S-up Spiteful Warrior

Class: Warrior - Format: mammoth - Type: midrange - Season: season-48 - Style: ladder

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We all know how essential it is to open up with N'zoth's first mate. Even without a charge patches, two bodies on the board and a weapon turn 1 can turn the odds in your favor.

Firefly turn 1 and cruel taskmaster turn two helps with 3 health minions from priest and mage. 

But first mate coin firefly is a dream opener. 

Berserker I kept only when fighting priests and played it on turn 3.

I made this deck to get 500 wins on warrior quickly. I didn’t want to play pirates because I don’t find it fun and I didn’t go fatigue/recruit because I didn’t want to play 30 minute games. 

This deck went through at least 10 changes and likely can be improved. Lorewalker Cho used to be a spell to help spiteful. Sometimes I ended having both spellstones in hand and summoner ended up being useless, so the extra spell helped with that. 4 silences? Overkill? perhaps but some games I won due to having 3 silences. 

 Warlock – if against control, silence on taunts is essential. Nothing feels better than silencing a cube or the deathrattle summon a minion card. Just remember to kill it afterwards or else you’ll cry when it gets cubed and popped on the next turn. 

Priest – at first this matchup made me mad but at the end I was able to beat them down if I had frothing berserker at turn 3. They think twice before playing 3dmg to board dragon on turn 4. Which slows them down for a turn and hopefully gives you the edge on getting some damage to their face. You’re not killing a big priest. Unless you have silences on hand and play them well. At one point Cho was a dirty rat that tried to rat out Barnes from big priests and hunters. 

Mages…. you’re going to hate them. Hopefully you can pound their face in faster than them. 

Hunter I don’t remember really having a hard time, unless it was Barnes version. Pretty even match. 

Hopefully those 3 links give you an idea on how I played the deck. I did win against paladin, except murloc. Guy pally was not too bad to play against. Rogues – just go face, kill the weapon summoner and silence the pirate deathrattle that gives weapon buff. Didn’t see much druid or shaman. 

I got to 13, but I’m a casual player. I think in the hands of more skilled players perhaps it can be tweaked to be better. I had fun with it and for warrior deck during this meta, that says a lot. The hardest part was deciding when to go face and when to kill minions.

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  1. Crapcrack
    March 8, 2018 at 2:25 am

    This is one weird deck, u should run another spell to prevent Spiteful to become useless if u draw Spellstones first (Unidentified shield is pretty good).

    Lorewalker cho ???

    • Jron - Author
      March 8, 2018 at 3:21 pm

      I ran another spell instead of Cho. Cho was there when I kept running into spell heavy decks. It was useful against priests since they always ended up giving me a removal card.