Red Herring

Red Herring Card

Red Herring is a 7 Mana Cost Common Neutral Minion Beast card from the Murder at Castle Nathria set!

Card Text

Taunt Your non-Red Herring minions haveĀ Stealth.

Flavor Text

He's got gill-ty written all over him!

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  1. Cursore1610
    July 22, 2022 at 3:41 am

    The flavour is nothing short of genius. It’s literally a Red Herring in the sense that it redirects the attention of the enemy from the actual threats (your minion) to itself.
    The card itself is garbage though. A good minion to evolve a 5 o 6 drop into though.

  2. CASA
    July 11, 2022 at 12:49 pm

    The good thing about this card. It has a pretty cool effect, a big taunt that give other minions stealth is flavourful.

    The bad thing about this card, nobody wants this effect. Why? too slow for this effect even with taunt

    with a 7 mana minion, you just do want more. aggressive things, control things, mutanus things, but no stealth things.

    Just a meme card, maybe a good “evolve into” in shaman, the only situation this card is pretty strong.


  3. Cut2theKwik
    July 11, 2022 at 12:36 pm

    Best 7 mana neutral common since Bonemare?

    I honestly hope this gets nerfed because 12 health on a taunt seems oppressive