Glinda Crowskin

Glinda Crowskin Card

Glinda Crowskin is a 6 Mana Cost Legendary Warlock Minion card from the The Witchwood set!

Card Text

Minions in your hand have Echo.

Flavor Text

Summon an unlimited* number of minions!**

Glinda Crowskin Additional Information

I think it’s one of the most interesting cards in the expansion so far. There is so much theorycrafting involved – there are tons of cards this could work with, but the main question is – can you make it work consistently?

At 6 mana, this minion is super expensive. Even if it’s Turn 10, it might still be hard to combo it with anything. For example, if you want to combo it with a 2 mana minion – you can only play it twice. Getting an extra copy of a 2-drop is of course good, but not game-changing. You can do something like playing four 1-drops, but then again, are there any 1-drops Warlock would want to play four times? (remember that Mistress of Mixtures is rotating out, so it can’t be a form of emergency healing) Kobold Librarian is great, but you’re basically killing yourself.

This is one of those cards that are broken IF they survive a turn. IF this would survive a turn in the late game, you can, for example, play 5x Gnomeferatu (insane combo in slow matchups). Or play five Knife Jugglers – that’s 10 knives + a board that has to be answered or else your opponent just dies. Or play Summoning Portal and then summon five more 3-drops (or three 4-drops). Or drop six Sea Giants (the first one needs to cost 4 to do that, so there has to be 6 minions on the board in total first). Or do many other things.

But the thing is, that’s a pretty big β€œIF”. Such high priority targets rarely survive a turn. Good thing is that this card has 7 health, so it might be a bit more durable than e.g. Emperor Thaurissan, but still. Most of the Control decks will have a way to remove a 3/7, and Aggro can either ignore it (because it’s super slow) or trade into it and develop more stuff. Or even Silence it.

A lot of things can happen. We might get some more combos with the new cards. Or maybe some great 1-drop that you might want to replay 4 times in the late game. Right now, I think this card has LOTS of potential, but is not reliable enough. To perform the best combos, it needs to survive a turn, and it won’t likely survive a turn…

That said, I will definitely test it out if I open it!

P.S. Definitely has even more potential in the Wild… Like with Molten Giant after you get low = you can play 6 Giants, or something like 5 Giants + Sunfury Protector so you won’t die.

Card rating: 4/10 (might get more if we see some good 1-drop to go alone with it later)

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  1. Hawk819
    April 5, 2019 at 3:14 am

    With the upcoming Rise of Shadows. I’d say she’s going shine. Jumbo Imp and Sea Giant. Enough said. Just make sure you have imps to kill to get Ol’ Jumbo to work. Slap her on the board, and then watch your opponent quit after you’ve placed 3 Jumbo’s and 3 Sea Giant’s on the field.

  2. JasonSan
    May 5, 2018 at 4:51 pm

    I can confirm that Glinda Crowskin affected minions will trigger Mistwraith.

  3. Bladeofsteel
    April 19, 2018 at 10:44 pm

    I just discovered a weird interaction, if you cube a Glinda you get an echo copy added to your hand. If you then cube the cube, you don’t. I mean you can’t play another echo, because that’s 10 mana, but I’m guessing that you don’t get another echo copy, because Glenda is still under the cube? Idk, I guess, though confirmed, if you cube Glinda, you can then cube the cube with a free cube getting 2 Glinda, and a cubed cube.

  4. Bladeofsteel
    April 19, 2018 at 9:48 pm

    I just pulled this card golden rare and and super excited. Best use I found so far is winning in fatigue. You play this then baneful banker this, and then use the echo to shuffle a banker. That makes your deck both cards, so you never deck unless they can’t kill them anymore. Other uses is 6 penguin and this turn 6. Voodoo doctor+this heal 8 on turn 10, or turn 7 voodoo doctor, this, into 6 happy ghoul. Sea giants seem good too. I just can’t think of any really good deck for this card yet. Maybe zoo for the knife jugglers and voidwalkers?

  5. Howls
    April 12, 2018 at 3:20 am

    This card will define the warlock meta.

  6. Frankguan
    March 30, 2018 at 12:13 am

    wonder if the card will work with knife juggler, wisp and animated berserker…though it is almost impossible.

    • Olupajmibanan
      March 30, 2018 at 10:01 am

      The best combo I’ve thought so far is scorp’o’matic OTK in WILD.

