Blizzard’s Off-Meta Spotlight Decks (Early-September Boomsday) – Fatigue Warrior, Malygos Rogue, Combo Priest

Blizzard just revealed a few more off-meta decks that have done well at Legend rank! These are lists that don’t see a ton of play currently and can be used to switch up your game and surprise your opponent. Off-Meta decks are great for catching people expecting the standard decks they see from certain classes.

Have you been looking for a change of pace in Hearthstone? Maybe you’d like to try a new deck or class on the ladder, but don’t know where to start. If you’ve been craving something new and different, take a look at our Off-Meta Report and spice things up with some interesting decks that have been performing well at the rank of Legend!


All text included with each deck is from Blizzard.

“Many Control Warrior decks typically opt to include only Odd-cost cards so they can have an upgraded Hero Power, but this one takes a different approach. With the infinite value generation of two Dead Man’s Hands, you can outlast every threat thrown in your path and win the game via fatigue. Europe’s Selkr outlasted his opponents to achieve a 60.8% winrate.”

Deck Import

“The Boomsday Project gave rogue a few new tricks to use with Deathrattle minions. This deck uses Necrium Blade and Necrium Vial on a Kobold Illusionist to summon multiple copies of Malygos for an OTK. Opponents will suspect your Secrets to be Evasion—surprise them with Sudden Betrayal! 致命之足 from China took this deck to a 61.5% winrate.”

Deck Import

“This Buff Priest deck takes a simpler approach to winning. Instead of intricate combos, play lots of high health minions, buff them up with Extra Arms and Divine Spirit, and then finish them off with Inner Fire! Eternal Servitude is an interesting inclusion that has great synergy with Injured Blademaster and Witchwood Grizzly. Guard1019 from the Asia server flexed their muscles for a 66.3% winrate with this deck.”

Deck Import

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One Comment

  1. Vincent
    September 7, 2018 at 3:41 pm

    Just reached rank 3 with even mecha’thun warlock.