Halazzi & the Lynx Stampede – Rastakhan fun Midrange Hunter

Class: Hunter - Format: raven - Type: midrange - Season: season-58 - Style: fun

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Hi everyone!

This is the final iteration of my deck.

I know everyone plays hunter, but i drew Halazzi as legendary so I built a deck around it..

It´s a well rounded, mid range deck… Tend to play aggressive, but you have options in late game, so know when to hold back, take some hits and strike back. If you don´t draw too bad you should never have a problem regarding too few cards in your hand.. Of course this deck would be better with Rexxar – but I don´t have him.. so..

Perfect starter in most cases. Even more with a +3 attack from a Razormaw adaption next turn

Safety Card – for something is really in your way… 

Board Control, Hyena feed, Stampede and Starving Buzzard synergy

Don´t be afraid to play it, even if you “only” get two or three cards out of it. Of course the more mana and lynxes you have the better the result. Very random and fun.

Excellent with Hounds, Mastiff, and the Lynx party

Very good Card. Adapt your most valuable cards: Hyena and Vicious Fledgling. If you have no beast on board it is mostly better to still play it.. better to lose Adaption than board control. One of the Card where you should maybe use Dire Frenzy on..

Latest iteration.. The deck needed an early board clearer.. (if you draw lucky).. otherwise play it later with the spellstone

Kill enemy minions with it. Face damage is mostly up to the beasts.

This card wins your battles. Sort of your board clear spell.. very good with rush beasts (they can attack again) – you can easily make a 14+/8+ Hyena in one turn

One of your game win options. Don´t be afraid to lose one early one, but the second should probably be buffed with Dire Frenzy in one turn… It´s not uncommon to deal the finishing blow with a 20+ attack Hyena…

Also came in late to the deck. Only play if you either win or delay a lose. Otherwise play it with Dire Frenzy in one turn. 3 4/6 lifesteal rush beasts in your deck can give headaches to opponents

just very good cards. Taunt, buff or charge beast.. you tend to always get what you just needed…

Overall solid card. Very good against spell casters early on

Silence is always good. Only play if you really must.. Silence gets stronger the further into the battle. Sometimes this card silences the last taunt minion blocking the way to victory. bad draw early…

This is also one of the Cards that keeps you in game. I tried alot with non-beast minions and without this card.. but in the end I think you gain more with a beast deck and this.

Situational. sometimes completly useless, sometimes epic. Good synergy with Starving Buzzard.

This card is just epic. If you manage to play and keep one alive early on this wins you the round. If there is a possibilty on using Dire Frenzy on one – do it.

Read the game and buff what beast you will need.. Razormaw, Hyena, Fledgling, or even Halazzi 🙂 I mostly safe one for the Vicious Scalehide

There it is, the Deck namer. Overall it is not a very good legendary – but immensly fun to play – he is there for you when your hands run out of cards and you need just another few turns to come up with another idea. I only play it on 5 mana when i have the crystal, because you want to play one lynx with him so you don´t destroy your next draw because of full hands. Exzellent synergy with Starving Buzzard or Revenge of the wild. 

Also latest addition.. It is weakend, since you only have on secret.. I´m not 100% sure about this, but kept it, for strategy variety

Very bad draw in early game. But this is the Card that will give you another path to victory when everything already failed. “Only” play when you can at least play 3 beasts with it… very good with lynxes, hounds and revenge of the wild. Sometimes you have to find a way to kill it yourself because you draw too much

Yah, that´s it, what you think of it?

Interesting Cards I played with:

I chose the Hatchet instead and rely on Scalehide for health regeneration

Good card… but it shifts the control to a later game

Also had two of these in the deck for some time.. you´ll have some interesting options and playing 4/3 lynxes is fun but also a lot of times you just wanted another beast instead of it… also it is not a beast card so there could be a break with the Master´s Call benefit..

This is actually a really good card… the only letdown, thus why it is not in the deck is, that it is not a beast card and may compromise the Master´s Call…

I have tested this one… and while it can be extremly fun, most of the times you don´t have the mana to run needed combos… also.. not a beast

Played with two of these also… Fun, but you are too heavily dependend on Starving Buzzard and its card draw ability, since you can not run Master´s Call properly anymore

Fun Card. Not overly powerful. But since you don´t have much board clear abilities this multistrike thing can be handy..

I used this before I crafted Stampede.. good card.. fun and random

Sort of late game card. Has the ability to regain board control and is good feed for the Hyena. Good Combo with revenge of the wild.

Stealth is a good way to keep a minion alive and regain board control the next turn… I also tested with two of those.. but in the end I had to ditch something for Stampede, the trap and spellstone

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