Starfire Malygos Druid

Class: Druid - Format: dragon - Type: combo - Season: season-61 - Style: ladder

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Druid might be losing its core Mammoth shell, but it does still have the combo enablers of Dreampetal Florist and Flobbidinous Floop. This gives Malygos Druid a chance to find a new viable shell that can protect it long enough to be able to execute its finisher. Proud Defender is a solid defensive card that works well with Druid’s relatively slow early game board development. Sunreaver Warmage provides an amazing swing turn and is a natural fit alongside Nourish and Starfire. Since we’re lacking card draw without Ultimate Infestation (which is also why I’m forced to run Nourish), running a single Juicy Psychmelon helps us find our late game finishers quicker. Finally, without Spreading Plague, Druid is now much more vulnerable to board flooding decks. Batterhead plugs a gap in this weakness and fills the role of an 8-mana target minion for Juicy Psychmelon.

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