warrior deck at European Spring Prelims.
  • The Mistcaller – Used by TheRealDrWho in a Reno Shaman at American Prelims.
  • Aviana – Could be used in Ramp Druid though it seems most lists have cut her.
  • Rhonin – Used in Hafu’s Reno Mage list that found success at high Legend, also in a Reno Mage at American Prelims.
  • Illidan Stormrage – Used in a Miracle Rogue list by LiveHigh on Legend ladder.
  • Hogger, Doom of Elwynn – Appeared in some early Old Gods Patron lists and a Zetalot Priest build.
  • Captain Greenskin – Appeared in an early Legend Pirate Warrior build by Lunk though has recently fallen out of favor.
  • Skycap'n Kragg – Similarly part of the early Pirate Warrior list but does not feature in recent tournament builds.
  • Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale – Reynad experimented with him in Tempo Mage on ladder around rank 4-5 to uncertain success.

Tier 5

Not aware of any tournament or ladder viable lists using these cards, though they certainly have the potential to see play due to their unique effects. They are not necessarily worse in the abstract than the Tier above, but are not currently used. Sorted purely by class and not in order of potential viability.

Tier 6

Unlikely to ever see meaningful play.

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  1. RealLambi
    November 11, 2016 at 11:55 am

    I have about 2k Dust left and really dont know what Legendary to craft next.
    I would like to craft N’Zoth, but do not have Cairne atm, dont know if it makes sense.
    Others are Harrison (which can be replaced easily), Fandral, Malygos or Happy Rag.
    What do you think?

    • Evident - Author
      November 12, 2016 at 8:09 am

      N’Zoth should be fine without Cairne, you can kind of replace him with stuff like Corrupted Healbot and Infested Tauren. Fandral is extremely good, but obviously only if you like Druid. The best Druid deck with Fandral has Malygos in it, so that makes it more difficult. I would wait on Happy Rag because I’m not sure how good Control Paladin will be in the next expansion.

  2. Aktiv8
    September 23, 2016 at 10:50 am

    I’ve got everyone through Tier 2 except Malkorok, and Varian. As they will cycle out at some point and aren’t meta-defining, I’m not feeling pressed to get them.

    Looking at Tier 3 I’d prefer directing dust at Classic cards so they’re evergreen but the ones I don’t have are Jaraxxus, Al’Akir, Malygos and the Black Knight. The first two are limited to just their Class. The second two are Neutral but Malygos usually requires other cards to work (Emperor Thaurissan / Ancestor’s Call … which will cycle out) or aren’t current Meta (heavy Taunt for TBK). Any thoughts on priority for those 6 (Malkorok, Varian, Al’Akir, Malygos, Jaraxxus, TBK)?

    • Evident - Author
      September 23, 2016 at 12:13 pm

      I like Malygos at the moment, he’s always been good in combo decks and Maly/Yogg Druid is a fun deck. The only other one that I would consider that you listed is Al’Akir. Midrange Shaman is pretty strong at the moment and he’s a solid card in that deck.

  3. Thedavtafire
    September 19, 2016 at 2:23 pm


    Would you be able to update this list?


  4. ?
    September 19, 2016 at 5:25 am

    harisson, bloodmage t. or n’zoth. what do u think guys? which one is the most usefull legend?

    • Evident - Author
      September 19, 2016 at 9:12 am

      Bloodmage is in more decks, but he’s not really the theme of any of them. N’Zoth is a good finisher and requires you to build around it. It depends on how many cards you have in your collection, if you have a lot of deathrattle stuff like Sylvanas and Cairne then N’Zoth might be the best option. If you like Rogue and other spell based decks then Bloodmage fits in most of them.

  5. Esthirel
    July 9, 2016 at 11:27 pm

    I think you are so wrong on the Soggoth the Slitherer card. That card is in a control based deck the minion that is often the absolute matchwinner. The fact that spells dont work on it while 9 damage must be done to it before it goes aside is often a task that your opponent will never be able to fullfill. While other taunts like ancient of war (a 5/10 taunt!) are often blown away by 1 spell that costs half the mana. Even cards like Y’Shaarj with its 10/10 body are more vulnerable than Soggoth. Soggoth is the most decent late game minion in the entire meat in a lot of cases. Soggoth is tier 1 material! I assure you I know this by playing it ever since the first wotog game i played. Most sturdy taunt that keeps you standing while you wreck your opponent in late game. Even Tirion and Dr. Boom are vulnerable to shit like equality or silence. Silence can be done but the body lives on. just the taunt is lost. making a 1/1 sheepy of it can be done with Boom and Tirion but not with the stronger minion that is called Soggoth the Slitherer.

