Best in Shell

Best in Shell Card

Best in Shell is a 6 Mana Cost Common Druid Spell card from the United in Stormwind set!

Card Text

Tradeable Summon two 2/7 Turtles with Taunt.

Flavor Text

The agility course takes a while.

Best in Shell Additional Information

Turtle Token:

Cards Relating to Best in Shell

Goldshell Turtle
Type: Minion - Cost: 44 - Attack: 2 - Health: 2

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  1. Irishkid200
    July 21, 2021 at 4:59 pm

    A front-heavy Spikeridged Steed you can cycle in control matchups? This is everything Druid could ask for. Slower decks will love this; Clown Druid thrives versus control decks but suffers against aggro, and this is a great fix for that. And I don’t think this should go into a token Druid deck, I can’t think of a single card that I’d run this over. Easy 4.5/5 for slower Druid decks.

  2. Sidus
    July 21, 2021 at 2:18 pm

    Spikeridge steed with no minion requirement and tradeable is always pure upside. I think the card is definitely playable.

  3. EksSkellybur
    July 21, 2021 at 5:49 am

    Eeh. It’s okay. I think this is meant for generating a specific defensive card, but other then that, the card itself is just… way too slow? 1 star.

  4. Jourreson
    July 21, 2021 at 5:42 am

    Better than i thought first, gonna see some playin i think, 3.5 ????

  5. Thraben
    July 21, 2021 at 4:18 am

    Ah so that’s why the Druid legendary is named Sheldras

    But eh, not that great unless there’s some kind of midrange token druid, it’s just ok.

  6. TallJake26
    July 21, 2021 at 3:55 am

    Ughhh… really? Blizzard really had to print another clunky ass card?

    This reminds me of Kresh. Sure, Kresh turned out to be a decent card, but the 3/9 statline was just so awkward and not fun to play with – you can’t trade into anything well, and you’re just bumping your clunky high-health minion into stuff until it dies.

    Putting down 2 2/7 taunts is fine, I guess… but not fun at all.

    About the viability of this card though, I dont know. A 2/7 isn’t really gonna trade well into anything by turn 6, and 2 2/7 taunts might as well be “gain 14 armor”.

  7. Irish Seadog
    July 21, 2021 at 3:14 am

    Looks solid for anything hoping to stall into the late game. The tradeable effect should improve the consistency of finding tools to close the game once this card is no longer necessary, so 4/5. Nothing special, but pretty solid.