      1) Draw the combo pieces
      2) Drop Emperor Thaurissan
      3) Drop Glinda + 2 Mechwarpers + 1 Knife Juggler and start infinite loop of Scorp-o-matics
      4) Enjoy 9 mana OTK

      • Frankguan
        March 30, 2018 at 5:03 pm

        there is a sonya+scorp’o’ matic+2mechwarpers combo in wild which can make a 30-30 vancleef..

      • Servivo
        April 1, 2018 at 4:54 pm

        Lol. New meme deck is a possibility!!

        1) Draw the combo pieces
        2) Drop Thaurissan
        3) Drop glinda (5 mana) + 1 mechwarper (1 mana) + 3 mechwarper with ecco (1 mana) + fel reaver (0 mana considering the thaurisan and mechwarper reduction) + treachery (2 mana) + scorp o matic (0 each scorp o matic)
        P.D: give your opponent the fel reaver and do a loop with the scorp o matic
        4) enjoy destroying the cards of your opponent’ deck one by one..

  7. Spyda
    March 29, 2018 at 9:08 am

    I think the combo you are all looking for is Glinda + Youthful Brewmaster + Target Dummy (wild) or Wax Elemental (Standard). Throw in some other fun cards like Summoning Portal, Knife Juggler, Novice Engineer, etc and you’ve got a pretty fun deck.

    On Turn 6 (or 5 w/ ring) (or 4 if you can use ring to drop summoning portal on turn 3 and keep it on the board for 1 round) you drop Glinda and fill your board with target dummies to protect Glinda. On the following turn you can cast youthful brew master to return a target dummy to your hand, and then an echoed brewmaster to return the original brewmaster to your hand, thus allowing you to repeat the cycle on subsequent turns. This gives you an Infinite number of meat shields every turn to do with as you like. While you’re at it, why not drop a knife juggler or two on the board so that each casting of Target dummy and/or Youth Brewmaster will start cutting down you’re opponent.

    Want to make your endless wall a little beefier? Try using Wax Elemental instead. It costs 1 instead of 0, but with divine shield it can absorb 2 hits instead of 1. It’s also Standard whereas Target Dummy isn’t.

    Other great fillers for the deck could be:
    – Sneaky Devils / Raid Leaders to give your endless hoard of wax walls some offense.
    – Zola the Gorgon to ensure that you have back up copies of Glinda in hand should you opponent zap her with a spell
    – Corpse Raiser could also give her some added survivability
    – Questing Adventurer to gain value from your endless hoard of Target Dummy/Wax Elementals
    – Gnomeferatu allows you to start milling your opponent every turn
    – (Wild) You could also throw in Naga and giants as an alternative win condition

    The key card that everyone seemed to be forgetting about is Youthful Brewmaster. Once you realize that he sets up a condition that will allow you to continue re-echoing your minions on subsequent turns, a large number of new and power combinations open up.

  8. Someone
    March 27, 2018 at 7:07 am

    Have you heard of the lorewalker cho combo?

    1. turn 9 glinda into double blood imp
    2. turn 10 4 lorewalkers into a sacrificial pact into one more lorewalker into one more sacrificial pact
    3. either your opponent has 9 sacrificial pacts in hand or he/she burns a card or even both

    (This card is OP in wild with double mechwarper on turn 9 or murloc tidecaller. I would say this is a very fun card and is worth 10/10 for its flavor)

  9. Eryah
    March 27, 2018 at 6:29 am

    This is Fandral for demonist. Sometime in druid u just play Frandral turn 5 without nourrish in ur hand because Frandal is a hide taunt card. ” kill me or u can be rekt “. (or silence).

  10. Lol
    March 27, 2018 at 3:02 am

    Could be good with something that costs 0 like happy ghoul, but its mostly just a bad fun card so far.
    But think about the meme potential with Weasel tuneller… this thing is awesome!

  11. Matt
    March 26, 2018 at 8:16 pm

    This is even. Mountain Giant is even.

    • Auroki
      March 27, 2018 at 2:47 am

      Yeah, but the lowest cost a Mountain Giant can get is 3, and in one turn, you would only be able to play one MG anyway. If it sticks… well, look at professor Putricide.

      • Matt
        March 27, 2018 at 8:09 am

        Shows how much I play Mountain Giant. Still seems decent with 4 librarians and threatening a game winning untap.

