Budget Genn Bomb Hunter (September 2018)

Class: Hunter - Format: raven - Type: aggro - Season: season-54 - Style: budget

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General Mulligans

If you expect to play late game against shuffle rogue, secret hunter and need board clears, or have to come up against big hunter minions and recruit warrior hold these two, you will get enough early game value, and you don't necessarily have to play fast because they will be playing a slower game than you. Hold on to this combo and when you clear a big board you inevitably get concedes.

Aggro Mulligans

High Priority (first 4)

hold flanking and wingblast vs tempo mage and zoo, scorp vs paladin (for stonehills vs value pally or as protector removal and 1/2 body vs baku), wandering vs all 3 actually and amazing against even warlock

Med Priority (second 4)

If you have a high priority card, don't mulligan these. Whirliglider is probably your best bet for turn 2-3 plays, fireworks tech is nice to have in a lot of matchups since most people will leave a bomb up, bomb toss is great for sorcerers apprentices, flame imps etc. and venomizer is good for early game hard removal, plus becomes a 2/4 rush poisonous on a goblin bomb. Kills eggs and other pesky 3 health minions that win the early game matchup.

Combo Mulligans

Ooze for disruption against malygos druid, recruit warrior, or even Hunter.

Missile launcher is good against wide small boards, same as explosive. Ie: token druid, baku paladin, secret hunter. Combo with venomizer and you'll see opponents rage quit. But not a standard hold unless you think you're playing one of these decks. Secret hunter can be outvalued insanely if you have this clear combo or just don't attack and keep hero powering 

Control Mulligans

You'll want to hold on to some of these cards if you anticipate a slow game vs usually druid or other hunters on ladder (mostly deathrattle or secret)

tech is great to have, and lets you get ahead in the slow games early enough to put them on the defensive. Rexxar is a hold because inevitably some of these games will go long and rexxar on 6 is one of the best value cards that exists. Also your only shot to beat decks like warrior (very bad matchup since most are baku). Ooze for weapons

Lower cost variant of the mechrattle hunter, dropping eggs and whelps for earlier game wins. Played deck from rank 10-5 last season (did not play much hearthstone) currently at rank 5 again, and doing pretty well against meta decks. Loses badly to warrior, other than that you can go 50-50, just be wary of matchups and play smart and patient. Think about your turns when playing them and know the limitations of your deck. So don’t worry about going rope every turn, you’ll still win by 5-6.

Hero power every turn, try to fit it into the curve. Try to squeeze in hero power turn 1 and 2 if your opponent does nothing, like against most druids, hunters, etc. No need to tempo out on turn 2 if your opponent isn’t being proactive.

You have limited value and few ways to buff your bombs, so use them wisely, play around vanish, sap, mass dispell, freezing trap etc. Throw your value generator cards into situations where they may be bounced back instead of buffing a bomb with two mechs and being returned a 0/2.

Remember spells like flanking, wing blast and bomb toss, and effects like scorp are not only for your opponents minions. Hit your bombs, it will help you find those difficult lethals.

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  1. Slagathor
    September 9, 2018 at 10:50 am

    Currently playing your deck at rank 3/2, working really great vs the actual meta! If i reach legend, im can send you a prove. Thanks!

    • Slagathor
      September 9, 2018 at 12:00 pm

      Edit: I exchanged one Ooze for a Dire Wolf Alpha. I often experienced situation where ive got like 4 bombs on the board but nothing in hand to use them. One Dire Wolf can really make a difference there.

  2. Grios
    September 5, 2018 at 8:42 pm

    lol, i built a very similar deck. Really fun deck to play btw

  3. Presidnet
    September 5, 2018 at 10:23 am

    Love seeing another Even Hunter! If anyone is interested in a more midrange even deck, I invite you to check out my post: https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/even-hunter-a-new-archetype/