Class: Druid - Format: dragon - Type: midrange - Season: season-65 - Style: theorycraft

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General Mulligans

I would like mulligan Nourish and Oasis Surger only if you already got good cards at mulligan.
Worthy Expedition, Ferocious Howl, Crystal Merchant an Wrath is like auto mulligan cards.
Loti and Bees vs aggro/tempo matchups
With midrange maybe you always want to mulligan Vargoth and Mark of the Loa.
In mirror matches you always want to play your Cenarius so we would mulligan him and Nourish with some card draw

So basically thats usual Quest Druid which is buildible there but i add some options which i think will be good in that Druid.
Actually i would bet that any kinds of this Druid will stay in meta after 1-2 weeks. Thanks for attention! ๐Ÿ™‚ <3

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