        • Piterno
          April 1, 2018 at 12:41 pm

          If you can get a meat wagon to get you a summoning portal, you can play this +5 gnomeferatu

  12. Mugendramon
    March 26, 2018 at 7:27 pm

    What a weird-looking Onyxia. Filling your board with 1/1s on turn 6 is not the worst you can do. Replacing them with 0-cost Sea Giants a la Necrotic Geist could be a thing, if this happened after your skull dropped a voidlord to shield this.

    Knife Juggler. Happy Ghoul. Witchdoctor or whatever. Thalnos x4 into soulfires. Portal memes. Gnome milling. Murloc swarms! The possibilities are endless.

    • Hear
      March 26, 2018 at 10:28 pm

      Soulfire isnt a minion aye?

      • Simpire
        March 27, 2018 at 2:19 am

        He means that you can play bloodmage thanathos multiple times and then soulfire, he never said that you could echo the soulfire

  13. Osumatthew
    March 26, 2018 at 6:25 pm

    I don’t understand why this card is so highly rated. It looks pretty bad to me. 6 mana 3/7 that does nothing when you play it or when it’s removed, and it’s not like playing this on turn 10 with weak minions is going to do you much good either.

    • Haha
      March 26, 2018 at 11:33 pm

      I dont see why its do nothing…are you one of those who say same thing for warlock weapon? 5 mana do nothing? Hahahaha dude at least it can be 3/7 “taunt” cause if your opponent doesnt kill it he will cry and concede…but actually you would never play this on turn 6.. But on turn 10 you have endless options for combo something with this card.

    • DyingHawk
      March 28, 2018 at 1:33 pm

      well you can play voodoo doctor, this and 5 happy ghouls for 7 mana, that doesn’t seem like nothing, it’s 20/23 in stats. πŸ™‚ this card is insane

  14. Ugin
    March 26, 2018 at 5:55 pm

    Wrath into Glinda into 6 volcanic drakes looks good to me

  15. Brann
    March 26, 2018 at 4:37 pm

    Turn 10 you could play this with Gnomeforatu and mill 2 of your opponents cards, or if they can’t clear this the turn you play it, you could essentially mill your opponent 5 cards.

    So this could be a solid card in a control vs control match-up

    You could also use this to fill your board with voidwalkers, but warlock kinda of already does that. (Or even Mal Imps in Zoo, if you’re into drawing your whole deck)

    Lets look at the cards potential (So far)

    So say your opponent can’t clear this the turn you play it at 10 mana: You could essentially:

    1) you could pull off 2-3 mountain giants

    2) x2 Twilight Drakes (A lot of stats on board)

    3) Elise the Trail blazer x2 (2 packs- +10 cards)

    4) Faceless x2, copy 2 things on board.

    5) Leeroy x2 for 12 Dmg combo

    6) The darkness x2 for double the Memes

    7) x3 MC techs if your opponent has a large board (If you wanna play priest as warlock)

    8) x3 Prince Taldarams (Copy a ton of shit)

    9) Three stone hill Defenders (Add 3 more voidlords to your hand)

    10) Three Zolas – Essentially create an endless loop of value

    11) x3 vicious fledglings (x3 windfury + Stealth)

    12) 5 dirty Rats (Play every minion in your opponents hand) + 30 Hp worth of taunts on 5 targets

    13) 5 knife jugglers (10 Random dmg off the bat)

    14) 5 Prince Kels (A new level of caner)

    15) 5 Plated Beatles (If you like armor)

    16) 6 Mistresses (If you like healing yourself and opponent)

    • Gorringed
      March 26, 2018 at 6:04 pm

      6) The darkness x2 for double the Memes
      Also, if you had a big hand, you could have 6 mountain giants
      good combo

      • Brann
        March 26, 2018 at 7:42 pm

        Yeah that’s gonna be a sick combo in wild, I’m so sad they are Hall of fameing Mountain giant in standard. πŸ™

        It might have actually seen play again in standard, if the meta slowed down a but more and with cards like this

    • Danny
      March 26, 2018 at 11:14 pm

      Play Summoning Portal, play another one.
      x3 The Darkness or whatever else you can come up with.

    • DukeStarswisher
      March 27, 2018 at 10:17 am

      And a partridge in a pear tree lol

  16. HS
    March 26, 2018 at 3:52 pm

    mountain giants only, 0 mana mountain giants is the only combo that work with this card, and is insane in wild

    • Matt
      March 26, 2018 at 8:14 pm

      Why wild?

