The Ultimate Meta

Class: Warrior - Format: wild - Type: control - Season: season-53 - Style: fun

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General Mulligans

Most of your early game cards are ones that buff your C'thun, so having them in your opening hand will ensure a stronger late game. If you know what deck you're playing against, you might want to mulligan harder for tools against them, such as weapons project and an armor damage card.

This deck utilizes Dr. Boom, Dr. Boom Mad Genius, C’thun, and Mecha’thun in one powerful deck. This isn’t necessarily a good deck, but it plays on the strengths of both Booms and uses both C’thuns. It has a mech package to utilize the rush given by Mad Genius including Omega Assembly, Piloted Shredder, Giggling Inventor, and of course, Dr. Boom. Dr. Boom fits into the deck well due to the decks’ strong curve, so often you will be able to drop him or his counterpart on turn seven without being too far behind. The C’thun package includes some strong early game like Beckoner of Evil, Disciple of C’thun, and C’thun’s Chosen. It also includes some mid-game cards to both get that last bit of buffs in and gain loads of armor. Mecha’thun is your last resort, if you’ve run out of cards and are no longer able to outvalue your opponent, you play a 10,10 rush, death-rattle win the game. If your opponent has anything with 10 or more attack or has a poisonous minion, you win the game. Mecha’thun strongly synergizes with Mad Genius, making him not only a fun but a worthy inclusion in this deck.

Why include Sylvanas and Lich King? Because they are strong cards and help the curve of the deck.

Why include supercollider? Because despite its low ratings, the card does fairly well at clearing multiple large minions and can use your opponents’ poisonous minions against them.

Why run Brawl? … It’s like a 5 mana twisting nether that leaves one minion alive… it’s a staple warrior card.

Why run Weapons project? 2 reasons. 1) it can destroy your opponents’ weapon, buying you another turn against King’sbane, and shutting down Twig combos. 2) armor gain for your shield slams and reckless flurry.

Why run Dead Man’s Hand??? it can allow you to survive and strive in the late game, both delaying fatigue by up to 10 turns, and allowing you to play power cards like C’thun, Dr. Boom, Lich King, and Sylvanas twice in one game!

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