Fun Deathrattle Rogue (Rise of Shadows)

Class: Rogue - Format: dragon - Type: tempo - Season: season-61 - Style: fun

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I think this deck I crafted is really fun and might even be viable, I did really well with it especially in control match-ups. it can even beat aggro or tempo if given a good draw. 

The main objective of the deck is obviously to try to trigger powerful deathrattle minions by Necrium Vial or Necrium Blade.

Notable deathrattle minions are Blightnozzle CrawlerRotten Applebaum and Safeguard as defensive tools, and Mechanical Whelp and Cairne Bloodhoof for the offensive. 

The deck also features some survival tools such as BackstabSapWalk the Plank and Vanish which are essential against aggro and tempo decks.

The deck also has a fair amount of draw tools such as Bloodmage ThalnosSprint, and Countess Ashmore which can pull 3 cards in most cases including Zilliax.

Finally, I found that adding the EVIL Miscreant and Heistbaron Togwaggle combo generates a lot of value in this deck. I mostly choose Wondrous Wand which can draw 3 zero mana deathrattle minions (or Necrium Vial) , making it much easier to trigger their effects.

I have been experimenting a lot with this deck type and I think this is the version I like the most. I thought about including Jepetto Joybuzz which also works well with deathrattle cards but I think it’s too slow and an overkill. 

Enjoy the deck and let me know if I should consider some changes. 

Thank you all.

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  1. OldManSanns
    May 2, 2019 at 12:08 pm

    As long as you’re going all-in for meme-y deathrattles, might as well add Undatakah. 🙂