Combo Resurrect Priest

Class: Priest - Format: raven - Type: combo - Season: season-61 - Style: theorycraft

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Priest loses the cards that made combo priest good (Shadow VisionsPsychic Scream, Spirit Lash, Radiant Elemental) and the cards that made rez priest good (Eternal ServitudeShadow EssenceLesser Diamond Spellstone) so this is gonna be rough.

Game Plan

We’re hoping for one of two things:

  1. We play Mass Resurrection on 9, hit Archmage Vargoth which casts it again to play 6 minions; one of them sticks and we double Divine Spirit + Inner Fire them with it.
  2. They play something with a big enough butt that we can Lazul's Scheme, Shadow Madness it and kill them with double Divine Spirit + Inner Fire.

both of these combos are inconsistent as they rely on either RNG or your opponent not playing around your plan. Also they both require you to live to 9, and we have 1 board clear. So… this deck does not seem very good lol. Should have some fun moments, though.

Card choices:

As this a new handling of the archetype, it makes sense to go over the “core” cards.

Resurrect package:

Control package:

With psychic scream gone, I think you just need to throw every playable removal spell you have at them so that you can make it to 9.

Combo package:

The above 21 cards make what seems like the core of the deck to me. There may be a better resurrect deck with a different win condition, but I think these cards will be in any Inner Fire resurrect deck. The other 9 cards are up for grabs. Here is what I’m trying and why.

Flex Slots:

  • x1 Shadow Madness + x2 Lazul's Scheme – Shadow Madness is usually only good when you kill them with it, so it seemed like 2 would make things too chunky. Might be too inconsistent this way. Lazul's Scheme is also okay defensively and combos with Shadow Word: Pain to 1 for 2 (oof) something that really needs to die, so I’m putting it at 2 for now. This package seems iffy to me, but I want to try it as it represents another win condition.
  • x2 Hench-Clan Shadequill – Without Psychic Scream we need to actually play some minions earlier in the game… this has great stats for 4 mana and so it should be able to take some good trades.  7 health is also okay when you revive it, but you’re not super happy about it. We’ll see how it feels.
  • Convincing Infiltrator – hard to evaluate. As a taunt it slows damage, which we like, and the deathrattle is powerful. However, 2 attack is low, so you won’t often be killing something as you trade and then also killing something with the deathrattle. We need more minions because we don’t have scream, and I don’t want to underestimate killing something for free, but it seems like we would usually prefer to play any of our other 5-cost things on 5. We’ll see how it feels.
  • x2 Power Word: Shield – this is usually most powerful with early drops to help them make good trades. It won’t be doing that here, but the draw is important and it could help Archmage Vargoth or Hench-Clan Shadequill stick. It also translates to +8 damage if you OTK combo with it.
  • Silence – often advisable to have at least one of this/Mass Dispel in an Inner Fire deck to get through taunts on your OTK turn. I’m opting for only 1 because if they have a big taunt, we may be able to just Shadow Madness it.

As I playtest and get a feel for these cards, I will flesh out the flex slots a bit better. It’s also possible that Shadow Word: Pain and Shadow Word: Death don’t both need to be 2-ofs.

Other options:

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