Turbo SN1P-SN4P Warlock

Class: Warlock - Format: wild - Type: combo - Season: season-65 - Style: ladder

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A full on combo deck able to make a board full of infinite SN1P-SN4Ps on turn 4 or 5. All the cards fetch the combo pieces or disrupt the board in order to continue our speedy wombo combo search. Alternatively, you can make infinite Zilliax with the use of Glenda as early as turn 5, or even use this combo as a backup in case your opponent somehow has an answer to a wall of 10/15 (or bigger) SN1P-SN4Ps.

Edit** Added in Supreme Archaeology. It fits this deck very nicely. All our cards draw combo pieces from the deck. They also count towards the quest and give us 0 mana cards to do even more busted stuff! Enjoy the list!!

Fetch cards:

Sense Demons – Fetches Witchwood Piper. The only demon in our deck is Witchwood Piper which most of the deck centers around.

Witchwood Piper – Draws Mechwarper. Draws SN1P-SN4P if our hand has 2 Mechwarpers. Draws Meat Wagon (or possibly Spellbreaker) if our hand has 2 Mechwarpers and SN1P-SNAP. 

Meat Wagon – Deathrattle always puts Summoning Portal into play as long as Portal is in your deck. Can be used to set up Summoning Portal combos, and sometimes catches your opponent off guard when they destroy it. Also enables an OTK if you have the combo in hand with it on the board.


T4: Have SN1P-SN4P, Summoning Portal, and Mechwarper in hand. Play Summoning Portal. Coin and play Mechwarper. SN1P-SN4P is now 0 mana and can be echo’d infinite times. I’d recommend making a bunch of 8/12’s rather than stacking all the echoes onto 1 minion.

T4: Have Meat Wagon, SN1P-SN4P, and Mechwarper in hand. On turn 3 coin into Meat Wagon. On turn 4 swing Meat Wagon into a minion with enough power to kill it. It fetches up Summoning Portal. Now play Mechwarper and SN1P-SN4P is free. You also have 3 extra mana to use things like Plot Twist to shuffle SN1P-SN4P back into your deck or Soularium and Plot Twist for insane value.

T4: Meat Wagon, SN1P-SN4P, and Witchwood Piper in hand. Turn 3 coin into Meat Wagon. Turn 4 kill Meat Wagon and get Summoning Portal. Play Witchwood Piper and get Mechwarper. Play Mechwarper and then SN1P-SN4P is free to wombo combo again.

T5: Have SN1P-SN4P, Summoning Portal, and Mechwarper in hand. Play Summoning Portal and Mechwarper on turn 5.. SN1P-SN4P is now 0 mana and can be echo’d infinite times. Same combo’s like the turn 4 combos apply on turn 5 if you don’t have coin in hand.

Zilliax combo: Have Glenda, Mechwarper, Zilliax, and Meat Wagon in hand. Turn 4 play Meat Wagon. Turn 5 swing Meat Wagon into an opponents 4 power or higher minion and get Summoning Portal. Play Glenda for 4 mana. Play Mechwarper and echo it until Zilliax costs 0. Then echo Zilliax infinitely for an absolutely broken amount of power on turn 5! Alternatively, the Glenda combo works without Summoning Portal on turn 9. On turn 9 play Glenda, play Mechwarper and echo it until Zilliax is free.

There are many other combos that work this way. Even if we don’t have SN1P-SN4P in hand, we can still use Witchwood Piper to fetch it once we’ve drawn a couple of Mechwarpers. Honestly there are too many combos to go over in this deck but after some time playing it you’ll discover all the routes to take.

Also take note of how much cheap removal this deck has. This is crucial for our game plan because fast decks can kill us before turn 5. We have access to some spell combos as well. Curse of Weakness combos well with Corrupting Mist and Plot Twist. Shriek can discard another cheap spell in order to clear out the opponents board. Felfire Potion is the least useful spell in the deck however it always seems to come at the right time to close out games. It is also perfect for sweeping enemy minions while our giant mech minions survive dmg and swing for lethal.

Lord Godfrey can be used the turn after SN1P-SN4P or Zilliax combo to clear the enemies board and swing in for lethal, since he likely won’t destroy our wall of giants.

Finally our backup plan is Arch-Villain Rafaam and Supreme Archaeology. Though our deck does some very broken things and even has a pretty good matchup against other broken decks like Big Priest. Most of the best wild decks have full on board wipes. If we combo into SN1P-SN4P, we go all in on our combo. Sadly, if they get around this strategy, and somehow get around the backup Zilliax combo, we are left with a deck full of useless minions and removal that isn’t great in the late game. Rafaam is the perfect flex card. We just replace all our bad stuff with much better cards. This also helps against enemies shuffling stuff into your deck.

Hope you guys enjoy the write up. I haven’t seen anyone else build a list like this one and it feels like an invention that really might enter the wild meta soon.

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