Underbelly Fountain (Season 63)

Class: Shaman - Format: dragon - Type: control - Season: season-64 - Style: ladder

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Combo Mulligans

Draw Spirit of the Frog, draw the deck until you hit an Underbelly Ooze (card) or Muckmorpher into Underbelly Ooze and Big Bad Voodoo. If the Underbelly Ooze is in your hand, you can use Eureka! to summon it onto the board, cast an Ancestral Spirit and a Bad Voodoo on it, and damage it using Zap! or Beakered Lightning to clone it. When an Underbelly Ooze dies it summons both a copy of the Underbelly Ooze, and a random eight cost minion onto the board. Your win condition is basically just flooding the board with big idiots and silence priest is the real only counter to this deck (other than rng of mulligan and bad draws in the early game, as well as the lack of versatility).

Inspired by Disguised Toast, you are truly a massive legend.

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