      • Haha
        March 27, 2018 at 12:47 am

        Cause you have like almost 1k cards more then in standard xd btw you have reno molten etc..

  17. Exploding Banana
    March 26, 2018 at 3:19 pm

    Card is reeealy bad. All the suggestions on how it could be good “if it survives” is not a good enough reason to call this card good. If this minion survives you get good value and that’s it. Cards like Prophet Velen and Malygos if survive WIN YOU THE GAME but obviously they aren’t played and then hoped that they survive. In a control matchup this isn’t living a turn and in an aggro matchup you don’t need the value, and there’s no insane 1 or 2 mana cards to echo with it revealed yet or that currently exists.

    • JayKay
      March 26, 2018 at 4:10 pm

      I would say this will be bad as you say or really good. As you pointed out with prophet velen and malygos, yeah right now they are not seeing a lot of play. But it we have had metas where both velen and malygos was wincon and saw a lot of play. It is going to depend on what cards there are to support it.

  18. Helioshadow
    March 26, 2018 at 3:09 pm

    *sees this card*
    Wait… Isn’t there a bad card that could be meh with this?…
    Ah, here it is. Seadevil Stinger. 4-mana 4/2 Murloc, β€œBattlecry: The next Murloc you play this turn costs Health instead of Mana”… So 10 mana, 20 health (ow), for a board of Glinda plus a bunch of 4/2 Murlocs… Meh…

    How else can you abuse the mechanic… Well besides filling your board with wisps, target dummies, or snowflipper penguins (which I doubt you’d want), you could always go Giant package with Naga in wild. Molten would probably be the easiest and most consistent (yet risky), Sea can ramp up quite well against a β€œflood the board” deck (albeit still having a hefty cost). When thinking about Mountain Giant, I completely forgot that the card is ADDED to your hand, allowing you to spew out all the Giants at a lowered cost. Granted, it’s not free, so it’ll cost a hefty amount of mana unless you have Naga also out (but I doubt your opponent will allow Naga to stay alive if they can help it).

    • maelstrom
      March 27, 2018 at 3:43 am

      You could play naga and this on turn ten and if you have five cards in your hand then 5 mountain giants suddenly appear from thin air.

      • Helioshadow
        March 27, 2018 at 5:12 am

        Glinda’s 6-cost and Naga’s 5-cost, meaning you also need the coin to do the combo at 10 mana. Which is highly unlikely given that there’s already a 50% chance of having it IN THE FIRST PLACE, and I reckon you probably will have a use for the coin sometime before your combo, so it’s REALLY unlikely you’d pull it off. And don’t even try to separate the combo over two turns; nobody’s going to leave a Naga up if they have the chance to kill it.

        • Dude
          March 27, 2018 at 9:16 am

          Bro, in this Szenario you might want to try out playing Naga 1st to reduce Glindas cost to 5…

  19. MrMeme
    March 26, 2018 at 3:07 pm

    Play this then next turn play 5 Gnomeferatu to trigger your opponent

  20. WOrwo
    March 26, 2018 at 3:00 pm

    This card will kill wild format
    the giantlock is one of the best decks (if not the best) and this will take it to another level
    10 mana seawitch+ this buddy + any giant = 5 8 8 minions and full board

    • Haha
      March 27, 2018 at 1:00 am

      No…just no… This doest fit in giantlock at all…with naga you can summon full board on turn 5 why would you wait 10 mana for combo, you can play the SAME/ even better combo on turn 5+…. You have full deck of giants you dont need echo them also without naga you can echo only molten 6 times all others are hard to lower ther cost to 0 without naga… This card is for pure control/reno deck…. Imagine you have emparor (almost all control style warlocks run him) glinda + 5 molten + reno…. 3 cards for full board and full hp…also you can combo glinda with much more cards in renolock then in giantlock πŸ™‚ and also without so many giants you have more boardclears and more stronger minions πŸ˜€

      Sorry if im not great with English/spelling and grammar :/

  21. Poster307
    March 26, 2018 at 2:48 pm

    You guys can’t miss the meme-potential whit summoning portal!

