Reno XL Druid

Class: Druid - Format: hydra - Type: ramp - Season: season-101 - Style: ladder

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I’m not going to claim to be super-innovative for this. But I am surprised I haven’t seen anyone else leaning into how stupid powerful Druid is by using Renathal and Reno. Basically you can run the best 40 cards you have access to and win any way you want. Topior wins the game, Denathrius wins the game, pretty much any deck with Guff wins the game. Reno healing for 30+ damage is so demoralizing for the opponent ????

I mull for Reno, Denathrius, and early removal but you can do whatever you want and still win. And if Reno is a choice from Moonlit Guidance, I always pick to have a 2nd Reno even if there’s a better choice for the situation because it’s tough for a deck to deal over 100 damage lol

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