Embiggen Highlander Dragon Druid

Class: Druid - Format: dragon - Type: midrange - Season: season-70 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

The deck is centered around Embiggen and you need it badly against control to keep up the pressure.

Keep Acornbearer and Crystallizer in your opening since they are your only 1 drops.

Keep a dragon if you already have Breath of Dreams.

Aggro Mulligans

Against aggro you need all the fast answers you can get. Breath of Dreams is still solid to get to your big stuff earlier.

BEEEES!!! is a very solid answer against almost all early drops, but most of time you will be struggling against aggro.

Embiggen Highlander Dragon Druid

Vert straightforward deck: play Embiggen , play big dudes, win.

The deck plays out as a midrange deck, you have plenty of rush minions to keep up the tempo and keep the pressure going.

The center cards of the deck are Embiggen, which off-sets your curve making all your minions huge, and Breath of Dreams which allows for a cheap ramp allowing your expensive minions to come out earlier. Hence the reasoning for having two copies of them.

Why highlander, you may ask. Well I think the main weakness of the deck is board clears, having only one copy of Starfall which is not a good board clear per se. This is why we have Zephrys the Great, allowing you to clear the board for relatively cheap and get back in the game.

Of course with the double copy of Embiggen and Breath of Dreams  the consistency early on is not great, so try to hard mulligan for those card every time since they are both the most important cards of the deck and they activate the highlander cards.

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  1. Thanatos
    January 7, 2020 at 4:19 am

    This is a very weird highlander.

    You have two embiggen and breath of dreams, if they are on the bottom of your deck you can’t use three cards of your deck.

    Besides that, you must use all your highalander cards before Ysera, unleashed, or else they won’t work…

    • Sperass - Author
      January 7, 2020 at 5:47 am

      I agree on Ysera, my opinion is that the card is powerful enough to have in the deck. It’s meant to be played as a Chef Nomi like effect, after the highlander cards have been already played. Most of the times it works fine, altough it’s fine to replace it for another big dragon like classic Ysera or Alexstraza.

      Regarding the doubles in the deck, having 2 doubles does not block the highlander cards in the most cases, considering that both Alexstraza and Zephris are late game cards and the deck has some amount of card draw in it. Moreover, the 2 cards that are doubled are key cards in the deck and the consistency of hitting them with only one copy wouldn’t be enough in my opinion.

      • Thanatos
        January 7, 2020 at 6:08 am

        Would you mind sharing your W/R with this deck and on what ranks ?

        • Sperass - Author
          January 7, 2020 at 6:12 am

          I don’t usually play with the deck tracker so I don’t think I can collect any W/R data, I’m rank 15. It’s not meant to be a tier 1 deck keep in mind, especially it doesn’t perform very good against aggro so I would say it’s tier 4 or 3 at best.
          It’s just a fun deck if you like to play big buffed dudes.