Hidden Oasis

Hidden Oasis Card

Hidden Oasis is a 6 Mana Cost Rare Druid Spell card from the Saviors of Uldum set!

Card Text

Choose One - Summon a 6/6 Ancient with Taunt; or Restore 12 Health.

Flavor Text

Amazing that it's been hidden, given the twenty-foot treant splashing around in it.

Hidden Oasis Additional Information

Token Minion:

Cards Relating to Hidden Oasis

Vir'naal Ancient
- Cost: 6 - Attack: 6 - Health: 6

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  1. July 29, 2019 at 2:34 am

    You’ll play it in a quest deck or in a lucentbark heal deck just because it exists. Meh overall. 3/5

  2. ReliusRemyRezar
    July 24, 2019 at 9:54 am

    Umm… F-word

  3. JustYourAveragePayToWin
    July 20, 2019 at 3:52 pm

    If I hadn’t seen the Druid Quest I would’ve dunked a 2/5 rating on this card, but with the quest this card is a bit ridiculous. Definitely a 4/5.

  4. EksSkellybur
    July 19, 2019 at 11:04 pm

    If only this card was buffed from 6 Mana to 4 or 5 at least, since Priest used to have Greater Heal Potion for 4 Mana, and has Omega Medic for 3 Mana, that would also restore 10 health and give you a 3/4 body along with it. “So why is this card a nerfed version of Greater Healing Potion?” You may ask, and I think I found Hearthstone’s Excuses:

    1.) It’s to try and Buff Heal Druid, and/or Heal Lucentbark Druid.
    2.) They fear the power of Big Druid, Malygos Druid, and OTK Druid from being too strong.

    Keep in mind that they used to have 12 Armor, which was Branching paths, and it was a Really stupid and Powerful card because you would basically have 2 “Get out of jail” cards and adapt to how you want to see play: 12 Armor, Draw 2 Cards, More Token Pressure, or a Mixture of Both. The absolute worst and aggressive rating this card can get is 2 Stars because it will see some experimentation at the very least, but I am really bumped out that it’s not at least 5 Mana, but Perphase it was for the best that it stays a 6 Mana, since we don’t want to see 10 Mana, Heal 24 Health.

    Oh, and the 6/6 with Taunt is just filler, for when you don’t have a card to play or for Token Druid Reasons. Actually, now that I think about, for Control Druid it’s 3 Stars, but for more aggressive Decks it’s 4 Stars, but I’m still going to rate it at 3.

    • Lluadian
      July 20, 2019 at 6:27 pm

      If you look at the druid quest it’s a bit obvious this not not meant to be played outside of a quest druid deck. The fact that it can give both options is why the Mana cost isn’t lower 4-5 Mana with quest done would break this card. Not including the fact this can be dropped on curve in quest deck since you can finish quest turn 5 maybe even turn 4 depending on coin interaction.

  5. Essexmcintosh
    July 19, 2019 at 6:51 pm

    Umm, I think everyone is evaluating this wrong…
    Like, I agree that this card is insane, but it’s a 6 mana 6/6 minion with taunt. And it’s a spell.
    This will go into token druid, not heal druid.
    (And, yeah, if quest druid is in standard, this goes in. I’m not quite convinced that we need to turn the quest on for this/nourish yet.)

  6. Lluadian
    July 19, 2019 at 5:35 pm

    Something very annoying is happening spell druid is being born. Quest + Elise + Floop + This = Stupid druid why won’t you DIE! Imagine that in late game able to keep dropping a 3/4 and a 6/6 taunt every other turn in late game with a heal for 12.

  7. ActualWaterfowl
    July 19, 2019 at 3:23 pm

    Wonderful flavor, interesting effect. Pushes quest and Lucentbark druid decks. Happy that this card will be in the game. 4/5.

  8. Omnitarian
    July 19, 2019 at 1:06 pm

    Y’know, this really illustrates how busted Branching paths was. 2 mana cheaper, 12 armor as opposed to 12 healing…

    This costs too much to be played on its own (maybe at 5 mana) but seems ok with the quest reward and Keeper Stalladris.

  9. Bulletkin
    July 19, 2019 at 12:57 pm

    this is a great reward for playing the quest, seriously good against agro, bombs, or for rezing lucentbarks in a control match up

  10. Csn113
    July 19, 2019 at 12:17 pm

    I’ve been playing around with a Lucentbark deck which is quite fun. This would be a nice addition, probably more for the heal to revive the Barks, but the 6/6 Taunt for 6 gives it some nice versatility. By itself it is playable but not very powerful. For the new quest, this is downright nasty. 12 health!? 4/5

  11. Lluadian
    July 19, 2019 at 10:46 am

    Let’s look at this from perspective of quest done. 8 heal cost 3 Mana so about 4-5 gets you 12 heal just going with the 3 Mana that would make this a 3 more Mana get a 6/6 taunt.

    Considering it would take 4 turns after playing quest before this could go off if you saved a mana each turn this is an effective card for an on curve drop. Something that quest also makes me consider though would it count if you popped coin on one of the turns just so it left 1 Mana unspent. Could be usefull trick right before going into midgame.

  12. Jed
    July 19, 2019 at 10:15 am

    Good with quest, but piss poor without it

  13. Guyopt
    July 19, 2019 at 9:41 am

    not so good… 2 stars

  14. Taznak
    July 19, 2019 at 9:33 am

    By itself, this is pretty bad, a 2/5 stars card that I’d describe as “needs a lot of support to be playable”.

    Druid quest is just that support. Summoning a 6/6 taunt minion AND restoring 12 health for 6 mana can be really good. If you end 4 of your early turns with unspent mana to complete the quest, aggro decks will beat you up- but taunting up and getting healed is a pretty good way of recovering from that.

    Synergy with Keeper Stelladris isn’t fantastic, but this is close to auto-include in a Druid Quest deck archetype. 4/5

  15. Electronick
    July 19, 2019 at 9:31 am

    Lucentbark quest Druid seems it could be a really cool control deck. The only drawback is the normal
    Druid hero power is quite helpful for taking damage against other control decks.

    Late game quest Druid is going to be pretty scary though; 10/10 taunts, 6/6 taunts and 12 health restore, gloop sprayer antics, through in alex etc.

    With a few more choose one effects you could probably make it a highlander deck with Elyse. Could be a real powerhouse.

  16. Thraben
    July 19, 2019 at 9:15 am

    5/5 for the quest, 3/5 otherwise

    • MrAranak
      July 19, 2019 at 9:22 am

      Lucentbark synergy. Flavor text is nice too.
      “Amazing that it’s been hidden, given the twenty-foot treant splashing around in it.”

  17. Lop
    July 19, 2019 at 9:05 am

    brilliant design – excellent with the new druid quest: control druid needs some love
