Unique Malygos Druid

Class: Druid - Format: dragon - Type: combo - Season: season-65 - Style: theorycraft

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General value deck with Elise/Floor/Maylgos endgame win condition

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  1. MalygosDruid
    August 16, 2019 at 5:54 pm

    What a stupid deck!
    u havent used your brain on that
    1. If you do Juicy Psychmelon you draw jepetto and maly same time so he wont cost 1 Mana!
    2. if you jepetto and hit not malygos your other cards get sucky like Oasis or Crystall Stagg!
    3. 15 is not 30 and for warrior not enough! so play maly anyway, if it wont otk?
    4. u cant clear big threaths like mechanised minions without spending 10 mana or a lot of resources!
    5. 16000 dust ? who can afford this for a garbage deck?
    6. with this highlander deck you cant topdeck the card you need! 1/30???
    just copy decks dont invent pls