Wild New’thun Warlock

Class: Warlock - Format: wild - Type: control - Season: season-80 - Style: theorycraft

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Just something I thought might be ok-meme, not amazing. This is a first take on what I would think a new c’thun warlock might look like, will probably change significantly with testing.

The deck runs emperor if you’re wondering because I feel like being able to play a board clear (plague of flames, defile, etc) on the same turn just before you play c’thun should allow for maximum face damage, hopefully killing your opponent that turn. As I said before, this idea might need testing and emperor might not be worth it at all.

Zephyrs and reno are run because after drawing through a large part of your deck looking for c’thun pieces, you should be able to draw out all of your duplicates and activate them. The deck has 9 duplicate cards, which may be too many or too little, but my past experience playing different variations of mecha’thun warlock would make me believe this is a good balance of duplicates and non-duplicates to have reno and zephyrs ready when you need them. You could definitely replace one loot hoarder with bloodmage thalnos, I just haven’t crafted him yet, but he is definitely a good include to reduce the number of duplicates and to buff defile occasionally. 

My main concern with the deck is that c’thun will too often not be able to finish an opponent, or that the deck will get aggroed out by really aggressive decks and won’t be able to stabilize, but hopefully, with this deck, you should be able to play some fun matches with big c’thun finishes.

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