  22. Irishkid200
    March 26, 2018 at 2:04 pm

    Wow either keleseth in zoo or mountain giants in control

  23. Ab00000
    March 26, 2018 at 1:42 pm

    Normally this card would just probably be a cool but bad legendary, but the fact that mountain giant exists give this card incredible viability. Not many classes can remove a board of 8/8s on 6. But we’ll have to see if that deck becomes viable. I don’t think it has application anywhere else

    • Anon
      March 26, 2018 at 2:47 pm

      Mountain Giant can’t drop to 0 cost by itself πŸ˜›

      • Nando
        March 26, 2018 at 2:56 pm

        I think he means in wild
        Because seawitch exist every giant can easy go to 0 mana its a 3 card full board with 5 giants combo

  24. serjohn
    March 26, 2018 at 1:32 pm

    they learned their lesson printing good warlock legendaries , trash tier 400 dust

    • Brann
      March 26, 2018 at 2:00 pm

      Turn 10 you could play this with Gnomeforatu and mill 2 of your opponents cards, or if they can’t clear this the turn you play it, you could essentially mill your opponent 5 cards.

      So this could be a solid card in a control vs control match-up

      You could also use this to fill your board with voidwalkers, but warlock kinda of already does that. (Or even Mal Imps in Zoo, if you’re into drawing your whole deck)

      Lets look at the cards potential (So far)

      So say your opponent can’t clear this the turn you play it at 10 mana: You could essentially:

      1) you could pull off 2-3 mountain giants

      2) x2 Twilight Drakes (A lot of stats on board)

      3) Elise the Trail blazer x2 (2 packs- +10 cards)

      4) Faceless x2, copy 2 things on board.

      5) Leeroy x2 for 12 Dmg combo

      6) The darkness x2 for double the Memes

      7) x3 MC techs if your opponent has a large board (If you wanna play priest as warlock)

      8) x3 Prince Taldarams (Copy a ton of shit)

      9) Three stone hill Defenders (Add 3 more voidlords to your hand)

      10) Three Zolas – Essentially create an endless loop of value

      11) x3 vicious fledglings (x3 windfury + Stealth)

      12) 5 dirty Rats (Play every minion in your opponents hand) + 30 Hp worth of taunts on 5 targets

      13) 5 knife jugglers (10 Random dmg off the bat)

      14) 5 Prince Kels (A new level of caner)

      15) 5 Plated Beatles (If you like armor)

      16) 6 Mistresses (If you like healing yourself and opponent)

    • Mitpaul
      March 26, 2018 at 2:01 pm

      I mean as some one mentioned erlier, you can fill your board with mountain giant using this.

  25. Ronnyy39
    March 26, 2018 at 1:21 pm

    Now I get why Coldlight was removed. Mill warlock with this + Gnomeferatu and Coldlight would be extremely fun to play

  26. Soup And Salad
    March 26, 2018 at 12:30 pm

    This card, thankfully, is not a good fit what I imagine Control and Cube Warlock decks will look like in April when the rotation takes place.

    However, this does seems to be a pretty decent addition to Zoo Warlock, which will be very much appreciated since that archetype is losing critical cards such as Darkshire Councilman and Melchezaar’s Imp. The Taunt minions Warlock has access to would increase the chances of Glinda surviving an on curve play.

    I think this will be Warlock’s version of Fandrel Staghelm, a card you either kill the turn it is played or lose to. Granted, Fandrel is much easier to combo with (Turn 6 Fandrel + Power of the Wild) and easier to slot into both the control and aggressive archetypes.

    • Chophead
      March 26, 2018 at 3:04 pm

      -2 mountain giants
      +2 molten giants
      full board of giants

      • Soup And Salad
        March 26, 2018 at 3:57 pm

        That’s not going to be a Standard combo seeing as Moltent Giant is getting the Hall of Fame treatment.
        Additionally, if you were to spend your turn 6 at 10 health and doing nothing but summoning stuff that can’t win you the game right that turn or save you as Possessed Lackey into Dark Pact can, you’re just asking for your opponent to win during their next turn. Slower decks probably wouldn’t be able to always pull that off, but they would simply focus on the board and do everything in their power to make sure you don’t reach ten health if a Molten Glinda Control Warlock deck became viable.

  27. Philthy
    March 26, 2018 at 12:29 pm

    Great with zoo!

  28. Elzein
    March 26, 2018 at 12:16 pm

    If this survives a turn, can be used to make multiple doomguards/voidlords using Cube, Prince Taldaran or Faceless Manipulator + weapon. Huge combo.

