Standout Hearthstone Decks of the Week #3 – Un’Goro Meta

A lot of great decks have been hitting the top of the ladder with the ever impressive Kolento reaching #1 Legend on two servers with his Quest Warrior. Take a look below at all the other decks that have stood out to me this week!

If you’re looking for a full list of the best decks for the ladder check out this post: Hearthstone’s Best Standard Ladder Decks.

Standout Decks of the Week

This deck brought Kolento to #1 Legend on both EU & NA simultaneously! It’s hard to deny the power of the Quest Taunt Warrior while it continues to occupy the top of the ladder for multiple people.

It’s still hard to believe that a Silence version of Priest that runs Purify is a ladder viable deck. The crazies part is that not only is it a ladder worthy deck, but it got UpZuka to #2 and Feno to #3 Legend!

Midrange Hunter is easily the cheapest and most accessible deck for new players right now. This version runs both currently popular tech cards in Hungry Crab and Golakka Crawler, officially making this the CRAB META.

The man who popularized Water decks has now piloted the Water version of Token Druid to #1 Legend on the ladder. There’s still many variants of this deck floating around, it remains to be seen which ends up being the best.

Quest Rogue’s popularity has waned a bit, but the deck continues to perform well for pro players in high legend.

A deck that was initially on life support is making a strong comeback. Tar Creeper and Earthen Scales have helped it fight off aggro, while Primordial Drake gives it some tempo AOE in the late game.

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  1. Daniel
    April 30, 2017 at 2:22 am

    Ben Brode did it. The absolute madman. He changed the entire meta just to make Purify work 😀