Reno Quest Priest – #990 Legend (Milky) + GUIDE

Class: Priest - Format: hydra - Type: combo - Season: season-104 - Style: ladder

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Hello everyone, Milky here with a new version of Reno Quest Priest. 
I am a dedicated Priest player who loves highlander decks and especially Reno, as well as the questline. Since the release, I try to hit legend with a different version of this deck anytime new cards are getting released.

While it currently isn’t the strongest deck and climbing is rather slow compared to other flavor of the month decks like implock or aggro druid. It’s also hard to pilot and 40 cards means that you sometimes don’t draw your needed answer. Besides that, I love that every game is different and winnable!


In order to pilot this deck, you need to make sure you can complete the first part of Seek Guidance as fast as possible. Ideally, you have them in your starting hand, if not, try to mulligan for “discover” and “dredge” and “draw”, so you can shuffle through your deck as fast as possible.

From 4-6 Mana, you almost only have defensive cards so you can and will find an answer to aggro decks, you just have to reach them. I am not 100% sold on Corpsetaker, but it’s a decent defensive tool and you will almost always hit lifesteal and divine shield, so it’s really annoying to clear. In non-aggro matches the card is absolute deadweight though. 

You don’t win by quest nearly every game – in fact, there are very few decks that can compete after you survive the early levels. 

I excluded Brann Bronzebeard, because I found myself wasting him on level 3 and he is pretty much a dead card until you can combo it. Obviously it’s amazing to double Xyrella, the Sanctified or Mutanus the Devourer, that’s why I substituted Zola the Gorgon which does the job too and is a little bit more versatile. 

Sir Finley, Sea Guide is a wonderful addition to the deck, since you can shuffle  Xyrella, the Sanctified in your deck and save it from disruption, or you can play it right after and hopefully get your quest reward in your hand.

Special Cards:

Shadowreaper Anduin and Abominable Lieutenant as big drops are not only super-fun, but also really strong. Abominable Lieutenant is an auto-win vs miracle rogue, naga priest or beast hunter. Mi'da, Pure Light can win you games if you lost your quest-reward, Shadow Hunter Vol'jin is really fun and works as a disrupt, but also works for selfish purposes!

I wish everyone of you who tries the deck a lot of fun, and of course you can substitute any cards you don’t feel or have! 

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  1. PuWka
    November 4, 2022 at 5:23 pm

    mad duke??)))

    • MIIIIILKY - Author
      November 4, 2022 at 6:13 pm

      You can include it, I put it out because I was only facing aggro and because of upcomming nerfs (he will be 6 mana)! If you like it, include it 🙂