    • neymarpower
      September 4, 2016 at 4:53 am

      Yeah i think so too.Soggoth is really a game changing card that can hold back the game for at least on average 2 to 3 turns. absolutely amazing in control decks. Too underrated shld be at tier 2 or 1.5

  6. Dark
    June 4, 2016 at 12:43 pm

    Hello Evident. I really am torn apart on what to craft next. Should I craft Justicar Trueheart or Sylvanas? I love playing C’Thun Warrior, I also play C’Thun Priest.

    I don’t have Grommash either.

    • Evident - Author
      June 4, 2016 at 2:20 pm

      I’d say Sylvanas is your best bet, but not having Grommash is a problem for any Warrior deck other than Pirate.

  7. lucas boleli
    May 28, 2016 at 8:46 am

    this could become the HEARTSTONE CRAFTING CARD GUIDE at the top menu on this site, always want to come back here for info and need to search the bad way

  8. Golom
    May 24, 2016 at 8:04 am

    Am I the only one that wnts to see a crafting guide for epics ?
    Please Evident, make it happen !

  9. CD001
    May 24, 2016 at 4:58 am

    Poor old King Krush – since I packed him the other day I’ll just have to play him meaninglessly then 😛

    He’s not bad in my Beastmaster deck and fills a similar sort of role to Ragnaros the Firelord; a big 8/8 body that has to be dealt with – though he’s a more reliable finisher than Ragnaros as the charge attack is directed rather than random.

  10. Indipuk
    May 24, 2016 at 1:50 am

    Cthun warrior is “strong” and on the same level as control warrior? Are you kidding me? Who made this list?

    • Evident - Author
      May 24, 2016 at 7:56 am

      C’Thun Warrior is strong… and it is in a similar spot as Control Warrior. Check the recent Tempo Storm Meta Snapshot, Control Warrior is low tier-2 and C’Thun Warrior is high tier-3.

      Also, how does finding one debatable thing on this list warrant the questioning of who made the list?

  11. Andrei
    May 24, 2016 at 12:24 am

    I use the beast in my N’Zoth decks.

  12. MooPenguin32
    May 23, 2016 at 5:06 pm

    Great post

  13. sig
    May 23, 2016 at 12:35 pm

    One thought about Nat, the Darkfisher. Amnesiac used him in his aggro Pala http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/amnesiacs-standard-aggro-paladin-may-2016/

  14. WalterPY
    May 23, 2016 at 11:13 am

    only 1600 dust sou malygos leeroy or Black Knight what first ? order ?

    • Evident - Author
      May 23, 2016 at 11:40 am

      Well, there is nothing in Tier S, but it really depends on what decks you want to play. Leeroy is good for aggro/combo, Malygos is good in some combo decks, and I wouldn’t craft The Black Knight if you are tight on dust. Leeroy is likely the best to craft in general right now.

      • WalterPY
        May 23, 2016 at 11:43 am

        ok leeroy next malygos last black knight ty

  15. anony
    May 23, 2016 at 8:37 am

    I just like to get an opinion about Leeroy Jenkins. He is basically used as a finisher in most of the decks listed under him. What is the view of using something like Reckless Rocketeer instead of him. How significant is the 1 attack difference for the same mana cost?

    • anony
      May 23, 2016 at 8:40 am

      Ah correction, I mean the Rocketeer will have 1 cost more, 6 rather than 5 as well as 1 damage less.

      • Evident - Author
        May 23, 2016 at 8:57 am

        It can work in something like Zoo where the one cost might not be as important, but it’s a huge difference in something like Renolock that pairs the combo with Faceless Manipulator. You pretty much would have to guarantee that you got your Emperor Thaurissan on it and another piece of the combo.