
Mana Cost








Name Class Rarity Type
Enthusiastic Banker
At the end of your turn, store a card from your deck. Deathrattle: Add the stored cards to your hand.
Neutral Epic Minion 3 2 3
Entitled Customer
Battlecry: Deal damage equal to your hand size to all other minions.
Warlock Epic Minion 6 3 2
Entrapped Sorceress
Battlecry: If you control a QuestDiscover a spell.
Neutral Rare Minion 3 3 4
Envoy of Lazul
Battlecry: Look at 3 cards. Guess which one is in your opponent's hand to get a copy of it.
Priest Epic Minion 2 2 2
Envoy Rustwix
Deathrattle: Shuffle 3 random Prime Legendary minions into your deck.
Warlock Legendary Minion 5 5 4
Eonar, the Life-Binder
Titan After this uses an ability, summon a 5/5 Ancient with Taunt.
Druid Legendary Minion 10 5 7
Eredar Deceptor
Whenever you draw a card, summon a 1/1 Demon with Rush.
Demon Hunter Common Minion 4 3 5
Eroded Sediment
Battlecry: If you played an Elemental last turn, Discover an Elemental from the past.
Neutral Common Minion 3 4 3
Escaped Manasaber
Stealth Whenever this attacks, gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only.
Neutral Epic Minion 4 3 5
Eternal Sentinel
Battlecry: Unlock your Overloaded Mana Crystals.
Shaman Epic Minion 2 3 2
Eternium Rover
Whenever this minion takes damage, gain 2 Armor.
Warrior Common Minion 1 1 3
Ethereal Arcanist
If you control a Secret at the end of your turn, gain +2/+2.
Mage Rare Minion 4 3 3
Ethereal Augmerchant
Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to a minion and give it Spell Damage +1.
Neutral Common Minion 1 2 1
Ethereal Conjurer
Battlecry: Discover a spell.
Mage Common Minion 5 6 4
Ethereal Peddler
Battlecry: If you're holding any non-Rogue class cards, reduce their Cost by (2).
Rogue Rare Minion 5 5 6
Battlecry: Spend 3 Corpses to deal 3 damage. Forge: Gain them instead.
Death Knight Common Minion 3 3 3
Evasive Chimaera
Poisonous Can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers.
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 1
Evasive Drakonid
Can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers.
Neutral Common Minion 7 7 7
Evasive Feywing
Can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers.
Neutral Common Minion 4 5 4
Evasive Wyrm
Rush Divine Shield Elusive
Neutral Common Minion 6 5 3
EVIL Cable Rat
Battlecry: Add a Lackey to your hand.
Neutral Common Minion 2 1 1
EVIL Conscripter
Deathrattle: Add a Lackey to your hand.
Priest Common Minion 2 2 2
EVIL Genius
Battlecry: Destroy a friendly minion. Add 2 random Lackeys to your hand.
Warlock Common Minion 2 2 2
Evil Heckler
Neutral Common Minion 4 5 4
EVIL Miscreant
Combo: Add two random Lackeys to your hand.
Rogue Common Minion 3 1 5
EVIL Quartermaster
Battlecry: Add a Lackey to your hand. Gain 3 Armor.
Warrior Common Minion 3 2 3
EVIL Recruiter
Battlecry: Destroy a friendly Lackey to summon a 5/5 Demon.
Warlock Common Minion 3 3 3
EVIL Totem
At the end of your turn, add a Lackey to your hand.
Shaman Common Minion 2 0 2
Evolved Kobold
Spell Damage +2
Neutral Common Minion 4 2 2
Excavation Specialist
Battlecry: Dredge. Reduce its Cost by (1).
Neutral Common Minion 4 3 6
Exotic Mountseller
Whenever you cast a spell, summon a random 3-Cost Beast.
Neutral Rare Minion 7 5 8
Expired Merchant
Battlecry: Discard your highest Cost card. Deathrattle: Add 2 copies of it to your hand.
Warlock Rare Minion 2 2 1
Battlecry: Summon two 0/2 Goblin Bombs.
Neutral Common Minion 4 3 2
At the end of your turn, shuffle a Bomb into your opponent's deck. When drawn, it explodes for 5 damage.
Neutral Common Minion 3 2 4
Exploding Bloatbat
Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions.
Hunter Rare Minion 4 2 1
Explosive Sheep
Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to all minions.
Neutral Common Minion 2 1 1
Eydis Darkbane
Whenever you target this minion with a spell, deal 3 damage to a random enemy.
Neutral Legendary Minion 3 3 4
Eye of Chaos
Battlecry: Get two 1/1 Chaotic Tendrils.
Neutral Epic Minion 5 5 4
Eye of Shadow
Your hero has Lifesteal.
Demon Hunter Epic Minion 2 2 3
Eyestalk of C'thun
Taunt, Lifesteal Whenever your C'thun gains Attack or Health, this does too (wherever it is).
Neutral Epic Minion 4 1 1
Fable Stablehand
Rush Battlecry: If you control a minion with 4 or more Attack, gain +2/+2.
Hunter Common Minion 3 3 3
Face Collector
Echo Battlecry: Add a random Legendary minion to your hand.
Rogue Legendary Minion 3 2 2
Faceless Behemoth
Neutral Common Minion 10 10 10
Faceless Corruptor
Rush. Battlecry: Transform one of your minions into a copy of this.
Neutral Rare Minion 5 5 4
Faceless Lurker
Taunt Battlecry: Double this minion's health.
Neutral Common Minion 5 3 3
Faceless Manipulator
Battlecry: Choose a minion and become a copy of it.
Neutral Epic Minion 5 3 3
Faceless Rager
Battlecry: Copy a friendly minion's Health.
Neutral Common Minion 3 5 1
Faceless Shambler
Taunt Battlecry: Copy a friendly minion's Attack and Health.
Neutral Epic Minion 4 1 1