Mech Paladin – Endless Eggs

Class: Paladin - Format: dragon - Type: ramp - Season: season-64 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

You want the low costs for early board control.  Muligan the rest (even glowstone technician IMO).

Endless Eggs, disclaimer: They are not actually endless, but with the potential to get two Kangor’s Endless Army (via dynamo), and to return an egg to life when it dies (redemption), and copy them with Faceless manipulator this deck is great fun, and a pain to face with even the usual counter decks.

This deck is all about synergy and play style. The aim is to actually play a little different. we use magnetic and mech to control the board early game, as with crystology and the low cost magnetic mechs we can get quite strong early units with high health. ideal for board control. I’m looking to seize and keep board control and then either go big into a faceless manipulator to double the big threat, or put a mechano egg, / whelp on the board with redemption if possible, and follow up with magnetised bronze gate keeper or annoy-o-module following turns. Making use of redemption for re-summoning our eggs and whelps but also for an extra 1 cost spell for prismatic lens. Remember we require the enemy to attack the eggs or whelps, not us to suicide them to proc redemption, and bingo a potential Robosaur or mech dragon for 1 cost. Also works well when we kangors and the pool is favourable to the eggs or big threats depending how the game plays out. 

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