fatigue odd mechwarrior

Class: Warrior - Format: raven - Type: fatigue - Season: season-54 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

these are the cards you like to get in you starting hand almost every match

Midrange Mulligans

berserker can be played just for him to waste some damge or to do a big hit with DR booms hero power

Combo Mulligans

dyn-o-matic will be used to make your opponent overdraw with his own acolytes of pain, the ooze for rogues and the owl for any mecha thun or inner fire priests

Control Mulligans

depending on the deck you are facing get the ooze or the owl

I used this deck to get to rank 10 with a 75% or maybe even more winrate, it has something to beat everything even though there are still things to change like putting in Xiliax instead of MC tech


against any rogue you want to get the ooze of course but also AOE

if you are facing Rogue pray for it not to be a weapon rogue with spectral cutlass and academic espionnage cause this game will take 30 minutes but you can win if you get your oozeGluttonous Ooze the thing is you don’t want to play it instantly, you need to wait until he runs out of buffs until then keep him down with your AOEs and armor, once the weapon is gone pressure him and it’s all about his luck with cards and yours with hero power

if you are facing a malygos rogue, if you have the ooze you have already won since he won’t be able to kill you in time without the whole combo with 4 of them

if you are facing an odd rogue you will need to CC his board and outvalue him with your mechs you get from DR Boom hero power and omega assembly

if you face a pogo hopper rogue you need to outvalue him this one is long and not an easy game


against any priest you want to get at least one dyn-o-matic in your handDyn-o-matic

if it is mecha thun or test subject OTK you have lost unless you can make them overdraw a part of their combo with dyn-o-matic if you manage to do so he will probably concede instantlyor you can get very lucky and get a lich king on stonehill.

if it is an aggro priest you want to keep or reshuffle for AOE of course.


against any druid you want to keep your AOE and shieldslam

mecha thun druid can’t be beaten with this deck since you can’t put up enough pressure to kill him before his OTK but you can get very lucky and get a lich king on stonehill.

against token druids AOE is a must but you should try to get shield slam just in case as well after that value your AOEs as much as you can and he should go down pretty easily

for the big druid it’s a little special you will want to stack up armor to do a massive reckless fury once his board is full of those dragons he loves so much

the hadronox druid is pretty much the same as the big druid but instead of waiting for the dragons you wait for the hadronox with your AOE ready until then you control the board as you can with other cards


again you will want to keep shield slam and AOE especially Reckless fury also an owl just in case Ironbeak Owl

for the zoo it’s easy once he builds up a board you wipe it with one of your AOEs after  the second or third AOE he will probably concede if not you will need to outvalue him wich is pretty easy with this deck

for Handlock the Owl comes in handy but don’t waste it until you are sure he won’t get a Rin until your last 10 cards or you are doomed other than that ouvalue him once again making good use of the reckless furys and the shield slams you have


these will be long games once again try keeping your reckless furys until just the right time, all hunters need to be outvalued don’t hesitate to sacrifice a giggling inventor to get a better AOE 


against all mages you want to have shield slam because they are most likely to play geist

the aggro mage does’t have geist in his deck, there are two ways to deal with them, if you feel confident enough to not die because of his spells let him keep the weapon since he will have a massive card draw and still go on in fatigue or you can just outvalue him wich is probably safer but less fun

if you are facing a death knight mage this will be long again but basically it’s like facing hunter but watch out they play geist so keep any shield slam you can get and make the omega Assemblies early on

if it is an exodia you are more or less dead although you might manage to make him overdraw a card or you can get very lucky and get a lich king on stonehill


here nothing new no matter what paladin you are facing keep AOE and shield slams if it is even paladin you want to use one owl on tirion if it is an odd one use them on magnetized mechs and if it’s a regular controll paladin, you can outvalue him without any problem at all.


against warrior keep DR boom

if it is a quest warrior you want to play the boom as soon as he plays sulfuras so you can build up a board wich will tank for you and pressure your opponent

if it is another mech warrior it all depends on how the game happens playing DR boom first can be an advantage or disadvantage all depending on luckand every hero power is usefull here you need to generate as much value as possible, you might skip once for baku and once for a big mech but other than that mash that hero power button every turn.

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