
Class: Warrior - Format: raven - Type: combo - Season: season-53 - Style: theorycraft

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    I tried to make Mecha’Thun work in different decks and class but this is the easiest and more consistent combo I came up with. Use the legendary spell and the rush mechanic to weaken Mecha’Thun and finish him with shield slam.

– The pros :

Many draw and Hemet make it easy to fill the first requirement to empty your deck.

Cheap mana curve to empty your hand fast when you need it.

Few minions that you can kill by yourself to empty the board if the opponent try to trick you by leaving one minion alive.

Every anti-agro tools needed and the combo against control deck.

The legendary spell can help you empty your hand if you still have a minion or two that you can suicide with rush.

3 cards combo only

– The cons :

You need some armor unless your opponent has a 10 attack minion on the board (that’s very unlikely). At least try to keep as much as possible “Bring it on!” or other armor cards for the turn just before the combo.

It’s bad against midrange deck that can break your armor every turn and a resilient board with deathrattle

    I know the deck is not perfect and the armor is a very big cons for the deck to work but still better than anything else. The Drood version don’t play Hemet because there is too many 3+ mana cards and you need to replace it by even more card draw and when it comes to empty your hand but you’re already in fatigue and need to play UI or infested plague nourish and every card draw it’s really hard. Rogue and warlock can also OTK with Mecha’Thun but they need 6-7 cards to combo and prepare it during 2-3 turns with no survivability.

    I don’t think the card will be playable  right now (outside meme decks) but at least you can have some fun with this list, it may work some times 😉

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