    • TheEyeszlade
      March 26, 2018 at 12:20 pm


      The truth you can protect with voidlords but that card is anyway getting nerfed by itself this card is garbage

      • Soup And Salad
        March 26, 2018 at 5:19 pm

        How exactly would you nerf Voidlord to make it less powerful?
        The potential nerfs that come off the top of my head, less health, reduce the number summoned by the deathrattle, reduce attack, and so on, would either not do anything or to some extent make the card more powerful. Increasing its cost would be useless given how it is normally played, and taking off the demon tag would defeat the entire purpose of the card.

        • Rosfh
          April 17, 2018 at 4:43 am

          You could have the voidlord’s deathrattle add3 voidwalkers to hand instead of board. that would be fair and preserve the integrity of the flavor

          • Soup And Salad
            May 9, 2018 at 3:23 am

            Not really. The card is fair as it is. Voidlord is not the card that would need to be changed anyway. It is the victim of abuse, not the abuser itself. That title would go to Dark Pact and Possessed Lackey.

  29. CD001
    March 26, 2018 at 12:14 pm

    Mountain Giants…

  30. RandomPlayer
    March 26, 2018 at 12:06 pm

    Does it work with the legendary weapon?

    • CD001
      March 26, 2018 at 12:13 pm

      No – it’s not a Demon (thank gawd)…

    • Soup And Salad
      March 26, 2018 at 12:17 pm

      Most likely not. However, it cannot be said for sure until play testing can be done.

      If you were to play Glinda after Skull of the Man’ri summoned a Voidlord, it never had the Echo Keyword in your hand. This is the only interaction we know for sure.

      If you were to have Glinda on the board when Skull summoned a demon, a copy of it still should not be added to your hand. This is because the current description of Echo is that another copy of the card is added to your hand when it is the card with Echo is PLAYED not just summoned as Skull currently does for the demons it pulls out of your hand.

      • Name (Required)
        March 26, 2018 at 5:11 pm

        It won’t work
        in order for Echo to work you must first play the minion from your hand not drag it out
        they mentioned something similar to this in the livestream regarding Yogg and Unstable Evolution

  31. Dessembrae
    March 26, 2018 at 12:03 pm

    best class legend in witchwood so far

  32. Zuki
    March 26, 2018 at 11:57 am

    Wild-Mode will hate this card

    • Soup And Salad
      March 26, 2018 at 5:20 pm

      Naga Sea Witch tends to be better in the Giant spam decks and it would be difficult to have both on the board at once.

      • Haha
        March 27, 2018 at 1:06 am

        At least someone undertand lol this is useless in giantlock and muuuuuuch better in renolock πŸ™‚

  33. Pindead
    March 26, 2018 at 11:54 am

    In wild it could work in a Genn Warlock with molten/mountain giant , and maybe target dummy …

  34. Virilio
    March 26, 2018 at 11:49 am

    Wait, can this work with giant lock in wild to give giants echo?

    • Orasha
      March 26, 2018 at 12:31 pm

      Probably, you play Naga + this and then have echoed giants on turn 10. Will it be better then Naga and Loatheb on turn 10? Depends. Could be interesting

  35. Ivan
    March 26, 2018 at 11:48 am

    Amazing card! Seems really strong

  36. Mistgun
    March 26, 2018 at 11:46 am

    Soo this is why molten giants is going out of standart??

  37. Crapcrack
    March 26, 2018 at 11:40 am

    Wooow just wow…

  38. Stephen
    March 26, 2018 at 11:29 am

    Blizzard: Let’s give Warlock another extremely powerful card since they obviously don’t have enough. Glinda + Summoning Portal is going to be a thing for sure.

    • Soup And Salad
      March 26, 2018 at 12:09 pm

      I doubt that particular combo will see play seeing as it is a 2 card, 10 mana combo.
      While the 7 health will allow it to live on the board on curve quite often, throwing it out on turn 6 unless its placed behind a Voidlord or at least one other taunt won’t usually end up going well. Granted, this card does not fit into Control Warlock as we currently know it unless filling your board with Gnomeferatus is that appealing.
      Similar to Fandrel, It will be best to combo this with something the turn it is played, and on turn 10, throwing out this and 4 void walkers seems pretty decent for a Zoo deck.