Midrange Omega Warlock – Post Rastakhan Nerf – Legend #37

Class: Warlock - Format: raven - Type: midrange - Season: season-58 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Keleseth is always a keep as he is what this deck is built around. I would say 99.9% of the time you want to keep the skull unless you know your opponent's deck plays weapon removal or is heavy aggro, as more than likely even if you don't have a demon you will draw one. Librarian is always a keep because he is your only turn 1 play and allows you to cycle your deck, and is even better to keep if you have the spellstone in hand to activate it. The other cards (creeper, hellfire) are just great against aggro and the ooze is a keep against decks that run weapons (specifically if you are facing off against an opposing cube lock).

Hey everyone!

Been meaning to post my omega-warlock deck for a while now and finally have gotten around to it since I’m starting to see other similar (but in my opinion inferior) builds pop up on the site. I’ve been playing this deck for about 2 months now and have managed to reach mid-high legend both times with it, as it performs incredibly well against non-deathrattle hunter builds. In a nutshell, this deck has fantastic flexibility because it can either be the aggressor in slower matchups due to Keleseth or defend well against aggro matchups due to the inclusion of 7 taunt minions. It works like any other Keleseth deck, but the inclusion of more demons besides the typical 2 voidlords gives it the potential for the extra burst you need to close out the game.

But the biggest difference about this deck is the inclusion of the omega agent, who single handedly has managed to win so many games for me as no one in the current meta is expecting it. By the time you have 10 mana, there is a good chance that your opponent has used quite a few of their board clears on other threats (such as the turn after you play Gul’dan, which they most likely expected and saved a clear for). The 3 bodies from the omega is not only fantastic by itself (yet alone if you could buff it with Keleseth), but in combination with shadowflame you most likely can clear their board as it acts as a flamestrike. In that scenario, for 9 mana you get 2 4/5 minions and clear their board.  

I will say that the geist spot is a flex spot for how the meta is shaking out. Right now I prefer geist to counter togg-druids, hunters that play hunters mark and resurrect priest to eliminate some of their burst potential. In a meta where there are more combo decks, Zihi would be a fantastic substitute. I also played with a nerubian for a while and he worked out as well.

Overall, this is definitely the deck you want to play if you want to beat hunter! Below are some of the matchups I’ve had experience facing:

Hunter (Spell/Aggro) – Highly favored 

Resurrect Priest – Not favored, but winnable if you can pressure enough

Dragon Priest – Neutral 

Odd Paladin – Highly favored

OTK Paladin (Horseman) – Highly favored

OTK Paladin (Wrath) – Not favored 

Odd Rogue – Favored 

Cube Warlock – Favored 

Even Warlock – Neutral 

Thanks for reading! 

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