There will be 135 new cards coming in Saviors of Uldum expansion. Below you will find a full list of the currently revealed cards, along with many sorting options. If you are curious which cards have released most recently, you can sort by Date in the field right next to the Filter button!

Like most expansions, Saviors of Uldum will have a fairly standard rarity breakdown. Two Legendaries for each class (one of which is a Quest card), with the likelihood of five neutral ones making that 23 in total. Each class will also get two epics, three rares, and three common cards!


Mana Cost








Name Class Rarity Type
Anubisath Warbringer
Deathrattle: Give all minions in your hand +3/+3.
Neutral Common Minion 9 9 6
Blatant Decoy
Deathrattle: Each player summons the lowest Cost minion from their hand.
Neutral Epic Minion 6 5 5
Body Wrapper
Battlecry: Discover a friendly minion that died this game. Shuffle it into your deck.
Neutral Epic Minion 4 4 4
Bone Wraith
Taunt Reborn
Neutral Common Minion 4 2 5
Bug Collector
Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Locust with Rush.
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 1
Neutral Common Minion 3 3 2
Colossus of the Moon
Divine Shield Reborn
Neutral Legendary Minion 10 10 10
Conjured Mirage
Taunt At the start of your turn, shuffle this minion into your deck.
Neutral Rare Minion 4 3 10
Desert Hare
Battlecry: Summon two 1/1 Desert Hares.
Neutral Common Minion 3 1 1
Desert Obelisk
If you control 3 of these, at the end of your turn, deal 5 damage to a random enemy.
Neutral Epic Minion 5 0 5
Dwarven Archaeologist
After you Discover a card, reduce it cost by (1).
Neutral Epic Minion 3 3 3
Faceless Lurker
Taunt Battlecry: Double this minion's health.
Neutral Common Minion 5 3 3
Battlecry: Add a random Murloc to each player's hand.
Neutral Common Minion 2 3 2
Generous Mummy
Reborn Your opponent's cards cost (1) less.
Neutral Rare Minion 3 5 4
Golden Scarab
Battlecry: Discover a 4-Cost card.
Neutral Common Minion 3 2 2
History Buff
Whenever you play a minion, give a random minion in your hand +1/+1.
Neutral Epic Minion 3 3 4
Infested Goblin
Taunt Deathrattle: Add two 1/1 Scarabs with Taunt to your hand.
Neutral Rare Minion 3 2 3
Jar Dealer
Deathrattle: Add a random 1-Cost minion to your hand.
Neutral Common Minion 1 1 1
Khartut Defender
Taunt, Reborn Deathrattle: Restore 3 Health to your hero.
Neutral Rare Minion 6 3 4
King Phaoris
Battlecry: For each spell in your hand, summon a random minion of the same Cost.
Neutral Legendary Minion 10 5 5
Kobold Sandtrooper
Deathrattle: Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero.
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 1
Living Monument
Neutral Common Minion 10 10 10
Mischief Maker
Battlecry: Swap the top card of your deck with your opponent's.
Neutral Epic Minion 3 3 3
Mogu Cultist
Battlecry: If your board is full of Mogu Cultists, sacrifice them all and summon Highkeeper Ra.
Neutral Epic Minion 1 1 1
Mortuary Machine
After your opponent plays a minion, give it Reborn.
Neutral Epic Minion 5 8 8
Neferset Ritualist
Battlecry: Restore adjacent minions to full Health.
Neutral Rare Minion 2 2 3
Deathrattle: Draw 8 cards.
Neutral Legendary Minion 8 8 8
Phalanx Commander
Your Taunt minions have +2 Attack.
Neutral Common Minion 5 4 5
Pit Crocolisk
Battlecry: Deal 5 damage.
Neutral Common Minion 8 5 6
Questing Explorer
Battlecry: If you control a Quest, draw a card.
Neutral Rare Minion 2 2 3
Quicksand Elemental
Battlecry: Give all enemy minions -2 Attack this turn.
Neutral Rare Minion 2 3 2
Serpent Egg
Deathrattle: Summon a 3/4 Sea Serpent.
Neutral Common Minion 2 0 3
Spitting Camel
At the end of your turn, deal 1 damage to another friendly minion.
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 4
Sunstruck Henchman
At the start of your turn, this has a 50% chance to fall asleep.
Neutral Rare Minion 4 6 5
Temple Berserker
Reborn Has +2 Attack while damaged.
Neutral Common Minion 2 1 2
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 2
Wasteland Assassin
Stealth Reborn
Neutral Common Minion 5 4 2
Wasteland Scorpid
Neutral Common Minion 7 3 9
Wrapped Golem
Reborn At the end of your turn, summon a 1/1 Scarab with Taunt.
Neutral Rare Minion 7 7 5
Zephrys the Great
Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, wish for the perfect card.
Neutral Legendary Minion 2 3 2