Dragon Defense Combo

Class: Druid - Format: dragon - Type: combo - Season: season-70 - Style: fun

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So this deck is based on great defense against aggro decks, great value from the new Ysera and combos with crazed alchemist which can be used defensively aswell as offensively.

The main gif of the deck is firstly, if ur playing against aggro build huge bears with the help of predatory instincts, bring them back with witching hour and heal with ferocious howl and ziliax. Archmage vargoth is apsolutely insane here bringing back 2 bears on 1 turn or gaining 15+ armor. Also to help out there are MC techs but 1 can be replaced with BIG GAME HUNTER if you feel ur facing big minions. 

Secondly, facing other decks the win condition is primarily in creating high defense minions and using crazed alchemist to blast them for huge amounts of dmg. Use Alexstrazsa to bring them down to 15 health and boom boom. The main reason im playing Frizz Kindleroost is to lower the price of alex so you can combo it with crazed alchemist on the same turn. If u dont have the card it can be replaced with before mentioned big game hunter, or you can put in another faceless. 

I am missing alot of cards from uldum so surely this deck can be improved but this is the version im running atm.

Really lots of fun, something completely off-meta, I havent seen anyone playing this deck. 

The key cards are probably Ysera, Floop and Vargoth. They are the powerhouse of the deck and without them the deck is significantly weaker. 

The only deck im still struggling with is the ressurect quest priest (hence the spellbreaker and MC tech) because of the 9 mana removal and a fuckload of reborns and deathrattles.


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