Roll the Bones Dollmaster Rouge

Class: Rogue - Format: raven - Type: combo - Season: season-50 - Style: theorycraft

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Deck Import

  Dollmaster rouge is a tempo-based rouge deck that seeks to generate a lot of value off drawing through your deck and gaining a lot of small death rattle minions on your board that generate more value. This is done with the use of Dollmaster Dorian, he enables you to get your big death rattle minions out. Of course, you probably need some card draw to enable him, which is why we run Roll the Bones. If everything goes according to plan we can get a lot of value out of these two cards.

Essential/Weird Cards

  • Roll the Bones: As explained earlier this is meant to combo with Dollmaster Dorian. However, this doesn’t mean you should always let this sit in your hand until you draw him. If you need to replenish your hand feel free to do so. 
  • Sonya Shadowdancer: Made to combo with your death rattle minion you can get a lot of value out of this card with cards likeSplitting Festeroot and  Cairne Bloodhoof.
  • Dollmaster Dorian: The focal point of this deck, when paired with cards such as Roll the BonesCairne Bloodhoof, or Splitting Festeroot he can generate a lot of value. Since he is your main combo enabler try to only play him if you know he will survive to the next turn or if you can combo with him the same turn. 
  • Lesser Onyx Spellstone: Really nice removal against late-game threats. I partially like this card because at tier 2 it can kill a lone Spiteful Summoner on turn 6. However, unlike a lot of Spellstones, I would not recommend keeping this in your opening hand as it is really slow and you don’t have a lot of early game death rattle minions to beef it up.     
  • Cursed Castaway: A solid death rattle card that can remove bigger targets and draw you a win condition like Vilespine Slayer or Edwin VanCleef
  • Splitting Festeroot: One of the worst cards to come out of the Witchwood can still find a place in this deck. When paired with Dollmaster Dorian and/orSpiritsinger Umbra this card can generate you a lot of tempo. If you do not like/have this card you can replace it with Deranged Doctor for more healing.

Final Thoughts:

While not the best deck in the game with some obvious flaws, this deck is pretty fun. It can cause some pretty crazy combos and some really fun games. It’s really fun to try out new deck archetypes and I hope that someone can find a better version of this deck that does better against aggro matchups. Enjoy!

 -This one turned out nicely!

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  1. Koop - Author
    May 8, 2018 at 4:26 pm

    I would add another vilespine slayer or deranged doctor. However Cairne is really good in this deck.

    • Koop - Author
      May 8, 2018 at 4:27 pm

      I’m an idiot…
      This is the reply to sourcerorman

  2. GlosuuLang
    May 8, 2018 at 8:11 am

    Hey, thanks for sharing this deck! I was short on several cards, but I had opened Dollmaster and Umbra in packs and I’ve had a blast with the deck playing them! What I did was to substitute Thalnos, Cairne, Cursed Castaway, Vilespine, Edwin & Sonja (because I don’t have them) and instead add more Deathrattles. I introduced Kobold Illusionist (love that card), substituted the Festeroot for Violet Wurm (similar effect and it’s not unplayable from hand). I also added The Lich King and Deranged Doctor, and one copy of Silver Vanguard. Many times I’ve been able to recruit those beefy 8 drops, and it always felt great. I also added Plated Beetles for extra early game and defense, and 2x Sap (the card is really good in this meta). I’ve had a blast and it’s so satisfying when Roll the Bones draws you 4 cards, or when you can upgrade the Onyx Spellstone. Sure, I must have had around 30% WR, but I had a lot of fun. Once I played Umbra into Illusionist, which put a 1/1 Silver Vanguard, which recruited the Violet Wurm and filled the rest of the board with 1/1s. My opponent emoted for several seconds. =)

    • Koop - Author
      May 8, 2018 at 4:23 pm

      Glad you’re having just as much fun with this deck as I am! Your replacements got me thinking and I might try to change this deck a little bit. Thanks for your feedback!

  3. Sourcerorman
    May 8, 2018 at 6:15 am

    Any replacement for Cairne?